[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 31]
[Revised as of July 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR799.9539]

[Page 440-447]
                Subpart H_Health Effects Test Guidelines
Sec.  799.9539  TSCA mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test.

    (a) Scope. This section is intended to meet the testing requirements 
under section 4 of TSCA.

[[Page 441]]

    (1) The mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test is used for the 
detection of damage induced by the test substance to the chromosomes or 
the mitotic apparatus of erythroblasts by analysis of erythrocytes as 
sampled in bone marrow and/or peripheral blood cells of animals, usually 
    (2) The purpose of the micronucleus test is to identify substances 
that cause cytogenetic damage which results in the formation of 
micronuclei containing lagging chromosome fragments or whole 
    (3) When a bone marrow erythroblast develops into a polychromatic 
erythrocyte, the main nucleus is extruded; any micronucleus that has 
been formed may remain behind in the otherwise anucleated cytoplasm. 
Visualization of micronuclei is facilitated in these cells because they 
lack a main nucleus. An increase in the frequency of micronucleated 
polychromatic erythrocytes in treated animals is an indication of 
induced chromosome damage.
    (b) Source. The source material used in developing this TSCA test 
guideline is the OECD guideline 474 (February 1997). This source is 
available at the address in paragraph (g) of this section.
    (c) Definitions. The following definitions apply to this section:
    Centromere (kinetochore) is a region of a chromosome with which 
spindle fibers are associated during cell division, allowing orderly 
movement of daughter chromosomes to the poles of the daughter cells.
    Micronuclei are small nuclei, separate from and additional to the 
main nuclei of cells, produced during telophase of mitosis (meiosis) by 
lagging chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes.
    Normochromatic erythrocyte is a mature erythrocyte that lacks 
ribosomes and can be distinguished from immature, polychromatic 
erythrocytes by stains selective for ribosomes.
    Polychromatic erythrocyte is an immature erythrocyte, in an 
intermediate stage of development, that still contains ribosomes and 
therefore can be distinguished from mature, normochromatic erythrocytes 
by stains selective for ribosomes.
    (d) Initial considerations. (1) The bone marrow of rodents is 
routinely used in this test since polychromatic erythrocytes are 
produced in that tissue. The measurement of micronucleated immature 
(polychromatic) erythrocytes in peripheral blood is equally acceptable 
in any species in which the inability of the spleen to remove 
micronucleated erythrocytes has been demonstrated, or which has shown an 
adequate sensitivity to detect agents that cause structural or numerical 
chromosome aberrations. Micronuclei can be distinguished by a number of 
criteria. These include identification of the presence or absence of a 
kinetochore or centromeric DNA in the micronuclei. The frequency of 
micronucleated immature (polychromatic) erythrocytes is the principal 
endpoint. The number of mature (normochromatic) erythrocytes in the 
peripheral blood that contain micronuclei among a given number of mature 
erythrocytes can also be used as the endpoint of the assay when animals 
are treated continuously for 4 weeks or more. This mammalian in vivo 
micronucleus test is especially relevant to assessing mutagenic hazard 
in that it allows consideration of factors of in vivo metabolism, 
pharmacokinetics and DNA-repair processes although these may vary among 
species, among tissues and among genetic endpoints. An in vivo assay is 
also useful for further investigation of a mutagenic effect detected by 
an in vitro system.
    (2) If there is evidence that the test substance, or a reactive 
metabolite, will not reach the target tissue, it is not appropriate to 
use this test.
    (e) Test method--(1) Principle. Animals are exposed to the test 
substance by an appropriate route. If bone marrow is used, the animals 
are sacrificed at appropriate times after treatment, the bone marrow 
extracted, and preparations made and stained (test techniques described 
in the references under paragraphs (g)(1), (g)(2), and (g)(3) of this 
section may be used). When peripheral blood is used, the blood is 
collected at appropriate times after treatment and smear preparations 
are made and stained (the test techniques described in the references

