The Honorable Peter W. Rodman
Assistant Secretary of Defense
(International Security Affairs)

Peter W. RodmanPeter W. Rodman was confirmed by the Senate on July 12, 2001, and sworn in as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs on July 16, 2001. He is a principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense on the formulation and coordination of international security strategy and policy, with responsibility for East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Persian Gulf, Africa, and Latin America.

During the Reagan and first Bush administrations, Mr. Rodman served as Director of the State Department Policy Planning Staff (1984-1986), Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (1986-1987), and Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and NSC Counselor (1987-1990). During the Nixon and Ford administrations, Mr. Rodman was a member of the NSC staff and Special Assistant to Dr. Henry Kissinger (1969-1977).

Before taking his current position, Mr. Rodman was Director of National Security Programs at The Nixon Center (1995-2001). He served on the Board of Freedom House and of the World Affairs Council of Washington, DC. He was a Senior Editor of National Review (1991-1999) and worked as a research and editorial assistant to Dr. Kissinger in the preparation of his memoirs. Mr. Rodman was also a scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and at the Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute.

He is the author of a history of the Cold War in the Third World (More Precious than Peace, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1994) and of numerous monographs and articles in scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Mr. Rodman was born on November 24, 1943, in Boston. He was educated at Harvard College (A.B. summa cum laude), Oxford University (B.A., M.A.), and Harvard Law School (J.D.). He lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife Veronique. They have two children.

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