[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 9]
[Revised as of January 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR63.52]

[Page 82-88]
 Subpart B_Requirements for Control Technology Determinations for Major 
 Sources in Accordance With Clean Air Act Sections, Sections 112(g) and 
Sec.  63.52  Approval process for new and existing affected sources.

    (a) Sources subject to section 112(j) as of the section 112(j) 
deadline. The requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section 
apply to major sources that include, as of the section 112(j) deadline, 
one or more sources in a category or subcategory for which the 
Administrator has failed to promulgate an emission standard under this 
part on or before an applicable section 112(j) deadline. Existing source 
MACT requirements (including relevant compliance deadlines), as 
specified in a title V permit issued to the source pursuant to the 
requirements of the subpart, must apply to such sources.

[[Page 83]]

    (1) The owner or operator must submit an application for a title V 
permit or for a revision to an existing title V permit or a pending 
title V permit meeting the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) by the section 
112(j) deadline if the owner or operator can reasonably determine that 
one or more sources at the major source belong in the category or 
subcategory subject to section 112(j).
    (2) If an application was not submitted under paragraph (a)(1) of 
this section and if notified by the permitting authority, the owner or 
operator must submit an application for a title V permit or for a 
revision to an existing title V permit or a pending title V permit 
meeting the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) within 30 days after being 
notified in writing by the permitting authority that one or more sources 
at the major source belong to such category or subcategory. Permitting 
authorities are not required to make such notification.
    (3) The requirements in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through (ii) of this 
section apply when the owner or operator has obtained a title V permit 
that incorporates a case-by-case MACT determination by the permitting 
authority under section 112(g) or has submitted a title V permit 
application for a revision that incorporates a case-by-case MACT 
determination under section 112(g), but has not submitted an application 
for a title V permit revision that addresses the emission limitation 
requirements of section 112(j).
    (i) When the owner or operator has a title V permit that 
incorporates a case-by-case MACT determination by the permitting 
authority under section 112(g), the owner or operator must submit an 
application meeting the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) for a title V 
permit revision within 30 days of the section 112(j) deadline or within 
30 days of being notified in writing by the permitting authority that 
one or more sources at the major source belong in such category or 
subcategory. Using the procedures established in paragraph (e) of this 
section, the permitting authority must determine whether the emission 
limitations adopted pursuant to the prior case-by-case MACT 
determination under section 112(g) are substantially as effective as the 
emission limitations which the permitting authority would otherwise 
adopt pursuant to section 112(j) for the source in question. If the 
permitting authority determines that the emission limitations previously 
adopted to effectuate section 112(g) are substantially as effective as 
the emission limitations which the permitting authority would otherwise 
adopt to effectuate section 112(j) for the source, then the permitting 
authority must retain the existing emission limitations in the permit as 
the emission limitations to effectuate section 112(j). The title V 
permit applicable to that source must be revised accordingly. If the 
permitting authority does not retain the existing emission limitations 
in the permit as the emission limitations to effectuate section 112(j), 
the MACT requirements of this subpart are satisfied upon issuance of a 
revised title V permit incorporating any additional section 112(j) 
    (ii) When the owner or operator has submitted a title V permit 
application that incorporates a case-by-case MACT determination by the 
permitting authority under section 112(g), but has not received the 
permit incorporating the section 112(g) requirements, the owner or 
operator must continue to pursue a title V permit that addresses the 
emission limitation requirements of section 112(g). Within 30 days of 
issuance of that title V permit, the owner or operator must submit an 
application meeting the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) for a change to 
the existing title V permit. Using the procedures established in 
paragraph (e) of this section, the permitting authority must determine 
whether the emission limitations adopted pursuant to the prior case-by-
case MACT determination under section 112(g) are substantially as 
effective as the emission limitations which the permitting authority 
would otherwise adopt pursuant to section 112(j) for the source in 
question. If the permitting authority determines that the emission 
limitations previously adopted to effectuate section 112(g) are 
substantially as effective as the emission limitations which the 
permitting authority would otherwise adopt to effectuate section 112(j) 
for the source,

