"Table 4: Top Five Fare Increases and Decreases, 2003-2004, Top 85 Air Travel Markets",,,, "(Air Travel Price Index Percentage Change, Third Quarter 2003 to Third Quarter 2004, First Quarter 1995 = 100)",,,, Rank,Origin,Third Quarter 2003 ,Third Quarter 2004,Percentage Change from 2003 ,Largest Increases,,, 1,"Honolulu, HI",141.3,161.9,14.6 2,"Kona, HI",168.2,192.5,14.5 3,"Lihue (Kauai), HI",203.0,231.6,14.1 4,"Kahului (Maui), HI",126.8,142.9,12.7 5,"Milwaukee, WI",96.7,101.5,4.9 ,,,, ,ATPI for All U.S. Origins,105.5,102.5,-2.9 ,,,, ,Largest Decreases,,, 1,"Philadelphia, PA",109.6,92.2,-15.8 2,"Boston, MA",102.3,90.5,-11.6 3,"Charlotte, NC",132.6,118.0,-11.1 5,"Chicago, IL",108.0,99.2,-8.2 5,"Cincinnati, OH",117.2,107.6,-8.2 "Note: The 3rd Quarter 2004 data for Chicago are being reviewed for accuracy, and users should interpret the numbers with caution. All estimates will be revised in April, 2005.",,,, Source: BTS - Based on calculations using data from the BTS Passenger Origin and Destination (O&D) Survey,,,, ,,,,