[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 9]
[Revised as of January 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR63.485]

[Page 587-591]
   Subpart U_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant 
                 Emissions: Group I Polymers and Resins
Sec.  63.485  Continuous front-end process vent provisions.

    (a) For each continuous front-end process vent located at an 
affected source, the owner or operator shall comply with the 
requirements of Sec. Sec.  63.113 through 63.118, except as provided for 
in paragraphs (b) through (v) of this section. The owner or operator of 
continuous front-end process vents that are combined with one or more 
batch front-end process vents shall comply with paragraph (o) or (p) of 
this section.
    (b) When the term ``process vent'' is used in Sec. Sec.  63.113 
through 63.118, the term ``continuous front-end process vent,'' and the 
definition of this term in Sec.  63.482 shall apply for the purposes of 
this subpart.
    (c) When the term ``halogenated process vent'' is used in Sec. Sec.  
63.113 through 63.118, the term ``halogenated continuous front-end 
process vent,'' and the definition of this term in Sec.  63.482 shall 
apply for the purposes of this subpart.
    (d) When the term ``Group 1 process vent'' is used in Sec. Sec.  
63.113 through 63.118, the term ``Group 1 continuous front-end process 
vent,'' and the definition of this term in Sec.  63.482 shall apply for 
the purposes of this subpart.
    (e) When the term ``Group 2 process vent'' is used in Sec. Sec.  
63.113 through 63.118, the term ``Group 2 continuous front-end process 
vent,'' and the definition of this term in Sec.  63.482 shall apply for 
the purposes of this subpart.
    (f) When December 31, 1992 (i.e., the proposal date for subpart G of 
this part) is referred to in Sec.  63.113, June 12, 1995 shall instead 
apply, for the purposes of this subpart.
    (g) When Sec. Sec.  63.151(f), alternative monitoring parameters, 
and 63.152(e), submission of an operating permit, are referred to in 
Sec. Sec.  63.114(c) and 63.117(e), 63.506(f), alternative monitoring 
parameters, and Sec.  63.506(e)(8), submission of an operating permit, 
respectively, shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
    (h) When the Notification of Compliance Status requirements 
contained in Sec.  63.152(b) are referred to in Sec. Sec.  63.114, 
63.117, and 63.118, the Notification of Compliance Status requirements 
contained in Sec.  63.506(e)(5) shall apply for the purposes of this 
    (i) When the Periodic Report requirements contained in Sec.  
63.152(c) are referred to in Sec. Sec.  63.117 and 63.118, the Periodic 
Report requirements contained in Sec.  63.506(e)(6) shall apply for the 
purposes of this subpart.
    (j) When the definition of excursion in Sec.  63.152(c)(2)(ii)(A) is 
referred to in Sec.  63.118(f)(2), the definition of excursion in Sec.  
63.505(g) and (h) shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
    (k) When Sec.  63.114(e) or Sec.  63.117(f) specifies that an owner 
or operator shall submit the information required in Sec.  63.152(b) in 
order to establish the parameter monitoring range, the owner or operator 
of an affected source shall comply with the provisions of Sec.  63.505 
for establishing the parameter monitoring level and shall comply with 
Sec.  63.506(e)(5) for the purposes of reporting information related to 
the establishment of the parameter monitoring level, for the purposes of 
this subpart. Further, the term ``level'' shall apply whenever the term 
``range'' is used in Sec. Sec.  63.114, 63.117, and 63.118.
    (l) When reports of process changes are required under Sec.  
63.118(g), (h), (i), or (j), paragraphs (l)(1) through (l)(4) of this 
section shall apply for the purposes of this subpart. In addition, for 
the purposes of this subpart paragraph (l)(5) of this section applies, 
and Sec.  63.118(k) does not apply to owners or operators of affected 
    (1) For the purposes of this subpart, whenever a process change, as 
defined in Sec.  63.115(e), is made that causes a Group 2 continuous 
front-end process vent to become a Group 1 continuous front-end process 
vent, the owner or operator shall submit a report within 180 days after 
the process change is