[[Page 84]]

then the permitting authority must retain the existing emission 
limitations in the permit as the emission limitations to effectuate 
section 112(j). The title V permit applicable to that source must be 
revised accordingly. If the permitting authority does not retain the 
existing emission limitations in the permit as the emission limitations 
to effectuate section 112(j), the MACT requirements of this subpart are 
satisfied upon issuance of a revised title V permit incorporating any 
additional section 112(j) requirements.
    (b) Sources that become subject to section 112(j) after the section 
112(j) deadline and that do not have a title V permit addressing section 
112(j) requirements. The requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) 
of this section apply to sources that do not meet the criteria in 
paragraph (a) of this section on the section 112(j) deadline and are, 
therefore, not subject to section 112(j) on that date, but where events 
occur subsequent to the section 112(j) deadline that would bring the 
source under the requirements of this subpart, and the source does not 
have a title V permit that addresses the requirements of section 112(j).
    (1) When one or more sources in a category or subcategory subject to 
the requirements of this subpart are installed at a major source, or 
result in the source becoming a major source due to the installation, 
and the installation does not invoke section 112(g) requirements, the 
owner or operator must submit an application meeting the requirements of 
Sec.  63.53(a) within 30 days of startup of the source. This application 
shall be reviewed using the procedures established in paragraph (e) of 
this section. Existing source MACT requirements (including relevant 
compliance deadlines), as specified in a title V permit issued pursuant 
to the requirements of this subpart, shall apply to such sources.
    (2) The requirements in this paragraph apply when one or more 
sources in a category or subcategory subject to this subpart are 
installed at a major source, or result in the source becoming a major 
source due to the installation, and the installation does require 
emission limitations to be established and permitted under section 
112(g), and the owner or operator has not submitted an application for a 
title V permit revision that addresses the emission limitation 
requirements of section 112(j). In this case, the owner or operator must 
apply for and obtain a title V permit that addresses the emission 
limitation requirements of section 112(g). Within 30 days of issuance of 
that title V permit, the owner or operator must submit an application 
meeting the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) for a revision to the 
existing title V permit. Using the procedures established in paragraph 
(e) of this section, the permitting authority must determine whether the 
emission limitations adopted pursuant to the prior case-by-case MACT 
determination under section 112(g) are substantially as effective as the 
emission limitations which the permitting authority would otherwise 
adopt pursuant to section 112(j) for the source in question. If the 
permitting authority determines that the emission limitations previously 
adopted to effectuate section 112(g) are substantially as effective as 
the emission limitations which the permitting authority would otherwise 
adopt to effectuate section 112(j) for the source, then the permitting 
authority must retain the existing emission limitations in the permit as 
the emission limitations to effectuate section 112(j). The title V 
permit applicable to that source must be revised accordingly. If the 
permitting authority does not retain the existing emission limitations 
in the permit as the emission limitations to effectuate section 112(j), 
the MACT requirements of this subpart are satisfied upon issuance of a 
revised title V permit incorporating any additional section 112(j) 
    (3) The owner or operator of an area source that, due to a 
relaxation in any federally enforceable emission limitation (such as a 
restriction on hours of operation), increases its potential to emit 
hazardous air pollutants such that the source becomes a major source 
that is subject to this subpart, must submit an application meeting the 
requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) for a title V permit or for an 
application for a title V permit revision within 30 days after the date 
that such source becomes a major source. This application must be

[[Page 85]]

