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Peer Review of Scientific Information

Draft Revision of the Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican parrot

Peer Review Plan

About the Document

Title: Technical/Agency Draft of the Revision of the Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata)

Purpose: The Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA), requires the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop and implement recovery plans for listed species.  The Puerto Rican parrot was listed as endangered throughout its range in 1967 (32 FR 4061) and received federal protection with the passage of the ESA in 1973.  The initial recovery plan for the parrot was finalized on November 30, 1982.  In 1998, the Service revised the plan for the Puerto Rican parrot.   

Since approval of the first revised plan, significant research has been accomplished and important recovery activities have been undertaken.  As a result, we have a greater knowledge of the species and its status.  This draft revision of the recovery plan addresses current threats and needs; includes a detailed threats assessment; highlights conservation accomplishments that have been undertaken since the species was listed; provides objective, measurable recovery criteria; and specifically addresses the planning requirements of the ESA.

Estimated Dissemination Date:  May 2008.

About the Peer Review Process

The Services will solicit comments from independent scientific reviewers.  The scientific peer review will overlap with public review which is anticipated to also begin in May 2008.  Peer reviewers include (Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, US Forest Service, Parrot International, and University of Puerto Rico).

About Public Participation

The public will be reviewing and providing comments on the draft recovery plan concurrent with the peer review process.  Public review and receipt of comments will take place for 60 days in accordance with a notice of availability published in the Federal Register.
Contact:  Sandy MacPherson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville Ecological Services Office, at 904-232-2580 (ext. 110).