[[Page 588]]

made or with the next Periodic Report, whichever is later. A description 
of the process change shall be submitted with the report of the process 
change, and the owner or operator of the affected source shall comply 
with the Group 1 provisions in Sec. Sec.  63.113 through 63.118 in 
accordance with Sec.  63.480(i)(2)(ii) or (i)(2)(iii), as applicable.
    (2) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec.  63.115(e), is 
made that causes a Group 2 continuous front-end process vent with a TRE 
greater than 4.0 to become a Group 2 continuous front-end process vent 
with a TRE less than 4.0, the owner or operator shall submit a report 
within 180 days after the process change is made or with the next 
Periodic Report, whichever is later. A description of the process change 
shall be submitted with the report of the process change, and the owner 
or operator shall comply with the provisions in Sec.  63.113(d) by the 
dates specified in Sec.  63.481.
    (3) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec.  63.115(e), is 
made that causes a Group 2 continuous front-end process vent with a flow 
rate less than 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute (scmm) to become a 
Group 2 continuous front-end process vent with a flow rate of 0.005 scmm 
or greater and a TRE index value less than or equal to 4.0, the owner or 
operator shall submit a report within 180 days after the process change 
is made or with the next Periodic Report, whichever is later. A 
description of the process change shall be submitted with the report of 
the process change, and the owner or operator shall comply with the 
provisions in Sec.  63.113(d) by the dates specified in Sec.  63.481.
    (4) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec.  63.115(e), is 
made that causes a Group 2 continuous front-end process vent with an 
organic HAP concentration less than 50 parts per million by volume 
(ppmv) to become a Group 2 continuous front-end process vent with an 
organic HAP concentration of 50 ppmv or greater and a TRE index value 
less than or equal to 4.0, the owner or operator shall submit a report 
within 180 days after the process change is made or with the next 
Periodic Report, whichever is later. A description of the process change 
shall be submitted with the report of the process change, and the owner 
or operator shall comply with the provisions in Sec.  63.113(d) by the 
dates specified in Sec.  63.481.
    (5) The owner or operator is not required to submit a report of a 
process change if one of the conditions listed in paragraphs (l)(5)(i), 
(l)(5)(ii), (l)(5)(iii), or (l)(5)(iv) of this section is met.
    (i) The change does not meet the description of a process change in 
Sec.  63.115(e);
    (ii) The vent stream flow rate is recalculated according to Sec.  
63.115(e) and the recalculated value is less than 0.005 standard cubic 
meter per minute;
    (iii) The organic HAP concentration of the vent stream is 
recalculated according to Sec.  63.115(e) and the recalculated value is 
less than 50 parts per million by volume; or
    (iv) The TRE index value is recalculated according to Sec.  
63.115(e) and the recalculated value is greater than 4.0.
    (m) When Sec.  63.118 (periodic reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements) refers to Sec.  63.152(f), the recordkeeping requirements 
in Sec.  63.506(d) shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
    (n) When Sec. Sec.  63.115 and 63.116 refer to Table 2 of subpart F 
of this part, the owner or operator is only required to consider organic 
HAP listed on Table 5 of this subpart, for the purposes of this subpart.
    (o) If a batch front-end process vent or aggregate batch vent stream 
is combined with a continuous front-end process vent, the owner or 
operator of the affected source containing the combined vent stream 
shall comply with paragraph (o)(1); with paragraph (o)(2) and with 
paragraph (o)(3) or (o)(4); or with paragraph (o)(5) of this section, as 
    (1) If a batch front-end process vent or aggregate batch vent stream 
is combined with a Group 1 continuous front-end process vent prior to 
the combined vent stream being routed to a control device, the owner or 
operator of the affected source containing the combined vent stream 
shall comply with the requirements in paragraph (o)(1)(i) or (o)(1)(ii) 
of this section.
    (i) All requirements for a Group 1 process vent stream in Sec. Sec.  
63.113 through 63.118, except as otherwise provided in this section. As 
specified in

[[Page 589]]