reviewed using the procedures established in paragraph (e) of this 
section. Existing source MACT requirements (including relevant 
compliance deadlines), as specified in a title V permit issued pursuant 
to the requirements of this subpart, must apply to such sources.
    (4) On or after April 5, 2002, if the Administrator establishes a 
lesser quantity emission rate under section 112(a)(1) of the Act that 
results in an area source becoming a major source that is subject to 
this subpart, then the owner or operator of such a major source must 
submit an application meeting the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) for a 
title V permit or for a change to an existing title V permit or pending 
title V permit on or before the date 6 months after the date that such 
source becomes a major source. Existing source MACT requirements 
(including relevant compliance deadlines), as specified in a title V 
permit issued pursuant to the requirements of this subpart, shall apply 
to such sources.
    (c) Sources that have a title V permit addressing section 112(j) 
requirements. The requirements of paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this 
section apply to major sources that include one or more sources in a 
category or subcategory for which the Administrator fails to promulgate 
an emission standard under this part on or before an applicable section 
112(j) deadline, and the owner or operator has a permit meeting the 
section 112(j) requirements, and where changes occur at the major source 
to equipment, activities, or both, subsequent to the section 112(j) 
    (1) If the title V permit already provides the appropriate 
requirements that address the events that occur under paragraph (c) of 
this section subsequent to the section 112(j) deadline, then the source 
must comply with the applicable new source MACT or existing source MACT 
requirements as specified in the permit, and the section 112(j) 
requirements are thus satisfied.
    (2) If the title V permit does not contain the appropriate 
requirements that address the events that occur under paragraph (c) of 
this section subsequent to the section 112(j) deadline, then the owner 
or operator must submit an application for a revision to the existing 
title V permit that meets the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a). The 
application must be submitted within 30 days of beginning construction 
and must be reviewed using the procedures established in paragraph (e) 
of this section. Existing source MACT requirements (including relevant 
compliance deadlines), as specified in a title V permit issued pursuant 
to the requirements of this subpart, shall apply to such sources.
    (d) Requests for applicability determination or notice of MACT 
approval. (1) An owner or operator who is unsure of whether one or more 
sources at a major source belong in a category or subcategory for which 
the Administrator has failed to promulgate an emission standard under 
this part may, on or before an applicable section 112(j) deadline, 
request an applicability determination from the permitting authority by 
submitting an application meeting the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) by 
the applicable deadlines specified in paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of 
this section.
    (2) In addition to meeting the requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), 
and (c) of this section, the owner or operator of a new affected source 
may submit an application for a Notice of MACT Approval before 
construction, pursuant to Sec.  63.54.
    (e) Permit application review. (1) Each owner or operator who is 
required to submit to the permitting authority a Part 1 MACT application 
which meets the requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) for one or more sources 
in a category or subcategory subject to section 112(j) must also submit 
to the permitting authority a timely Part 2 MACT application for the 
same sources which meets the requirements of Sec.  63.53(b). Each owner 
or operator shall submit the Part 2 MACT application for the sources in 
a particular category or subcategory no later than the applicable date 
specified in Table 1 to this subpart. The submission date specified in 
Table 1 to this subpart for Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing 
shall apply to sources in each of the source categories listed in Table 
2 to this subpart. When the owner or operator is required by Sec. Sec.  
63.50 through 63.56 to submit an application meeting the requirements of

[[Page 86]]