[[Page 442]]

under paragraphs (g)(3), (g)(4), (g)(5), and (g)(6) of this section may 
be used). For studies with peripheral blood, as little time as possible 
should elapse between the last exposure and cell harvest. Preparations 
are analyzed for the presence of micronuclei.
    (2) Description--(i) Preparations--(A) Selection of animal species. 
Mice or rats are recommended if bone marrow is used, although any 
appropriate mammalian species may be used. When peripheral blood is 
used, mice are recommended. However, any appropriate mammalian species 
may be used provided it is a species in which the spleen does not remove 
micronucleated erythrocytes or a species which has shown an adequate 
sensitivity to detect agents that cause structural or numerical 
chromosome aberrations. Commonly used laboratory strains of young 
healthy animals should be employed. At the commencement of the study, 
the weight variation of animals should be minimal and not exceed 20% of the mean weight of each sex.
    (B) Housing and feeding conditions. The temperature in the 
experimental animal room should be 22 [deg]C 3 
[deg]C). Although the relative humidity should be at least 30% and 
preferably not exceed 70% other than during room cleaning, the aim 
should be 50-60%. Lighting should be artificial, the sequence being 12 
hrs light, 12 hrs dark. For feeding, conventional laboratory diets may 
be used with an unlimited supply of drinking water. The choice of diet 
may be influenced by the need to ensure a suitable admixture of a test 
substance when administered by this route. Animals may be housed 
individually, or caged in small groups of the same sex.
    (C) Preparation of the animals. Healthy young adult animals shall be 
randomly assigned to the control and treatment groups. The animals are 
identified uniquely. The animals are acclimated to the laboratory 
conditions for at least 5 days. Cages should be arranged in such a way 
that possible effects due to cage placement are minimized.
    (D) Preparation of doses. Solid test substances shall be dissolved 
or suspended in appropriate solvents or vehicles and diluted, if 
appropriate, prior to dosing of the animals. Liquid test substances may 
be dosed directly or diluted prior to dosing. Fresh preparations of the 
test substance should be employed unless stability data demonstrate the 
acceptability of storage.
    (ii) Test conditions--(A) Solvent/vehicle. The solvent/vehicle shall 
not produce toxic effects at the dose levels used, and shall not be 
suspected of chemical reaction with the test substance. If other than 
well-known solvents/vehicles are used, their inclusion should be 
supported with reference data indicating their compatibility. It is 
recommended that wherever possible, the use of an aqueous solvent/
vehicle should be considered first.
    (B) Controls. (1) Concurrent positive and negative (solvent/vehicle) 
controls shall be included for each sex in each test. Except for 
treatment with the test substance, animals in the control groups should 
be handled in an identical manner to animals of the treatment groups.
    (2) Positive controls shall produce micronuclei in vivo at exposure 
levels expected to give a detectable increase over background. Positive 
control doses should be chosen so that the effects are clear but do not 
immediately reveal the identity of the coded slides to the reader. It is 
acceptable that the positive control be administered by a route 
different from the test substance and sampled at only a single time. In 
addition, the use of chemical class-related positive control chemicals 
may be considered, when available. Examples of positive control 
substances include:

                 Chemical                              CAS No.
Ethyl methanesulphonate...................  [CAS no. 62-50-0]
Ethyl nitrosourea.........................  [CAS no. 759-73-9]
Mitomycin C...............................  [CAS no. 50-07-7]
Cyclophosphamide (monohydrate)............  [CAS no. 50-18-0]
                                            [CAS no. 6055-19-2]
Triethylenemelamine.......................  [CAS no. 51-18-3]

    (3) Negative controls, treated with solvent or vehicle alone, and 
otherwise treated in the same way as the treatment groups shall be 
included for every sampling time, unless acceptable inter-animal 
variability and frequencies of cells with micronuclei are demonstrated 
by historical control data. If single sampling is applied for negative 
controls, the most appropriate time is

