[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 8]
[Revised as of July 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR61.70]

[Page 65-67]
--Table of Contents
         Subpart F_National Emission Standard for Vinyl Chloride
Sec. 61.70  Reporting.

    (a)(1) The owner or operator of any source to which this subpart 
applies shall submit to the Administrator on March 15, June 15, 
September 15, and December 15 of each year a report in writing 
containing the information required by this section. The first report is 
to be submitted following the first full 3-month reporting period after 
the initial report is submitted.
    (2) In the case of an existing source, the approved reporting 
schedule shall be used. In addition, quarterly reports shall be 
submitted exactly 3 months following the current reporting dates.
    (b)(1) In the case of an existing source or a new source which has 
an initial startup date preceding the effective date, the first report 
is to be submitted within 180 days of the effective date, unless a 
waiver of compliance is granted under Sec. 61.11. If a waiver of 
compliance is granted, the first report is to be submitted on a date 
scheduled by the Administrator.
    (2) In the case of a new source which did not have an initial 
startup date preceding the effective date, the first report is to be 
submitted within 180 days of the initial startup date.
    (c) Unless otherwise specified, the owner or operator shall use the 
test methods in appendix B to this part to conduct emission tests as 
required by paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this section, unless an 
alternative method has been approved by the Administrator. If the 
Administrator finds reasonable grounds to dispute the results obtained 
by an alternative method, he may require the use of a reference method. 
If the results of the reference and alternative methods do not agree, 
the results obtained by the reference method prevail, and the 
Administrator may notify the owner or operator that approval of the 
method previously considered to be alternative is withdrawn.
    (1) The owner or operator shall include in the report a record of 
the vinyl chloride content of emissions for each 3-hour period during 
which average emissions are in excess of the emission limits in Sec. 
61.62(a) or (b), Sec. 61.63(a), or Sec. 61.64(a)(1), (b), (c), or (d), 
or during which average emissions are in excess of the emission limits 
specified for any control system to which reactor emissions are required 
to be ducted in Sec. 61.64(a)(2) or to which fugitive emissions are 
required to be ducted in Sec. 61.65(b)(I)(ii), (b)(2), (b)(5), 
(b)(6)(ii), or (b)(9)(ii). The number of 3-hour periods for which 
average emissions were determined during the reporting period shall be 
reported. If emissions in excess of the emission limits are not 
detected, the report shall contain a statement that no excess emissions 
have been detected. The emissions are to be determined in accordance 
with Sec. 61.68(e).
    (2) In polyvinyl chloride plants for which a stripping operation is 
used to attain the emission level prescribed in Sec. 61.64(e), the 
owner or operator shall include in the report a record of the vinyl 
chloride content in the polyvinyl chloride resin.
    (i) If batch stripping is used, one representative sample of 
polyvinyl chloride resin is to be taken from each batch of each grade of 
resin immediately following the completion of the stripping operation, 
and identified by resin type and grade and the date and time the batch 
is completed. The corresponding quantity of material processed in each 
stripper batch is to be recorded and identified by resin type and grade 
and the date and time the batch is completed.
    (ii) If continuous stripping is used, one representative sample of 
polyvinyl chloride resin is to be taken for each grade of resin 
processed or at intervals of 8 hours for each grade of resin which is 
being processed, whichever is more frequent. The sample is to be taken 
as the resin flows out of the stripper and identified by resin type and 
grade and the date and time the sample was taken. The corresponding 
quantity of material processed by each stripper over the time period 
represented by the sample during the 8-hour period, is to be recorded 
and identified by resin type

[[Page 66]]

and grade and the date and time it represents.
    (iii) The vinyl chloride content in each sample is to be determined 
by Method 107 as prescribed in Sec. 61.67(g)(3).
    (iv) [Reserved]
    (v) The report to the Administrator by the owner or operator is to 
include a record of any 24-hour average resin vinyl chloride 
concentration, as determined in this paragraph, in excess of the limits 
prescribed in Sec. 61.64(e). The vinyl chloride content found in each 
sample required by paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (c)(2)(ii) of this section 
shall be averaged separately for each type of resin, over each calendar 
day and weighted according to the quantity of each grade of resin 
processed by the stripper(s) that calendar day, according to the 
following equation:


AT = 24-hour average concentration of type T resin in ppm 
(dry weight basis).
QT = Total production of type T resin over the 24-hour 
period, in kg (ton).
T = Type of resin.
MGi = Concentration of vinyl chloride in one sample of grade 
Gi resin in ppm.
PGi = Production of grade Gi resin represented by 
the sample, in kg (ton).
Gi = Grade of resin: e.g., G1, G2, 
n = Total number of grades of resin produced during the 24-hour period.