Sec.  63.504(a)(1), performance tests shall be conducted at maximum 
representative operating conditions. For the purpose of conducting a 
performance test on a combined vent stream, maximum representative 
operating conditions shall be when batch emission episodes are occurring 
that result in the highest organic HAP emission rate (for the combined 
vent stream) that is achievable during one of the periods listed in 
Sec.  63.504(a)(1)(i) or Sec.  63.504(a)(1)(ii), without causing any of 
the situations described in paragraphs (o)(1)(i)(A) through (o)(1)(i)(C) 
of this section to occur.
    (A) Causing damage to equipment;
    (B) Necessitating that the owner or operator make product that does 
not meet an existing specification for sale to a customer; or
    (C) Necessitating that the owner or operator make product in excess 
of demand.
    (ii) Comply with the provisions in Sec.  63.483(b)(1), as allowed 
under Sec.  63.483(b).
    (2) If a batch front-end process vent or aggregate batch vent stream 
is combined with a continuous front-end process vent prior to the 
combined vent stream being routed to a recovery device, the TRE index 
value for the combined vent stream shall be calculated at the exit of 
the last recovery device. The TRE shall be calculated during periods 
when one or more batch emission episodes are occurring that result in 
the highest organic HAP emission rate (in the combined vent stream that 
is being routed to the recovery device) that is achievable during the 6-
month period that begins 3 months before and ends 3 months after the TRE 
calculation, without causing any of the situations described in 
paragraphs (o)(2)(i) through (o)(2)(iii) of this section to occur.
    (i) Causing damage to equipment;
    (ii) Necessitating that the owner or operator make product that does 
not meet an existing specification for sale to a customer; or
    (iii) Necessitating that the owner or operator make product in 
excess of demand.
    (3) If the combined vent stream described in paragraph (o)(2) of 
this section meets the requirements in paragraphs (o)(3)(i), (o)(3)(ii), 
and (o)(3)(iii) of this section, the combined vent stream shall be 
subject to the requirements for Group 1 process vents in Sec. Sec.  
63.113 through 63.118, except as otherwise provided in this section, as 
applicable. Performance tests for the combined vent stream shall be 
conducted at maximum representative operating conditions, as described 
in paragraph (o)(1) of this section.
    (i) The TRE index value of the combined stream is less than or equal 
to 1.0;
    (ii) The flow rate of the combined vent stream is greater than or 
equal to 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute; and
    (iii) The total organic HAP concentration is greater than or equal 
to 50 parts per million by volume for the combined vent stream.
    (4) If the combined vent stream described in paragraph (o)(2) of 
this section meets the requirements in paragraph (o)(4)(i), (ii), or 
(iii) of this section, the combined vent stream shall be subject to the 
requirements for Group 2 process vents in Sec. Sec.  63.113 through 
63.118, except as otherwise provided in this section, as applicable.
    (i) The TRE index value of the combined vent stream is greater than 
    (ii) The flow rate of the combined vent stream is less than 0.005 
standard cubic meter per minute; or
    (iii) The total organic HAP concentration is less than 50 parts per 
million by volume for the combined vent stream.
    (5) If a batch front-end process vent or aggregate batch vent stream 
is combined with a Group 2 continuous front-end process vent, the owner 
or operator shall comply with the requirements in either paragraph 
(o)(5)(i) or (o)(5)(ii) of this section.
    (i) The owner or operator shall comply with the requirements in 
Sec. Sec.  63.113 through 63.118 for Group 1 process vents; or
    (ii) The owner or operator shall comply with Sec.  63.487(e)(2) for 
batch front-end process vents and aggregate batch vent streams.
    (p) If any gas stream that originates outside of an affected source 
that is subject to this subpart is normally conducted through the same 
final recovery

[[Page 590]]