Sec.  63.53(a) by a date which is after the date for a Part 2 MACT 
application for sources in the category or subcategory in question 
established by Table 1 to this subpart, the owner or operator shall 
submit a Part 2 MACT application meeting the requirements of Sec.  
63.53(b) within 60 additional days after the applicable deadline for 
submission of the Part 1 MACT application. Part 2 MACT applications must 
be reviewed by the permitting authority according to procedures 
established in Sec.  63.55. The resulting MACT determination must be 
incorporated into the source's title V permit according to procedures 
established under title V, and any other regulations approved under 
title V in the jurisdiction in which the affected source is located.
    (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the owner or 
operator may request either an applicability determination or an 
equivalency determination by the permitting authority as provided in 
paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.
    (i) Each owner or operator who submitted a request for an 
applicability determination pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section 
on or before May 15, 2002, which remains pending before the permitting 
authority on May 30, 2003, and who still wishes to obtain such a 
determination, must resubmit that request by July 29, 2003, or by the 
date which is 60 days after the Administrator publishes in the Federal 
Register a proposed standard under section 112(d) or 112(h) of the Act 
for the category or subcategory in question, whichever is later. Each 
request for an applicability determination which is resubmitted under 
this paragraph (e)(2)(i) must be supplemented to discuss the relation 
between the source(s) in question and the applicability provision in the 
proposed standard for the category or subcategory in question, and to 
explain why there may still be uncertainties that require a 
determination of applicability. The permitting authority must take 
action upon each properly resubmitted and supplemented request for an 
applicability determination within an additional 60 days after the 
applicable deadline for the resubmitted request. If the applicability 
determination is positive, the owner or operator must submit a Part 2 
MACT application meeting the requirements of Sec.  63.53(b) by the date 
specified for the category or subcategory in question in Table 1 to this 
subpart. If the applicability determination is negative, then no further 
action by the owner or operator is necessary.
    (ii) As specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, an 
owner or operator who has submitted an application meeting the 
requirements of Sec.  63.53(a) may request a determination by the 
permitting authority of whether emission limitations adopted pursuant to 
a prior case-by-case MACT determination under section 112(g) that apply 
to one or more sources at a major source in a relevant category or 
subcategory are substantially as effective as the emission limitations 
which the permitting authority would otherwise adopt pursuant to section 
112(j) for the source in question. Such a request must be submitted by 
the date for the category or subcategory in question specified in Table 
1 to this subpart. Any owner or operator who previously submitted such a 
request under a prior version of this paragraph (e)(2)(ii) need not 
resubmit the request. Each request for an equivalency determination 
under this paragraph (e)(2)(ii), regardless of when it was submitted, 
will be construed in the alternative as a complete application for an 
equivalent emission limitation under section 112(j). The process for 
determination by the permitting authority of whether the emission 
limitations in the prior case-by-case MACT determination are 
substantially as effective as the emission limitations which the 
permitting authority would otherwise adopt under section 112(j) must 
include the opportunity for full public, EPA, and affected State review 
prior to a final determination. If the permitting authority determines 
that the emission limitations in the prior case-by-case MACT 
determination are substantially as effective as the emission limitations 
which the permitting authority would otherwise adopt under section 
112(j), then the permitting authority must adopt the existing emission 
limitations in the permit as the emission limitations to effectuate 
section 112(j) for the source in question. If

[[Page 87]]

more than 3 years remain on the current title V permit, the owner or 
operator must submit an application for a title V permit revision to 
make any conforming changes in the permit required to adopt the existing 
emission limitations as the section 112(j) MACT emission limitations. If 
less than 3 years remain on the current title V permit, any required 
conforming changes must be made when the permit is renewed. If the 
permitting authority determines that the emission limitations in the 
prior case-by-case MACT determination under section 112(g) are not 
substantially as effective as the emission limitations which the 
permitting authority would otherwise adopt for the source in question 
under section 112(j), the permitting authority must make a new MACT 
determination and adopt a title V permit incorporating an appropriate 
equivalent emission limitation under section 112(j). Such a 
determination constitutes final action for purposes of judicial review 
under 40 CFR 70.4(b)(3)(x) and corresponding State title V program 
    (3) Within 60 days of submittal of the Part 2 MACT application, the 
permitting authority must notify the owner or operator in writing 
whether the application is complete or incomplete. The Part 2 MACT 
application shall be deemed complete on the date it was submitted unless 
the permitting authority notifies the owner or operator in writing 
within 60 days of the submittal that the Part 2 MACT application is 
incomplete. A Part 2 MACT application is complete if it is sufficient to 
begin processing the application for a title V permit addressing section 
112(j) requirements. In the event that the permitting authority 
disapproves a permit application or determines that the application is 
incomplete, the owner or operator must revise and resubmit the 
application to meet the objections of the permitting authority. The 
permitting authority must specify a reasonable period in which the owner 
or operator is required to remedy the deficiencies in the disapproved or 
incomplete application. This period may not exceed 6 months from the 
date the owner or operator is first notified that the application has 
been disapproved or is incomplete.
    (4) Following submittal of a Part 1 or Part 2 MACT application, the 
permitting authority may request additional information from the owner 
or operator. The owner or operator must respond to such requests in a 
timely manner.
    (5) If the owner or operator has submitted a timely and complete 
application as required by this section, any failure to have a title V 
permit addressing section 112(j) requirements shall not be a violation 
of section 112(j), unless the delay in final action is due to the 
failure of the applicant to submit, in a timely manner, information 
required or requested to process the application. Once a complete 
application is submitted, the owner or operator shall not be in 
violation of the requirement to have a title V permit addressing section 
112(j) requirements.
    (f) Permit content. The title V permit must contain an equivalent 
emission limitation (or limitations) for the relevant category or 
subcategory determined on a case-by-case basis by the permitting 
authority, or, if the applicable criteria in subpart D of this part are 
met, the title V permit may contain an alternative emission limitation. 
For the purposes of the preceding sentence, early reductions made 
pursuant to section 112(i)(5)(A) of the Act must be achieved not later 
than the date on which the relevant standard should have been 
promulgated according to the source category schedule for standards.
    (1) The title V permit must contain an emission standard or emission 
limitation that is equivalent to existing source MACT and an emission 
standard or emission limitation that is equivalent to new source MACT 
for control of emissions of hazardous air pollutants. The MACT emission 
standards or limitations must be determined by the permitting authority 
and must be based on the degree of emission reductions that can be 
achieved if the control technologies or work practices are installed, 
maintained, and operated properly. The permit must also specify the 
affected source and the new affected source. If construction of a new 
affected source or reconstruction of an

