[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 9]
[Revised as of January 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR63.560]

[Page 709-713]




  Subpart Y_National Emission Standards for Marine Tank Vessel Loading

Sec.  63.560  Applicability and designation of affected source.

    Source: 61 FR 48399, Sept. 19, 1995, unless otherwise noted.

    (a) Maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards. (1) The
provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards in Sec.
63.562(b) and (d) of this subpart are applicable to existing and new
sources with emissions of 10 or 25 tons, as that term is defined in
Sec.  63.561, except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section, and
are applicable to new sources with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons,
as that term is defined in Sec.  63.561, except as specified in
paragraph (d) of this section.
    (2) Existing sources with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons are not
subject to the emissions standards in Sec.  63.562(b) and (d).
    (3) The recordkeeping requirements of Sec.  63.567(j)(4) and the
emission estimation requirements of Sec.  63.565(l) apply to existing
sources with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons.
    (b) Reasonably available control technology (RACT) standards. (1)
The provisions of this subpart pertaining to RACT standards in Sec.
63.562(c) and (d) of this subpart are applicable to sources with
throughput of 10 M barrels or 200 M barrels, as that term is defined in
Sec.  63.561, except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section.
    (2) Sources with throughput less than 10 M barrels and 200 M
barrels, as that term is defined in Sec.  63.561, are not subject to the
emissions standards in Sec.  63.562(c) and (d).
    (c) General Provisions applicability. Owners or operators of
affected sources, as that term is defined in Sec.  63.561, of this
subpart must comply with the requirements of subpart A of this part in
accordance with the provisions for applicability of subpart A to this
subpart in Table 1 of this section.
    (d) Exemptions from MACT and RACT standards. (1) This subpart does
not apply to emissions resulting from marine tank vessel loading
operations, as that term is defined in Sec.  63.561, of commodities with
vapor pressures less than 10.3 kilopascals (kPa) (1.5 pounds per square
inch, absolute) (psia) at standard conditions, 20 [deg]C and 760
millimeters Hg (mm Hg).
    (2) The provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards
in Sec.  63.562(b)(2), (3) and (4) and to the RACT standards in Sec.
63.562(c)(3) and (4) do not apply to marine tank vessel loading
operations where emissions are reduced by using a vapor balancing
system, as that term is defined in Sec.  63.561. The provisions
pertaining to the vapor

[[Page 710]]