[[Page 443]]

the first sampling time. In addition, untreated controls should also be 
used unless there are historical or published control data demonstrating 
that no deleterious or mutagenic effects are induced by the chosen 
    (4) If peripheral blood is used, a pre-treatment sample may also be 
acceptable as a concurrent negative control, but only in the short 
peripheral blood studies (e.g., one to three treatment(s)) when the 
resulting data are in the expected range for the historical control.
    (3) Procedure--(i) Number and sex of animals. Each treated and 
control group shall include at least 5 analyzable animals per sex 
(techniques described in the reference under paragraph (g)(7) of this 
section may be used). If at the time of the study there are data 
available from studies in the same species and using the same route of 
exposure that demonstrate that there are no substantial differences 
between sexes in toxicity, then testing in a single sex will be 
sufficient. Where human exposure to chemicals may be sex-specific, as 
for example with some pharmaceutical agents, the test should be 
performed with animals of the appropriate sex.
    (ii) Treatment schedule. (A) No standard treatment schedule (i.e. 
one, two, or more treatments at 24 h intervals) can be recommended. The 
samples from extended dose regimens are acceptable as long as a positive 
effect has been demonstrated for this study or, for a negative study, as 
long as toxicity has been demonstrated or the limit dose has been used, 
and dosing continued until the time of sampling. Test substances may 
also be administered as a split dose, i.e., two treatments on the same 
day separated by no more than a few hrs, to facilitate administering a 
large volume of material.
    (B) The test may be performed in two ways:
    (1) Animals shall be treated with the test substance once. Samples 
of bone marrow shall be taken at least twice, starting not earlier than 
24 hrs after treatment, but not extending beyond 48 hrs after treatment 
with appropriate interval(s) between samples. The use of sampling times 
earlier than 24 hrs after treatment should be justified. Samples of 
peripheral blood shall be taken at least twice, starting not earlier 
than 36 hrs after treatment, with appropriate intervals following the 
first sample, but not extending beyond 72 hrs. When a positive response 
is recognized at one sampling time, additional sampling is not required.
    (2) If two or more daily treatments are used (e.g. two or more 
treatments at 24 hr intervals), samples shall be collected once between 
18 and 24 hrs following the final treatment for the bone marrow and once 
between 36 and 48 hrs following the final treatment for the peripheral 
blood (techniques described in the reference under paragraph (g)(8) of 
this section may be used).
    (C) Other sampling times may be used in addition, when relevant.
    (iii) Dose levels. If a range finding study is performed because 
there are no suitable data available, it shall be performed in the same 
laboratory, using the same species, strain, sex, and treatment regimen 
to be used in the main study (guidance on dose setting is provided in 
the reference in paragraph (g)(9) of this section). If there is 
toxicity, three dose levels shall be used for the first sampling time. 
These dose levels shall cover a range from the maximum to little or no 
toxicity. At the later sampling time only the highest dose needs to be 
used. The highest dose is defined as the dose producing signs of 
toxicity such that higher dose levels, based on the same dosing regimen, 
would be expected to produce lethality. Substances with specific 
biological activities at low non-toxic doses (such as hormones and 
mitogens) may be exceptions to the dose-setting criteria and should be 
evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The highest dose may also be defined 
as a dose that produces some indication of toxicity in the bone marrow 
(e.g. a reduction in the proportion of immature erythrocytes among total 
erythrocytes in the bone marrow or peripheral blood).
    (iv) Limit test. If a test at one dose level of at least 2,000 mg/kg 
body weight using a single treatment, or as two treatments on the same 
day, produces no observable toxic effects, and if genotoxicity would not 
be expected based upon data from structurally related substances, then a 
full study

[[Page 444]]