device as any continuous front-end process vent stream subject to this 
subpart, the combined vent stream shall comply with all requirements in 
Sec. Sec.  63.113 through 63.118, except as otherwise provided in this 
section, as applicable.
    (1) Instead of measuring the vent stream flow rate at the sampling 
site specified in Sec.  63.115(b)(1), the sampling site for vent stream 
flow rate shall be prior to the final recovery device and prior to the 
point at which the gas stream that is not controlled under this subpart 
is introduced into the combined vent stream.
    (2) Instead of measuring total organic HAP or TOC concentrations at 
the sampling site specified in Sec.  63.115(c)(1), the sampling site for 
total organic HAP or TOC concentration shall be prior to the final 
recovery device and prior to the point at which the gas stream that is 
not controlled under this subpart is introduced into the combined vent 
    (3) The efficiency of the final recovery device (determined 
according to paragraph (p)(4) of this section) shall be applied to the 
total organic HAP or TOC concentration measured at the sampling site 
described in paragraph (p)(2) of this section to determine the exit 
concentration. This exit concentration of total organic HAP or TOC shall 
then be used to perform the calculations outlined in Sec.  
63.115(d)(2)(iii) and Sec.  63.115(d)(2)(iv), for the combined vent 
stream exiting the final recovery device.
    (4) The efficiency of the final recovery device is determined by 
measuring the total organic HAP or TOC concentration using Method 18 or 
25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, at the inlet to the final recovery 
device after the introduction of any gas stream that is not controlled 
under this subpart, and at the outlet of the final recovery device.
    (q) Group 1 halogenated continuous front-end process vents described 
in either paragraph (q)(1) or (q)(2) of this section are exempt from the 
requirements to control hydrogen halides and halogens from the outlet of 
combustion devices contained in Sec.  63.113(a)(1)(ii) and Sec.  
    (1) Group 1 halogenated continuous front-end process vents at 
existing affected sources producing butyl rubber, halobutyl rubber, or 
ethylene propylene rubber using a solution process, if the conditions in 
paragraphs (q)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section are met. Group 1 
halogenated continuous front-end process vents at new affected sources 
producing butyl rubber, halobutyl rubber, or ethylene propylene rubber 
using a solution process are not exempt from Sec.  63.113(a)(1)(ii) and 
Sec.  63.113(c).
    (i) If the halogenated continuous front-end process vent stream was 
controlled by a combustion device prior to June 12, 1995; and
    (ii) If the requirements of Sec.  63.113(a)(2); Sec.  63.113(a)(3); 
Sec.  63.113(b) and the associated testing requirements in Sec.  63.116; 
or Sec.  63.11(b) and Sec.  63.504(c) are met.
    (2) Group 1 halogenated continuous front-end process vents at new 
and existing affected sources producing an elastomer using a gas-phased 
reaction process, provided that the requirements of Sec.  63.113(a)(2); 
Sec.  63.113(a)(3); Sec.  63.113(b) and the associated testing 
requirements in Sec.  63.116; or Sec.  63.11(b) and Sec.  63.504(c) are 
    (r) The compliance date for continuous front-end process vents 
subject to the provisions of this section is specified in Sec.  63.481.
    (s) Internal combustion engines. In addition to the three options 
for the control of a Group 1 continuous front-end process vent listed in 
Sec.  63.113(a)(1) through (3), an owner or operator will be permitted 
to route emissions of organic HAP to an internal combustion engine, 
provided the conditions listed in paragraphs (s)(1) through (s)(5) of 
this section are met.
    (1) The vent stream routed to the internal combustion engine shall 
not be a halogenated continuous front-end process vent stream.
    (2) The organic HAP is introduced with the primary fuel.
    (3) The internal combustion engine is operating at all times that 
organic HAP emissions are being routed to it. The owner or operator 
shall demonstrate that the internal combustion engine is operating by 
continuously monitoring the on/off status of the internal combustion 

[[Page 591]]

    (4) The owner or operator shall maintain hourly records verifying 
that the internal combustion engine was operating at all times that 
emissions were routed to it.
    (5) The owner or operator shall include in the Periodic Report a 
report of all times that the internal combustion engine was not 
operating while emissions were being routed to it.
    (6) If an internal combustion engine meeting the requirements of 
paragraphs (s)(1) through (5) of this section is used to comply with the 
provisions of Sec.  63.113(a), the internal combustion engine is exempt 
from the source testing requirements of Sec.  63.116.
    (t) When the provisions of Sec.  63.116(c)(3) and (c)(4) specify 
that Method 18, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A shall be used, Method 18 or 
Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A may be used for the purposes of 
this subpart. The use of Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A shall 
conform with the requirements in paragraphs (t)(1) and (t)(2) of this 
    (1) The organic HAP used as the calibration gas for Method 25A, 40 
CFR part 60, appendix A shall be the single organic HAP representing the 
largest percent by volume of the emissions.
    (2) The use of Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A is acceptable 
if the response from the high-level calibration gas is at least 20 times 
the standard deviation of the response from the zero calibration gas 
when the instrument is zeroed on the most sensitive scale.
    (u) In Sec.  63.116(a), instead of the reference to Sec.  63.11(b), 
the requirements in Sec.  63.504(c) shall apply.
    (v) When a combustion device is used to comply with the 20 parts per 
million by volume outlet concentration standard specified in Sec.  
63.113(a)(2), the correction to 3 percent oxygen is only required when 
supplemental combustion air is used to combust the emissions, for the 
purposes of this subpart. In addition, the correction to 3 percent 
oxygen specified in Sec.  63.116(c)(3) and (c)(3)(iii) is only required 
when supplemental combustion air is used to combust the emissions, for 
the purposes of this subpart. Finally, when a combustion device is used 
to comply with the 20 parts per million by volume outlet concentration 
standard specified in Sec.  63.113(a)(2), an owner or operator shall 
record and report the outlet concentration required in Sec.  
63.117(a)(4)(ii) and (a)(4)(iv) corrected to 3 percent oxygen when 
supplemental combustion air is used to combust the emissions, for the 
purposes of this subpart. When supplemental combustion air is not used 
to combust the emissions, an owner or operator may record and report the 
outlet concentration required in Sec.  63.117(a)(4)(ii) and (a)(4)(iv) 
on an uncorrected basis or corrected to 3 percent oxygen, for the 
purposes of this subpart.

[65 FR 38049, June 19, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 36928, July 16, 2001]