collection system, ship-to-shore compatibility, and vapor tightness of
marine tank vessels in Sec.  63.562(b)(1) and (c)(2) do apply.
    (3) The provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards
in Sec.  63.562(b)(2), (3), and (4) do not apply to marine tank vessel
loading operations that are contiguous with refinery operations at
sources subject to and complying with subpart CC of this part, National
Emissions Standards for Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from Petroleum
Refineries, except to the extent that any such provisions of this
subpart are made applicable by subpart CC of this part.
    (4) The provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards
in Sec.  63.562(b) and (d) do not apply to benzene emissions from marine
tank vessel loading operations that are subject to and complying with 40
CFR part 61, subpart BB, National Emissions Standards for Benzene
Emissions from Benzene Transfer Operations, except that benzene
emissions or other HAP emissions (i.e., nonbenzene HAP emissions) from
marine tank vessel loading operations that are not subject to subpart BB
are subject to the provisions of this subpart.
    (5) The provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards
in Sec.  63.562(b) and (d) do not apply to marine tank vessel loading
operations at loading berths that only transfer liquids containing
organic HAP as impurities, as that term is defined in Sec.  63.561.
    (6) The provisions of this subpart do not apply to marine tank
vessel loading operations at existing offshore loading terminals, as
that term is defined in Sec.  63.561.
    (7) The provisions of this subpart do not apply to ballasting
operations, as that term is defined in Sec.  63.561.
    (e) Compliance dates--(1) MACT standards compliance dates, except
the Valdez Marine Terminal (VMT) source. (i) A new or existing source
with emissions of 10 or 25 tons, except the VMT source, and a new source
with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons, except the VMT source, that has
an initial startup date on or before September 20, 1999 shall comply
with the provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards in
Sec.  63.562(b) no later than 4 years after the effective date.
    (ii) A new source with emissions of 10 or 25 tons, except the VMT
source, and a new source with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons, except
the VMT source, that has an initial startup date after September 20,
1999 shall comply with provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT
standards in Sec.  63.562(b) immediately upon startup.
    (iii) A source with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons that
increases its emissions subsequent to September 20, 1999 such that it
becomes a source with emissions of 10 or 25 tons shall comply with the
provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards in Sec.
63.562(b) within 3 years following the exceedance of the threshold
    (2) RACT standards compliance dates, except the VMT source. (i) A
source with throughput of 10 M barrels or 200 M barrels, except the VMT
source, with an initial startup date on or before September 21, 1998
shall comply with Sec.  63.562(c)(1) no later than 2 years after the
effective date.
    (ii) A source with throughput of 10 M barrels or 200 M barrels,
except the VMT source, with an initial startup date on or before
September 21, 1998 shall comply with the provisions of this subpart
pertaining to the RACT standards in Sec.  63.562(c) other than Sec.
63.562(c)(1), no later than 3 years after the effective date.
    (iii) A source with throughput of 10 M barrels or 200 M barrels,
except the VMT source, with an initial startup date after September 21,
1998 shall comply with the provisions of this subpart pertaining to the
RACT standards in Sec.  63.562(c) immediately upon startup.
    (iv) A source with throughput less than 10 M barrels and 200 M
barrels that increases its throughput subsequent to September 21, 1998
such that it becomes a source with throughput of 10 M barrels or 200 M
barrels shall comply with the provisions of this subpart pertaining to
the RACT standards in Sec.  63.562(c) within 3 years following the
exceedance of the threshold levels.
    (v) A source with throughput of 10 M barrels or 200 M barrels may
apply for approval from the Administrator for an extension of the
compliance date of up to 1 year if it can demonstrate that the

[[Page 711]]

additional time is necessary for installation of the control device.
    (3) MACT and RACT compliance dates for the VMT source. The VMT
source, as that term is defined in Sec.  63.561, shall comply with the
provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT and RACT standards in
Sec.  63.562(d) no later than 30 months after the effective date.

 Table 1 of Sec.   63.560--General Provisions Applicability to Subpart Y
                               Applies to affected
          Reference           sources in subpart Y         Comment
63.1(a)(1)..................  Yes.................  Additional terms are
                                                     defined in Sec.
                                                     63.561; when
                                                     overlap between
                                                     subparts A and Y
                                                     occurs, subpart Y
                                                     takes precedence.
63.1(a)(2)..................  Yes
63.1(a)(3)..................  Yes
63.1(a)(4)..................  Yes.................  Subpart Y clarifies
                                                     the applicability
                                                     of each paragraph
                                                     in subpart A to
                                                     sources subject to
                                                     subpart Y in this
.63.1(a)(5).................  No..................  Reserved.
63.1(a)(6)..................  Yes
63.1(a)(7)..................  Yes
63.1(a)(8)..................  Yes
63.1(a)(9)..................  No..................  Reserved.
63.1(a)(10).................  Yes
63.1(a)(11).................  Yes.................  Sec.   63.567(a)
                                                     also allows report
                                                     submissions via
                                                     facsimile and on
                                                     electronic media.
63.1(a)(12).................  Yes
63.1(a)(13).................  Yes
63.1(a)(14).................  Yes
63.1(b)(1)..................  Yes
63.1(b)(2)..................  Yes
63.1(b)(3)..................  No..................  Sec.   63.560
63.1(c)(1)..................  Yes.................  Subpart Y clarifies
                                                     the applicability
                                                     of each paragraph
                                                     in subpart A to
                                                     sources subject to
                                                     subpart Y in this
63.1(c)(2)..................  Yes.................  Subpart Y is not
                                                     applicable to area
63.1(c)(3)..................  No..................  Reserved.
63.1(c)(4)..................  Yes
63.1(c)(5)..................  No..................  Sec.   63.560
63.1(d).....................  No..................  Reserved.
63.1(e).....................  Yes
63.2........................  Yes.................  Additional terms are
                                                     defined in Sec.
                                                     63.561; when
                                                     overlap between
                                                     subparts A and Y
                                                     occurs, subpart Y
                                                     takes precedence.
63.3........................  Yes.................  Other units used in
                                                     subpart Y are
                                                     defined in the text
                                                     of subpart Y.
63.4(a)(1)..................  Yes
63.4(a)(2)..................  Yes
63.4(a)(3)..................  Yes
63.4(a)(4)..................  No..................  Reserved.
63.4(a)(5)..................  Yes
63.4(b).....................  Yes
63.4(c).....................  Yes
63.5(a).....................  Yes
63.5(b)(1)(i)...............  Yes
63.5(b)(1)(ii)..............  No
63.5(b)(2)..................  No..................  Reserved.
63.5(b)(3)..................  Yes
63.5(b)(4)-(5)..............  No
63.5(b)(6)..................  Yes
63.5(c).....................  No..................  Reserved.
63.5(d)(1)(i)...............  No..................  See Sec.
63.5(d)(1)(ii)(A)(H)........  Yes
63.5(d)(1)(ii)(I)...........  No..................  Reserved.
63.5(d)(1)(ii)(J)...........  Yes
63.5(d)(1)(iii).............  Yes
63.5(d)(2)-(4)..............  Yes
63.5(e).....................  Yes
63.5(f)(1)(i) and (ii)......  Yes
63.5(f)(1)(iii) and (iv)....  No
63.5(f)(2)..................  No..................  See Sec.
63.6(a)(1)..................  Yes
63.6(a)(2)..................  No..................  Sec.   63.560
63.6(b)(1)-(5)..............  No..................  Sec.   63.560(e)
                                                     compliance dates
                                                     for sources.

