[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 27]
[Revised as of July 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR310.24]

[Page 389-395]
                          Subpart B_Provisions
Sec.  310.24  What happens if I provide incorrect or false information?

    (a) You must not knowingly or recklessly make any statement or 
provide any information in your reimbursement application that is false, 
misleading, misrepresented, or misstated. If you do provide incorrect or 
false information, and EPA relies on that information in making a 
reimbursement decision, we may deny your application and withdraw or 
recover the full amount of your award. In such a case, we would give you 
written notice of our intentions.
    (b) If you, as a reimbursement applicant or someone providing 
information to the applicant, knowingly give any false statement or 
claim as part of any application for reimbursement under section 123 of 
CERCLA, you may be subject to criminal, civil, or administrative 
liability under the False Statement Act (Pub. L. 97-398, 18 U.S.C. 1001) 
the False Claims Act (Pub. L. 99-562, 31 U.S.C. 3729), and the Program 
Fraud and Civil Remedies Act (Pub. L. 99-509, 31 U.S.C. 3801).

           Appendix I to Part 310--Frequently Asked Questions

    (1) Can I be reimbursed for hazmat team salaries?
    Generally, no; only unbudgeted overtime and/or extra time can be 
considered for reimbursement. (Sec.  310.11(b)(2))
    (2) Will I be reimbursed for the cost of a destroyed fire truck?
    Up to $25,000 of the cost of a lost fire truck can be considered an 
allowable cost and therefore, reimbursable. However, if the local 
government has insurance covering such losses, then we would not 
reimburse you for a destroyed fire truck. (Sec. Sec.  310.11(b)(4) and 
    (3) If I have a release in an elementary school, can the school 
district apply for reimbursement?
    No, for purposes of the regulation in this part, a school district 
is considered a special purpose district of local government and 
therefore not eligible for reimbursement. The county or city where the 
incident happened may apply for reimbursement on behalf of the school 
district. (Sec. Sec.  310.03(e) and 310.05)

[[Page 390]]

    (4) Why are incidents that involve a release of petroleum not 
    Because this program is authorized under CERCLA, and petroleum is 
excluded under CERCLA, we can't reimburse you for response to releases 
involving only petroleum. If, however, some hazardous substances are 
also involved, your incident may be reimbursed. (Sec.  310.03(f))
    (5) Can I be reimbursed for laying water lines to a community whose 
drinking water is affected by a release?
    No, laying water lines doesn't fall within the definition of 
temporary emergency measures. Providing bottled water on a temporary 
emergency basis is reimbursable. (Sec.  310.10(a))
    (6) What if EPA gets too many applications in one year?
    In the beginning of the program, there was a statutory limitation on 
the amount of the Superfund that could be used for reimbursements. That 
limitation was approximately $1,000,000. The limitation has expired, and 
EPA has only reimbursed slightly over $1,000,000 in ten years. There has 
not been a year where we received too many applications.
    (7) If I incur significant costs trying to recover from the PRP, can 
I be reimbursed by EPA for those costs?
    No, legal expenses are not allowable costs. (Sec.  310.12(b)(7)).
    (8) Can I add attachments to the Application Form?
    Yes, attach any additional information that you feel is necessary. 
EPA will review all the information that you send.
    (9) Do I have to notify EPA before I send an application in, or 
before I take a response action?
    No, you aren't required to notify EPA in either case. We do suggest 
that you call the National Response Center to report the hazardous 
substance release, or if you use other response reporting channels, use 
them. If you need some help before submitting your application, we do 
suggest you call the LGR Help line (800-431-9209).
    (10) If two incidents happen in my town, within hours of each other, 
do I have to submit two separate applications?
    You aren't required to submit separate applications in this case, 
but if your total response costs are more than $25,000, it may be in 
your interest to submit separate applications for each single response. 
(Sec.  310.9)