using three dose levels may not be considered necessary. For studies of 
a longer duration, the limit dose is 2,000 mg/kg/body weight/day for 
treatment up to 14 days, and 1,000 mg/kg/body weight/day for treatment 
longer than 14 days. Expected human exposure may indicate the need for a 
higher dose level to be used in the limit test.
    (v) Administration of doses. The test substance is usually 
administered by gavage using a stomach tube or a suitable intubation 
cannula, or by intraperitoneal injection. Other routes of exposure may 
be acceptable where they can be justified. The maximum volume of liquid 
that can be administered by gavage or injection at one time depends on 
the size of the test animal. The volume should not exceed 2 ml/100g body 
weight. The use of volumes higher than these must be justified. Except 
for irritating or corrosive substances which will normally reveal 
exacerbated effects with higher concentrations, variability in test 
volume should be minimized by adjusting the concentration to ensure a 
constant volume at all dose levels.
    (vi) Bone marrow/blood preparation. Bone marrow cells shall be 
obtained from the femurs or tibias immediately following sacrifice. 
Cells shall be removed from femurs or tibias, prepared and stained using 
established methods. Peripheral blood is obtained from the tail vein or 
other appropriate blood vessel. Blood cells are immediately stained 
supravitally (the test techniques described in the references under 
paragraphs (g)(4), (g)(5), and (g)(6) of this section may be used) or 
smear preparations are made and then stained. The use of a DNA specific 
stain (e.g. acridine orange (techniques described in the reference under 
paragraph (g)(10) of this section may be used) or Hoechst 33258 plus 
pyronin-Y) can eliminate some of the artifacts associated with using a 
non-DNA specific stain. This advantage does not preclude the use of 
conventional stains (e.g., Giemsa). Additional systems (e.g. cellulose 
columns to remove nucleated cells (the test techniques described in the 
references under paragraph (g)(12) of this section may be used)) can 
also be used provided that these systems have been shown to adequately 
work for micronucleus preparation in the laboratory.
    (vii) Analysis. The proportion of immature among total (immature = 
mature) erythrocytes is determined for each animal by counting a total 
of at least 200 erythrocytes for bone marrow and 1,000 erythrocytes for 
peripheral blood (techniques described in the reference under paragraph 
(g)(13) of this section maybe used). All slides, including those of 
positive and negative controls, shall be independently coded before 
microscopic analysis. At least 2,000 immature erythrocytes per animal 
shall be scored for the incidence of micronucleated immature 
erythrocytes. Additional information may be obtained by scoring mature 
erythrocytes for micronuclei. When analyzing slides, the proportion of 
immature erythrocytes among total erythrocytes should not be less than 
20% of the control value. When animals are treated continuously for 4 
weeks or more, at least 2,000 mature erythrocytes per animal can also be 
scored for the incidence of micronuclei. Systems for automated analysis 
(image analysis) and cell suspensions (flow cytometry) are acceptable 
alternatives to manual evaluation if appropriately justified and 
    (f) Data and reporting--(1) Treatment of results. Individual animal 
data shall be presented in tabular form. The experimental unit is the 
animal. The number of immature erythrocytes scored, the number of 
micronucleated immature erythrocytes, and the number of immature among 
total erythrocytes shall be listed separately for each animal analyzed. 
When animals are treated continuously for 4 weeks or more, the data on 
mature erythrocytes should also be given if it is collected. The 
proportion of immature among total erythrocytes and, if considered 
applicable, the percentage of micronucleated erythrocytes shall be given 
for each animal. If there is no evidence for a difference in response 
between the sexes, the data from both sexes may be combined for 
statistical analysis.
    (2) Evaluation and interpretation of results. (i) There are several 
criteria for determining a positive result, such as a dose-related 
increase in the number of

[[Page 445]]