[[Page 712]]

Sec. 63.6(b)(6)..................  No..................  Reserved.
63.6(b)(7)..................  No..................  Sec.   63.560(e)
                                                     compliance dates
                                                     for sources.
63.6(c)(1)..................  No..................  Sec.   63.560(e)
                                                     compliance dates
                                                     for sources.
63.6(c)(2)..................  No
63.6(c)(3)-(4)..............  No..................  Reserved.
63.6(c)(5)..................  No..................  Sec.   63.560(e)
                                                     compliance dates
                                                     for sources.
63.6(d).....................  No..................  Reserved.
63.6(e).....................  No..................  See Sec.
63.6(f)(1)..................  Yes
63.6(f)(2)(i)...............  Yes
63.6(f)(2)(ii)..............  No
63.6(f)(2)(iii).............  Yes
63.6(f)(2)(iv)..............  Yes
63.6(f)(2)(v)...............  No..................  See Sec.
63.6(f)(3)..................  Yes
63.6(g).....................  Yes
63.6(h).....................  No..................  No opacity
                                                     monitoring is
                                                     required under
                                                     subpart Y.
63.6(i)(1)-(3)..............  Yes
63.6(i)(4)(i)(A)............  No
63.6(i)(4)(i)(B)............  Yes
63.6(i)(4)(ii)..............  No
63.6(i)(5)-(12).............  Yes
63.6(i)(13).................  No
63.6(i)(14).................  Yes
63.6(i)(15).................  No..................  Reserved.
63.6(i)(16).................  Yes
63.6(j).....................  Yes
63.7(a)(1)..................  Yes
63.7(a)(2)(i)-(iv)..........  No..................  See Sec.
63.7(a)(2)(v)...............  Yes
63.7(a)(2)(vi)..............  No
63.7(a)(2)(vii)-(viii)......  No..................  Reserved.
63.7(a)(2)(ix)..............  No
63.7(a)(3)..................  Yes
63.7(b).....................  Yes
63.7(c)(1)-(2)..............  Yes.................  The site-specific
                                                     test plan must be
                                                     submitted only if
                                                     requested by the
63.7(c)(3)(i)-(ii)(A).......  Yes
63.7(c)(3)(ii)(B)...........  No..................  See Sec.
63.7(c)(3)(iii).............  Yes
63.7(c)(4)..................  Yes
63.7(d).....................  Yes
63.7(e).....................  Yes
63.7(f).....................  Yes
63.7(g)(1)..................  Yes
63.7(g)(2)..................  No..................  Reserved.
63.7(g)(3)..................  Yes
63.7(h).....................  Yes
63.8(a)(1)-(2)..............  Yes
63.8(a)(3)..................  No..................  Reserved.
63.8(a)(4)..................  Yes
63.8(b)(1)..................  Yes
63.8(b)(2)..................  No
63.8(b)(3)..................  Yes
63.8(c)(1)(i)...............  Yes
63.8(c)(1)(ii)..............  No
63.8(c)(1)(iii).............  Yes
63.8(c)(2)..................  Yes
63.8(c)(3)..................  Yes
63.8(c)(4)..................  No..................  See Sec.
63.8(c)(5)..................  No
63.8(c)(6)..................  Yes.................  See also performance
                                                     specifications for
                                                     monitoring systems
63.8(c)(7)(i)(A)-(B)........  Yes.................  See also Sec.
63.8(c)(7)(i)(C)............  No
63.8(c)(7)(ii)..............  Yes
63.8(c)(8)..................  No..................  See Sec.
63.8(d).....................  No..................  See Sec.

