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Tribal Compliance Assistance Center

Tribal Enterprises Topics

This section provides information on how tribes operate and maintain forestry, gaming, agriculture, tourism, and fisheries and shellfish operations. For further information, visit the National Indian Gaming Commission Web site which provides information on gaming activities on Indian lands. Also see EPA's Compliance Assistance Agriculture Sector for information on environmental impacts, relevant regulations, and other compliance assistance tools.

Forestry can be a good source of tribal income if it is managed properly.
Tourism, and in this case golf, can be a lucrative buisness for tribal communities.
Cattle, farming, and agriculture are important tribal industries.
Oil and gas sales can bring in money to a community, but also have environmental consequences.
Legal gambling takes place on some tribal reservations.
Tribal Enterprises Resources
Compliance Assistance Resources
Regulatory Requirements
Financial Resources

For related information visit EPA’s National Indian Country Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Priority site and EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program in Indian country site.

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