micronucleated cells or a clear increase in the number of micronucleated 
cells in a single dose group at a single sampling time. Biological 
relevance of the results should be considered first. Statistical methods 
may be used as an aid in evaluating the test results (the test 
techniques described in the references paragraphs (g)(14) and (g)(15) of 
this section may be used). Statistical significance should not be the 
only determining factor for a positive response. Equivocal results 
should be clarified by further testing preferably using a modification 
of experimental conditions.
    (ii) A test substance for which the results do not meet the criteria 
in paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section is considered non-mutagenic in 
this test.
    (iii) Although most experiments will give clearly positive or 
negative results, in rare cases the data set will preclude making a 
definite judgement about the activity of the test substance. Results, 
may remain equivocal or questionable regardless of the number of times 
the experiment is repeated. Positive results in the micronucleus test 
indicate that a substance induces micronuclei which are the result of 
chromosomal damage or damage to the mitotic apparatus in the 
erythroblasts of the test species. Negative results indicate that, under 
the test conditions, the test substance does not produce micronuclei in 
the immature erythrocytes of the test species.
    (iv) The likelihood that the test substance or its metabolites reach 
the general circulation or specifically the target tissue (e.g. systemic 
toxicity) should be discussed.
    (3) Test report. The test report shall include the following 
    (i) Test substance:
    (A) Identification data and CAS no., if known.
    (B) Physical nature and purity.
    (C) Physiochemical properties relevant to the conduct of the study.
    (D) Stability of the test substance, if known.
    (ii) Solvent/vehicle:
    (A) Justification for choice of vehicle.
    (B) Solubility and stability of the test substance in the solvent/
vehicle, if known.
    (iii) Test animals:
    (A) Species/strain used.
    (B) Number, age, and sex of animals.
    (C) Source, housing conditions, diet, etc.
    (D) Individual weight of the animals at the start of the test, 
including body weight range, mean and standard deviation for each group.
    (iv) Test conditions:
    (A) Positive and negative (vehicle/solvent) control data.
    (B) Data from range-finding study, if conducted.
    (C) Rationale for dose level selection.
    (D) Details of test substance preparation.
    (E) Details of the administration of the test substance.
    (F) Rationale for route of administration.
    (G) Methods for verifying that the test substance reached the 
general circulation or target tissue, if applicable.
    (H) Conversion from diet/drinking water test substance concentration 
parts per million (ppm) to the actual dose (mg/kg body weight/day), if 
    (I) Details of food and water quality.
    (J) Detailed description of treatment and sampling schedules.
    (K) Methods of slide preparation.
    (L) Methods for measurement of toxicity.
    (M) Criteria for scoring micronucleated immature erythrocytes.
    (N) Number of cells analyzed per animal.
    (O) Criteria for considering studies as positive, negative or 
    (v) Results:
    (A) Signs of toxicity.
    (B) Proportion of immature erythrocytes among total erythrocytes.
    (C) Number of micronucleated immature erythrocytes, given separately 
for each animal.
    (D) Mean = standard deviation of 
micronucleated immature erythrocytes per group.
    (E) Dose-response relationship, where possible.
    (F) Statistical analyses and method applied.
    (G) Concurrent and historical negative control data.

[[Page 446]]