[[Page 88]]

affected source commences after a title V permit meeting the 
requirements of section 112(j) has been issued for the source, the new 
source MACT compliance dates must apply.
    (2) The title V permit must specify any notification, operation and 
maintenance, performance testing, monitoring, and reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements. In developing the title V permit, the 
permitting authority must consider and specify the appropriate 
provisions of subpart A of this part. The title V permit must also 
include the information in paragraphs (f)(2)(i) through (iii) of this 
    (i) In addition to the MACT emission limitation required by 
paragraph (f)(1) of this section, additional emission limits, production 
limits, operational limits or other terms and conditions necessary to 
ensure practicable enforceability of the MACT emission limitation.
    (ii) Compliance certifications, testing, monitoring, reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements that are consistent with requirements 
established pursuant to title V and paragraph (h) of this section.
    (iii) Compliance dates by which the owner or operator must be in 
compliance with the MACT emission limitation and all other applicable 
terms and conditions of the permit.
    (A) The owner or operator of an affected source subject to the 
requirements of this subpart must comply with the emission limitation(s) 
by the date established in the source's title V permit. In no case shall 
such compliance date be later than 3 years after the issuance of the 
permit for that source, except where the permitting authority issues a 
permit that grants an additional year to comply in accordance with 
section 112(i)(3)(B) of the Act, or unless otherwise specified in 
section 112(i), or in subpart D of this part.
    (B) The owner or operator of a new affected source, as defined in 
the title V permit meeting the requirements of section 112(j), that is 
subject to the requirements of this subpart must comply with a new 
source MACT level of control immediately upon startup of the new 
affected source.
    (g) Permit issuance dates. The permitting authority must issue a 
title V permit meeting section 112(j) requirements within 18 months 
after submittal of the complete Part 2 MACT application.
    (h) Enhanced monitoring. In accordance with section 114(a)(3) of the 
Act, monitoring shall be capable of demonstrating continuous compliance 
for each compliance period during the applicable reporting period. Such 
monitoring data shall be of sufficient quality to be used as a basis for 
directly enforcing all applicable requirements established under this 
subpart, including emission limitations.
    (i) MACT emission limitations. (1) The owner or operator of affected 
sources subject to paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section must 
comply with all requirements of this subpart that are applicable to 
affected sources, including the compliance date for affected sources 
established in paragraph (f)(2)(iii)(A) of this section.
    (2) The owner or operator of new affected sources subject to 
paragraph (c)(1) of this section must comply with all requirements of 
this subpart that are applicable to new affected sources, including the 
compliance date for new affected sources established in paragraph 
(f)(2)(iii)(B) of this section.

[67 FR 16606, Apr. 5, 2002; 68 FR 32602, May 30, 2003]