Northwest/Arctic (10) -->

Acting Regional Administrator - Northwest/Arctic Region

Rob Graf Acting Regional Administrator NW Arctic Region 10

Robin G. Graf was designated Acting Regional Administrator for the GSA’s Northwest/Arctic Region on January 20, 2009.  He has served as the PBS Regional Commissioner since 1997.

Since the beginning of his GSA career in 1973, Mr. Graf has worked in many exciting and challenging areas. From his start - as an architectural technician, through positions in systems, budget and program analysis, and into senior PBS leadership positions as Deputy Associate Administrator for Congressional and Inter-governmental Affairs, Assistant Commissioner for Planning (Portfolio Management), PBS Chief Financial Officer, and Assistant Regional Administrator - his career has been one of tremendous opportunity and sustained personal growth.

Some career highlights include:

As PBS Deputy Associate Administrator, he designed and executed the strategy that resulted in the enactment of the Public Buildings Act amendments of 1988, the most significant public buildings reform enacted since the establishment of the Federal Building Fund in 1972.
As PBS Chief Financial Officer, he chartered and advised the “Go Team” that developed the initial Linking Budget to Performance (LB2P) methodology. This initiative, which for the first time linked actual performance at all program levels to the PBS strategic goals and program objectives through financial drivers and monetary awards, has been widely praised and recognized as cutting edge, even by private sector standards. That effort won the Office of Government-wide Policy’s “Innovation in Government Award” and a National Performance Review "Hammer Award."

As PBS Assistant Regional Administrator for the Northwest/Arctic Region Mr. Graf led his region to be consistently recognized as a leader in innovation, contribution to national initiatives, and most importantly, the highest levels of program performance.

Mr. Graf has twice served as the on-site leader for GSA's support of the Office of the President-elect.  He was recognized for his outstanding contribution by senior leaders of both the Clinton-Gore and Bush-Quayle Presidential Transitions.

Mr. Graf has been the recipient of numerous professional awards, including GSA's highest individual award, the Distinguished Service Award (1995) and the President's SES Meritorious Rank Award (2004).

Last Reviewed 4/28/2009