[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 23]
[Revised as of July 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR180.108]

[Page 373-374]
                      Subpart C_Specific Tolerances
Sec. 180.108  Acephate; tolerances for residues.

    (a) General. (1) Tolerances are established for combined residues of 
acephate (O,S-dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate) and its 
cholinesterase-inhibiting metabolite O,S-dimethylphosphura-midothioate 
in or on raw agricultural commodities as follows:

                                                               Parts per
                          Commodity                             million
Bean (succulent and dry form, of which no more than 1 ppm is        3
 O,S-dimethyl phosphoramidothioate).........................
Brussels sprouts (of which no more than 0.5 is O, S-dimethyl        3.0
Cattle, fat.................................................        0.1
Cattle, meat byproducts.....................................        0.1
Cattle, meat................................................        0.1
Cauliflower (of which no more than 0.5 is O, S-dimethyl             2.0
Celery (of which no more than 1 ppm is O,S-dimethyl                10
Cotton, undelinted seed.....................................        2
Cotton, hulls...............................................        4
Cotton, meal................................................        8
Cranberry (of which no more than 0.1 ppm is 0,S-dimethyl            0.5
Egg.........................................................        0.1
Goat, fat...................................................        0.1
Goat, meat byproducts.......................................        0.1
Goat, meat..................................................        0.1
Hog, fat....................................................        0.1
Hog, meat byproducts........................................        0.1
Hog, meat...................................................        0.1
Horse, fat..................................................        0.1
Horse, meat byproducts......................................        0.1
Horse, meat.................................................        0.1
Lettuce, head (of which no more than 1 ppm is O,S-dimethyl         10
Milk........................................................        0.1
Mint hay (of which no more than 1 ppm is O,S-dimethyl              15.0

[[Page 374]]

Peanut......................................................        0.2

Pepper (of which no more than 1 ppm is O, S-dimethyl                4.0
Poultry, fat................................................        0.1
Poultry, meat byproducts....................................        0.1
Poultry, meat...............................................        0.1
Sheep, fat..................................................        0.1
Sheep, meat byproducts......................................        0.1
Sheep, meat.................................................        0.1
Soybean, meal...............................................        4
Soybean.....................................................        1

    (2) A food additive tolerance of 0.02 ppm is established for the 
combined residues of acephate (O,S-dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate) 
and its cholinesterase-inhibiting metabolite, methamidophos as follows:
    (i) In or on all food items (other than those already covered by a 
higher tolerance as a result of use on growing crops) in food handling 
    (ii) The acephate may be present as a residue from applications of 
acephate in food handling establishments, including food service, 
manufacturing and processing establishments, such as restaurants, 
cafeterias, supermarkets, bakeries, breweries, dairies, meat 
slaughtering and packing plants, and canneries in accordance with the 
following prescribed conditions:
    (A) Application shall be limited solely to spot and/or crack and 
crevice treatment in food handling establishments where food and food 
products are held, processed, prepared and served. Spray concentration 
shall be limited to a maximum of 1.0 percent active ingredient. For 
crack and crevice treatments, equipment capable of delivering a pin-
stream of insecticide shall be used. For spot treatments, a coarse, low-
pressure spray shall be used to avoid atomization or splashing of the 
spray. Contamination of food or food-contact surfaces shall be avoided.
    (B) To assure safe use of the insecticide, its label and labeling 
shall conform to that registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection 
Agency, and it shall be used in accordance with such label and labeling.
    (b) Section 18 emergency exemptions. [Reserved]
    (c) Tolerances with regional registration. Tolerances with regional 
registration, as defined in Sec. 180.1(n), are established for the 
combined residues of acephate and its cholinesterase-inhibiting 
metabolite in or on the following raw agricultural commodities:

                                                               Parts per
                          Commodity                             million
Nut, macadamia..............................................        0.05

    (d) Indirect or inadvertent residues. [Reserved]

[63 FR 13542, Mar. 20, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 49615, July 31, 2002]