[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 8]
[Revised as of July 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR61.14]

[Page 36-37]
--Table of Contents
                      Subpart A_General Provisions
Sec. 61.14  Monitoring requirements.

    (a) Unless otherwise specified, this section applies to each 
monitoring system required under each subpart which requires monitoring.
    (b) Each owner or operator shall maintain and operate each 
monitoring system as specified in the applicable subpart and in a manner 
consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing 
emissions. Any unavoidable breakdown or malfunction of the monitoring 
system should be repaired or adjusted as soon as practicable after its 
occurrence. The Administrator's determination of whether acceptable 
operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on 
information which may include, but not be limited to, review of 
operating and maintenance procedures, manufacturer recommendations and 
specifications, and inspection of the monitoring system.
    (c) When required by the applicable subpart, and at any other time 
the Administrator may require, the owner or operator of a source being 
monitored shall conduct a performance evaluation of the monitoring 
system and furnish the Administrator with a copy of a written report of 
the results within 60 days of the evaluation. Such a performance 
evaluation shall be conducted according to the applicable specifications 
and procedures described in the applicable subpart. The owner or 
operator of the source shall furnish the Administrator with written 
notification of the date of the performance evaluation at least 30 days 
before the evaluation is to begin.
    (d) When the effluents from a single source, or from two or more 
sources subject to the same emission standards, are combined before 
being released to the atmosphere, the owner or operator shall install a 
monitoring system on each effluent or on the combined effluent. If two 
or more sources are not subject to the same emission standards, the 
owner or operator shall install a separate monitoring system on each 
effluent, unless otherwise specified. If the applicable standard is a 
mass emission standard and the effluent from one source is released to 
the atmosphere through more than one point, the owner or operator shall 
install a monitoring system at each emission point unless the 
installation of fewer systems is approved by the Administrator.
    (e) The owner or operator of each monitoring system shall reduce the 
monitoring data as specified in each applicable subpart. Monitoring data 
recorded during periods of unavoidable monitoring system breakdowns, 
repairs, calibration checks, and zero and span adjustments shall not be 
included in any data average.
    (f) The owner or operator shall maintain records of monitoring data, 
monitoring system calibration checks, and the occurrence and duration of 
any period during which the monitoring system is malfunctioning or 
inoperative. These records shall be maintained at the source for a 
minimum of 2 years and made available, upon request, for inspection by 
the Administrator.
    (g)(1) Monitoring shall be conducted as set forth in this section 
and the applicable subpart unless the Administrator--
    (i) Specifies or approves the use of the specified monitoring 
requirements and procedures with minor changes in methodology; or

[[Page 37]]

    (ii) Approves the use of alternatives to any monitoring requirements 
or procedures.
    (2) If the Administrator finds reasonable grounds to dispute the 
results obtained by an alternative monitoring method, the Administrator 
may require the monitoring requirements and procedures specified in this 

[50 FR 46293, Nov. 7, 1985]