[[Page 713]]

Sec. 63.8(e)(1)-(4)..............  Yes
63.8(e)(5)(i)...............  Yes
63.8(e)(5)(ii)..............  No
63.8(f)(1)..................  Yes
63.8(f)(2)(i)-(vii).........  Yes
63.8(f)(2)(viii)............  No
63.8(f)(2)(ix)..............  Yes
63.8(f)(3)-(6)..............  Yes
63.8(g).....................  Yes
63.9(a)(1)..................  Yes
63.9(a)(2)..................  Yes
63.9(a)(3)..................  Yes
63.9(a)(4)..................  Yes
63.9(b)(1)(i)...............  Yes
63.9(b)(1)(ii)..............  No..................  See Sec.
63.9(b)(1)(iii).............  Yes
63.9(b)(2)..................  No..................  See Sec.
63.9(b)(3)..................  No..................  See Sec.
63.9(b)(4)..................  No..................  See Sec.
63.9(b)(5)..................  No..................  See Sec.
63.9(c).....................  No..................  See Sec.
63.9(d).....................  No
63.9(e).....................  Yes
63.9(f).....................  No
63.9(g)(1)..................  Yes
63.9(g)(2)..................  No
63.9(g)(3)..................  Yes
63.9(h)(1)-(3)..............  Yes
63.9(h)(4)..................  No..................  Reserved.
63.9(h)(5)-(6)..............  Yes
63.9(i).....................  Yes
63.9(j).....................  Yes
63.10(a)....................  Yes
63.10(b)(1).................  Yes
63.10(b)(2)(i)..............  No
63.10(b)(2) (ii)-(iii)......  Yes
63.10(b)(2)(iv).............  No
63.10(b)(2)(v)..............  No
63.10(b)(2)(vi)-(xiv).......  Yes
63.10(b)(3).................  No..................  See Sec.
63.10(c)(1).................  Yes
63.10(c)(2)-(4).............  No..................  Reserved.
63.10(c)(5).................  Yes
63.10(c)(6).................  No..................  See Sec.
63.10(c)(7).................  No
63.10(c)(8).................  Yes
63.10(c)(9).................  No..................  Reserved.
63.10(c)(10)-(13)...........  Yes
63.10(c)(14)................  No..................  See Sec.
63.10(c)(15)................  No
63.10(d)(1)-(2).............  Yes
63.10(d)(3).................  No..................  See Sec.
63.10(d)(4).................  Yes
63.10(d)(5).................  No
63.(10)(e)(1)...............  Yes
63.10(e)(2)(i)..............  Yes
63.10(e)(2)(ii).............  No
63.10(e)(3)(i)-(v)..........  No..................  See Sec.   63.567(e)
63.10(e)(3)(vi).............  Yes
63.10(e)(3)(vii)-(viii).....  No..................  See Sec.   63.567(e)
63.10(e)(4).................  No
63.10(f)....................  Yes
63.11.......................  Yes
63.12-63.15.................  Yes                   ....................

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