      Appendix II to Part 310--EPA Regions and NRC Telephone Lines

National Response Center.............................     (800) 424-8802
EPA Regional Phone Numbers:
    Region I (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT)................     (617) 723-8928
    Region II (NJ, NY, PR, VI).......................     (800) 424-8802
    Region III (PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV)..............     (215) 814-3255
    Region IV (NC, SC, TN, MS, AL, GA, FL, KY).......     (404) 562-8700
    Region V (OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, MI)................     (312) 353-2318
    Region VI (AR, LA, TX, OK, NM)...................     (866) 372-7745
    Region VII (IA, MO, KS, NE)......................     (913) 281-0991
    Region VIII (CO, UT, WY, MT, ND, SD).............     (303) 293-1788
    Region IX (AZ, CA, NV, AS, HI, GU, TT)...........     (800) 300-2193
    Region X (ID, OR, WA, AK)........................     (206) 553-1263

[63 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 56577, Sept. 28, 2005]

[[Page 391]]

 Appendix III to Part 310--Form: Application for Reimbursement to Local 
Governments for Emergency Response to Hazardous Substance Release Under 
                             CERCLA Sec. 123

[[Page 392]]


[[Page 393]]

                           Attachment 1 to Form 9310-1 Cost Element Codes and Comments
                                     [Cost Element Codes for use in Table 1]
          Code                      Cost category                   Cost element                Comments
PC.....................  Personnel Compensation.............  PC1: Overtime--for        Compensation of overtime
                                                               services excess of the    costs incurred
                                                               local agency's standard   specifically for a
                                                               work day or work week.    response will be
                                                              PC2: Experts and           considered only if
                                                               consultants--for          overtime is not
                                                               services rendered on a    otherwise provided for
                                                               per diem or fee basis     in the applicant's
                                                               or for services of an     operating budget.
                                                               intermittent, advisory
TR.....................  Transportation.....................  TR1: Passenger vehicle    Passenger and
                                                               rental--for               nonpassenger vehicle
                                                               transportation of         rental costs will be
                                                               persons during            considered for private
                                                               evacuation.               vehicles not owned or
                                                              TR2: Nonpassenger          operated by the
                                                               vehicle rental--for       applicant or other unit
                                                               transportation of         of local government.
                                                               equipment or supplies.
RC.....................  Utilities..........................  RC1: Utilities--for       Utility costs will be
                                                               power, water,             considered for private
                                                               electricity and other     utilities not owned or
                                                               services exclusive of     operated by the
                                                               transportation and        applicant or other unit
                                                               communications.           of local government.
OS.....................  Other Contractual Services.........  OS1: Contracts for        May include such items
                                                               technical or scientific   as specialized
                                                               analysis--for tasks       laboratory analyses and
                                                               requiring specialized     sampling.
                                                               hazardous sustance
                                                               response expertise.
                                                              OS2: Decontamination
                                                               specialized cleaning or
                                                               procedures and supplies
                                                               to restore clothing,
                                                               equipment or other
                                                               serviceable gear to
                                                               normal functioning.
SM.....................  Supplies and Materials.............  SM1: Commodities--for     May include such items
                                                               protective gear and       as chemical foam to
                                                               clothing, cleanup tools   suppress a fire; food
                                                               and supplies and          purchased specifically
                                                               similar materials         for an evacuation; air
                                                               purchased specifically    purifying canisters for
                                                               for, and expended         breathing apparatus;
                                                               during, the response.     disposable, protective
                                                                                         suits and gloves; and
                                                                                         sampling supplies.
EQ.....................  Equipment..........................  EQ1: Replacement--for     Equipment replacement
                                                               durable equipment         costs will be
                                                               declared a total loss     considered if applicant
                                                               as a result of            can demonstrate total
                                                               contamination during      loss and proper
                                                               the response.             disposal of
                                                              EQ2: Rents--for use of     contaminated equipment.
                                                               equipment owned by       Equipment rental costs
                                                               others.                   will be considered for
                                                                                         privately owned
                                                                                         equipment not owned or
                                                                                         operated by the
                                                                                         applicant or other unit
                                                                                         of local government.

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