Grant Programs
Office of Educational Technology

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Grant Program for Statewide, Longitudinal Data Systems
The purpose of this program is to provide grants to state educational agencies to enable them to design, develop, and implement statewide, longitudinal data systems to efficiently and accurately manage, analyze, disaggregate, and use individual student data, consistent with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. The long-term goal of the program is to assist states in generating and using accurate and timely data to meet reporting requirements, support decision-making at state, district, school, and classroom levels; and facilitate research needed to eliminate achievement gaps and improve learning of all students. Priority will be given in the consideration of applications to those states that currently have the most limited ability to collect, analyze, and report individual student data.

Evaluating State Education Technology Programs
The purpose of this program is to increase the capacity of States to design, conduct, and procure high-quality evaluations of educational technology. This competition supports grants to States to: (1) Build their capacity to conduct scientifically based evaluations of educational technology interventions, by planning and conducting an experimental or quasi-experimental evaluation of a State-selected educational technology initiative; and (2) widely disseminate pertinent information, based on what is learned about the evaluation methods, practices, analyses, and instruments used, that will help other States enhance their ability to conduct similar empirical evaluations.

Enhancing Education Through Technology
The primary goal of this program is to improve student achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools through competitive and formula grants. Additional goals include helping all students become technologically literate by the end of the eighth grade and, through the integration of technology with both teacher training and curriculum development, establishing research-based instructional methods that can be widely implemented.

Star Schools
Supports projects that utilize distance-learning technology to provide instructional programs to students and professional development to teachers in underserved populations.

Assistive Technology
Supports consumer-driven state projects to improve access to assistive technology devices and services. The goal is to eliminate programmatic, policy, and other barriers that keep persons with disabilities from enjoying the benefits or assistive technology.

Community Technology Centers (CTC)
Expands access to technology centers in low-income communities.

Ready to Teach
The Ready-To-Teach program provides grants to a nonprofit telecommunications organization or a partnership of such organizations to carry out national telecommunications-based programming to improve teaching in core curriculum areas. In addition, Digital Educational Programming Grants under this subpart support the development of educational programming that includes student assessment tools to provide feedback on student academic achievement.

Ready to Learn
The purposes of Ready-to-Learn Television are: (1) the development of educational programming for preschool and early elementary school children and their families; (2) the development of educational television programming and printed materials to increase school readiness for young children in limited English proficient households and to increase family literacy; and (3) the development of accompanying support materials and services that promote the effective use of educational television programming.

There are more Research Funding Opportunities on the IES website.

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Last Modified: 06/15/2007