    The number of 24-hour average concentrations for each resin type 
determined during the reporting period shall be reported. If no 24-hour 
average resin vinyl chloride concentrations in excess of the limits 
prescribed in Sec. 61.64(e) are measured, the report shall state that 
no excess resin vinyl chloride concentrations were measured.
    (vi) The owner or operator shall retain at the source and make 
available for inspection by the Administrator for a minimum of 3 years 
records of all data needed to furnish the information required by 
paragraph (c)(2)(v) of this section. The records are to contain the 
following information:
    (A) The vinyl chloride content found in all the samples required in 
paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (c)(2)(ii) of this section, identified by the 
resin type and grade and the time and date of the sample, and
    (B) The corresponding quantity of polyvinyl chloride resin processed 
by the stripper(s), identified by the resin type and grade and the time 
and date it represents.
    (3) The owner or operator shall include in the report a record of 
any emissions from each reactor opening in excess of the emission limits 
prescribed in Sec. 61.64(a)(2). Emissions are to be determined in 
accordance with Sec. 61.67(g)(5), except that emissions for each 
reactor are to be determined. The number of reactor openings during the 
reporting period shall be reported. If emissions in excess of the 
emission limits are not detected, the report shall include a statement 
that excess emissions have not been detected.
    (4) In polyvinyl chloride plants for which stripping in the reactor 
is used to attain the emission level prescribed in Sec. 61.64(f), the 
owner or operator shall include in the report a record of the vinyl 
chloride emissions from reactor opening loss and all sources following 
the reactor used as a stripper.
    (i) One representative sample of polyvinyl chloride resin is to be 
taken from each batch of each grade of resin immediately following the 
completion of the stripping operation, and identified by resin type and 
grade and the date and time the batch is completed. The corresponding 
quantity of material processed in each stripper batch is to be recorded 
and identified by resin type and grade and the date and time the batch 
is completed.
    (ii) The vinyl chloride content in each sample is to be determined 
by Method 107 as prescribed in Sec. 61.67(g)(3).

[[Page 67]]

    (iii) The combined emissions from reactor opening loss and all 
sources following the reactor used as a stripper are to be determined 
for each batch stripped in a reactor according to the procedure 
prescribed in Sec. 61.67(g)(6).
    (iv) The report to the Administrator by the owner or operator is to 
include a record of any 24-hour average combined reactor opening loss 
and emissions from all sources following the reactor used as a stripper 
as determined in this paragraph, in excess of the limits prescribed in 
Sec. 61.64(f). The combined reactor opening loss and emissions from all 
sources following the reactor used as a stripper associated with each 
batch are to be averaged separately for each type of resin, over each 
calendar day and weighted according to the quantity of each grade of 
resin stripped in reactors that calendar day as follows:
    For each type of resin (suspension, dispersion, latex, bulk, other), 
the following calculation is to be performed:


AT = 24-hour average combined reactor opening loss and 
emissions from all sources following the reactor used as a stripper, in 
g vinyl chloride/kg (lb/ton) product (dry weight basis).
QT = Total production of resin in batches for which stripping 
is completed during the 24-hour period, in kg (ton).
T = Type of resin.
CGi = Average combined reactor opening loss and emissions 
from all sources following the reactor used as a stripper of all batches 
of grade Gi resin for which stripping is completed during the 
24-hour period, in g vinyl chloride/kg (lb/ton) product (dry weight 
basis) (determined according to procedure prescribed in Sec. 
PGi = Production of grade Gi resin in the batches 
for which C is determined, in kg (ton).
Gi = Grade of resin: e.g., G1, G2, 
n = Total number of grades of resin in batches for which stripping is 
completed during the 24-hour period.

    The number of 24-hour average emissions determined during the 
reporting period shall be reported. If no 24-hour average combined 
reactor opening loss and emissions from all sources following the 
reactor used as a stripper in excess of the limits prescribed in Sec. 
61.64(f) are determined, the report shall state that no excess vinyl 
chloride emissions were determined.

[41 FR 46564, Oct. 21, 1976, as amended at 42 FR 29007, June 7, 1977; 50 
FR 46295, Nov. 7, 1985; 51 FR 34914, Sept. 30, 1986; 53 FR 36972, Sept. 
23, 1988; 53 FR 46976, Nov. 21, 1988; 65 FR 62155, Oct. 17, 2000]