[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 8]
[Revised as of July 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR61.164]

[Page 130-132]
--Table of Contents
  Subpart N_National Emission Standard for Inorganic Arsenic Emissions 
                     From Glass Manufacturing Plants
Sec. 61.164  Test methods and procedures.

    (a) To demonstrate compliance with Sec. 61.162, the owner or 
operator shall conduct emission tests, reduce test data, and follow the 
procedures specified in this section unless the Administrator:
    (1) Specifies or approves, in specific cases, the use of a reference 
method with minor changes in methodology;
    (2) Approves the use of an equivalent method;
    (3) Approves the use of an alternative method the results of which 
he has determined to be adequate for indicating whether a specific 
source is in compliance; or
    (4) Waives the requirement for emission tests as provided under 
Sec. 61.13.
    (b) Unless a waiver of emission testing is obtained, the owner or 
operator shall conduct emission tests required by this section:
    (1) No later than 90 days after the effective date of this subpart 
for a source that has an initial startup date preceding the effective 
date; or
    (2) No later than 90 days after startup for a source that has an 
initial startup date after the effective date.
    (3) At such other times as may be required by the Administrator 
under section 114 of the Act.
    (4) While the source is operating under such conditions as the 
Administrator may specify, based on representative performance of the 
    (c) To demonstrate compliance with Sec. 61.162(a)(1) when less than 
8.0 Mg (8.8 ton) per year of elemental arsenic is added to any existing 
glass melting furnace, or to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 
61.162(b)(1) when less than 1.0 Mg (1.1 ton) per year of elemental 
arsenic is added to any new or modified glass melting furnace, an owner 
or operator shall:
    (1) Derive a theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emission factor (T), 
based on material balance calculations for each arsenic-containing glass 
type (i) produced during the 12-month period, as follows:


Ti = The theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emission factor for 
each glass type (i), g/kg (lb/ton).
Abi = Fraction by weight of elemental arsenic in the fresh 
batch for each glass type (I).
Wbi = Weight of fresh batch melted per unit weight of glass 
produced for each glass type (i), g/kg (lb/ton).
Aci = Fraction by weight of elemental arsenic in cullet for 
each glass type (i).
Wci = Weight of cullet melted per unit weight of glass 
produced for each glass type (i), g/kg (lb/ton).
Bgi = Weight of elemental arsenic per unit weight of glass 
produced for each glass type (i), g/kg (lb/ton).

    (2) Estimate theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emissions for the 12-
month period for each arsenic-containing glass type as follows:


Yi = Theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emission estimate for 
the 12-month period for each glass type, Mg/year (ton/year).

[[Page 131]]

Ti = Theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emission factor for 
each type of glass (i) produced during the 12-month period as calculated 
in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, g/kg (lb/ton).
Gi = Quantity of each arsenic-containing glass type (i) 
produced during the 12-month period, kg/yr (ton/yr).
K = conversion factor for unit consistency, 10\6\ g/Mg (2,000 lb/ton).

    (3) Estimate the total theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emissions 
for the 12-month period by finding the sum of the values calculated for 
Yi in paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
    (4) If the value determined in paragraph (c)(3) of this section is 
equal to or greater than the applicable limit in Sec. 61.162(a)(1) or 
(b)(1), conduct the emission testing and calculations described in 
paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(5) of this section. If the value is less 
than the applicable limit, the source is in compliance and no emission 
testing or additional calculations are required.
    (d) To demonstrate compliance with Sec. 61.162(a)(1) when 8.0 Mg 
(8.8 ton) per year or more of elemental arsenic are added to any 
existing glass melting furnace, or to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 
61.162(b)(1) when 1.0 Mg (1.1 ton) per year or more of elemental arsenic 
is added to any new or modified glass melting furnace, an owner or 
operator shall:
    (1) Estimate the theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emissions for each 
glass type for the 12-month period by performing the calculations 
described in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section.
    (2) Conduct emission testing to determine the actual uncontrolled 
arsenic emission rate during production of the arsenic-containing glass 
type with the highest theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emissions as 
calculated under paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The owner or operator 
shall use the following test methods and procedures:
    (i) Use Method 108 in appendix B to this part for determinig the 
arsenic emission rate, g/hr (lb/hr). The emission rate shall equal the 
arithmetic mean of the results of three 60-minute test runs.
    (ii) Use the following methods in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60:
    (A) Method 1 for sample and velocity traverse.
    (B) Method 2 for velocity and volumetric flowrate.
    (C) Method 3 for gas analysis.
    (D) For sources equipped with positive pressure fabric filters, use 
Section 8.0 of Method 5D to determine a suitable sampling location and 
    (3) Determine the actual uncontrolled arsenic emission factor 
(Ra) as follows:


Ra = Actual uncontrolled arsenic emission factor, g/kg (lb/
Ea = Actual uncontrolled arsenic emission rate from paragraph 
(d)(2) of this section, g/hr (lb/hr).
P = Rate of glass production, kg/hr (ton/hr), determined by dividing the 
weight of glass pulled from the furnace during the emission test by the 
number of hours taken to perform the test under paragraph (d)(2) of this 

    (4) Calculate a correction factor to relate the theoretical and the 
actual uncontrolled arsenic emission factors as follows:

F = Ra / Ti

F=the correction factor.
Ra = Actual uncontrolled arsenic emission factor, determined 
in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, g/kg (lb/ton).
Ti = Theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emission factor, g/kg 
(lb/ton), determined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section for the same 
glass type for which Ra was determined.

    (5) Determine the uncontrolled arsenic emission rate for the 12-
month period, as follows:


U = Uncontrolled arsenic emission rate for the 12-month period, Mg/yr 
Ti = Theoretical uncontrolled arsenic emission factor for 
each type of glass (i) produced during the 12-month period as calculated 
in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, g/kg (lb/ton).
F = The correction factor calculated in paragraph (d)(4) of this 
Gi = Quantity of each arsenic-containing glass type (i) 
produced during the 12-month period, kg/yr (ton/yr).

[[Page 132]]

n = Number of arsenic-containing glass types produced during the 12-
month period.
K = Conversion factor for unit consistency, 10\6\ g/Mg (2,000 lb/ton).

    (6) If the value determined in paragraph (d)(5) of this section is 
less than the applicable limit in Sec. 61.162(a)(1) or (b)(1), the 
source is in compliance.
    (e) To demonstrate compliance with Sec. 61.162(a)(2) or (b)(2), an 
owner or operator shall:
    (1) Conduct emission testing to determine the percent reduction of 
inorganic arsenic emissions being achieved by the control device, using 
the following test methods and procedures:
    (i) Use Method 108 in appendix B to this part to determine the 
concentration of arsenic in the gas streams entering and exiting the 
control device. Conduct three 60-minute test runs, each consisting of 
simultaneous testing of the inlet and outlet gas streams. The gas 
streams shall contain all the gas exhausted from the glass melting 
    (ii) Use the following methods in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60:
    (A) Method 1 for sample and velocity traverses.
    (B) Method 2 for velocity and volumetric flowrate.
    (C) Method 3 for gas analysis.
    (D) For sources equipped with positive pressure fabric filters, use 
Section 8.0 of Method 5D to determine a suitable sampling location and 
    (2) Calculate the percent emission reduction for each run as 


D= the percent emission reduction.
Cb= the arsenic concentration of the stack gas entering the 
control device, as measured by Method 108.
Ca= the arsenic concentration of the stack gas exiting the 
control device, as measured by Method 108.

    (3) Determine the average percent reduction of arsenic by 
calculating the arithmetic mean of the results for the three runs. If it 
is at least 85 percent, the source is in compliance.

[51 FR 28025, Aug. 4, 1986; 51 FR 35355, Oct. 3, 1986, as amended at 55 
FR 22027, May 31, 1990; 65 FR 62157, Oct. 17, 2000]