    (H) Concurrent positive control data.
    (vi) Discussion of the results.
    (vii) Conclusion.
    (g) References. For additional background information on this test 
guideline, the following references should be consulted. These 
references are available for inspection at the TSCA Nonconfidential 
Information Center, Rm. NE-B607, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M 
St., SW., Washington, DC, 12 noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
except legal holidays.
    (1) Heddle, J.A. A Rapid In Vivo Test for Chromosomal Damage. 
Mutation Research. 18, 187-190 (1973).
    (2) Schmid, W. The Micronucleus Test. Mutation Research. 31, 9-15 
    (3) Mavournin, K.H., Blakey, D.H., Cimino, M.C., Salamone, M.F., and 
Heddle, J.A. The In Vivo Micronucleus Assay in Mammalian Bone Marrow and 
Peripheral Blood. A report of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
Gene-Tox Program. Mutation Research. 239, 29-80 (1990).
    (4) Hayashi, M., Morita, T., Kodama, Y., Sofuni, T., and Ishidate, 
Jr., M. The Micronucleus Assay with Mouse Peripheral Blood Reticulocytes 
Using Acridine Orange-Coated Slides. Mutation Research. 245, 245-249 
    (5) The Collaborative Study Group for the Micronucleus Test (1992). 
Micronucleus Test with Mouse Peripheral Blood Erythrocytes by Acridine 
Orange Supravital Staining: The Summary Report of the 5th Collaborative 
Study by CSGMT/JEMS. MMS. Mutation Research. 278, 83-98.
    (6) The Collaborative Study Group for the Micronucleus Test (CSGMT/
JEMMS.MMS, The Mammalian Mutagenesis Study Group of the Environmental 
Mutagen Society of Japan) Protocol recommended for the short-term mouse 
peripheral blood micronucleus test. Mutagenesis. 10, 153-159 (1995).
    (7) Hayashi, M., Tice, R.R., MacGregor, J.T., Anderson, D., Blakey, 
D.H., Kirsch-Volders, M., Oleson, Jr. F.B., Pacchierotti, F., Romagna, 
F., Shimada, H., Sutou, S., and Vannier, B. In Vivo Rodent Erythrocyte 
Micronucleus Assay. Mutation Research. 312, 293-304 (1994).
    (8) Higashikuni, N. and Sutou, S. An optimal, generalized sampling 
time of 30 =/- 6 h after double dosing in the mouse 
peripheral blood micronucleus test. Mutagenesis. 10, 313-319 (1995).
    (9) Fielder, R.J., Allen, J.A., Boobis, A.R., Botham, P.A., Doe, J., 
Esdaile, D.J., Gatehouse, D.G., Hodson-Walker, G., Morton, D.B., 
Kirkland, D. J., and Richold, M. Report of British Toxicology Society/UK 
Environmental Mutagen Society Working Group: Dose Setting in In Vivo 
Mutagenicity Assays. Mutagenesis. 7, 313-319 (1992).
    (10) Hayashi, M., Sofuni, T., and Ishidate, Jr., M. An Application 
of Acridine Orange Fluorescent Staining to the Micronucleus Test. 
Mutation Research. 120, 241-247 (1983).
    (11) MacGregor, J.T., Wehr, C.M., and Langlois, R.G. A Simple 
Fluorescent Staining Procedure for Micronuclei and RNA in Erythrocytes 
Using Hoechst 33258 and Pyronin Y. Mutation Research. 120, 269-275 
    (12) Romagna, F. and Staniforth, C.D. The automated bone marrow 
micronucleus test. Mutation Research. 213, 91-104 (1989).
    (13) Gollapudi, B. and McFadden, L.G. Sample size for the estimation 
of polychromatic to normochromatic eruthrocyte ratio in the bone marrow 
micronucleus test. Mutation Research. 347, 97-99 (1995).
    (14) Richold, M., Ashby, J., Bootman, J., Chandley, A., Gatehouse, 
D.G., and Henderson, L. Ed. Kirkland, D.J. In Vivo Cytogenetics Assays. 
Basic Mutagenicity Tests, UKEMS Recommended Procedures. UKEMS 
Subcommittee on Guidelines for Mutagenicity Testing. Report. Part I 
revised (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, 
Melbourne, Sydney, 1990) pp. 115-141.
    (15) Lovell, D.P., Anderson, D., Albanese, R., Amphlett, G.E., 
Clare, G., Ferguson, R., Richold, M., Papworth, D.G., and Savage, J.R.K. 
Ed. D.J. Kirkland. Statistical Analysis of In Vivo Cytogenetic Assays. 
Statistical Evaluation of Mutagenicity Test Data. UKEMS Sub-Committee on 
Guidelines for Mutagenicity Testing, Report, Part III. (Cambridge 
University Press, Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Sydney, 
1989) pp. 184-232.
    (16) Heddle, J.A., Salamone, M.F., Hite, M., Kirkhart, B., 
Mavournin, K., MacGregor, J.G., and Newell, G.W. The

[[Page 447]]

Induction of Micronuclei as a Measure of Genotoxicity. Mutation 
Research. 123: 61-118 (1983).
    (17) MacGregor, J.T., Heddle, J.A., Hite, M., Margolin, G.H., Ramel 
C., Salamone, M.F., Tice, R.R., and Wild, D. Guidelines for the Conduct 
of Micronucleus Assays in Mammalian Bone Marrow Erythrocytes. Mutation 
Research. 189: 103-112 (1987).
    (18) MacGregor, J.T., Wehr, C.M., Henika, P.R., and Shelby, M.E. 
(1990). The In Vivo Erythrocyte Micronucleus Test: Measurement at Steady 
State Increases Assay Efficiency and Permits Integration with Toxicity 
Studies. Fundamental Applied Toxicology. 14: 513-522.
    (19) MacGregor, J.T., Schlegel, R. Choy, W.N., and Wehr, C.M. Eds. 
Hayes, A.W., Schnell, R.C., and Miya, T.S. Micronuclei in Circulating 
Erythrocytes: A Rapid Screen for Chromosomal Damage During Routine 
Toxicity Testing in Mice. Developments in Science and Practice of 
Toxicology (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983) pp. 555-558.

[62 FR 43824, Aug. 15, 1997, as amended at 64 FR 35079, June 30, 1999]