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AFMLS Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, Department of Justice
BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance, Department of Justice
CBP Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CTC Counter Terrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice
DHS Department of Homeland Security
EOUSA Executive Office of United States Attorneys, Department of Justice
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Fed Federal Reserve Board
FinCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Department of the Treasury
HIDTA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
HIFCA High Intensity Money Laundering and Related Financial Crime Area
ICE Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security
INL Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of State
IRS Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury
IRS-CI Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigations, Department of the Treasury
MLCC Money Laundering Coordination Center, Department of Homeland Security
NCUA National Credit Union Administration
OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury
OCDETF Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury
OJP Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice
ONDCP Office of National Drug Control Policy
OTS Office of Thrift Supervision, Department of the Treasury
SOD Special Operations Division, Department of Justice
TFOS Terrorism Financing Operations Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation
TTIC Terrorist Threat Integration Center
USSEC United States Securities and Exchange Commission
USPIS United States Postal Inspection Service
USSS United States Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Statutes, Laws, and Reports

BSA Bank Secrecy Act
IEEPA International Emergency Economic Powers Act
INCSR International Narcotics Control Strategy Report
MLCA Money Laundering Control Act of 1986
MLSA Money Laundering Suppression Act of 1994

Organizations and Related Terms

ABA American Bankers Association
AMEX/ASE American Stock Exchange
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
APG Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering
BSAAG Bank Secrecy Act Advisory Group
CHFI Committee on Hemispheric Financial Issues
FATF Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
FIU Financial Intelligence Unit
FSF Financial Stability Forum
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
GATT General Agreements on Tariffs and Trades
IBAA Independent Bankers Association of America
ILEA International Law Enforcement Academy
IFI International Financial Institution
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMM International Monetary Market
JOM Japanese Offshore Market
LIFFE London International Financial Futures Exchange
NCCT Non-Cooperative Country or Territory
NYSE New York Stock Exchange
OAS Organization of American States
OAT French government bond
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OFC Offshore Financial Center
OGBS Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors
S.W.I.F.T. Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
WB World Bank

General Terminology

ADP Automatic Data Processing
AML Anti-Money Laundering
BIN Bank Identification Number
BMPE Black Market Peso Exchange
C.F.R. Certified Federal Regulations
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
GTO Geographic Targeting Order
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MSB Money Services Businesses
PACS Patriot Act Communication System
UCC Uniform Commercial Code
UN/EDIFACT United Nations rules for EDI for administration, commerce and transport
U.S.C. United States Code

BSA Forms

CMIR Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments
CTR Currency Transaction Report
CTRC Currency Transaction Report by Casinos
CTRC-N Currency Transaction Report by Casinos - Nevada
FBAR Foreign Bank Account Report
SAR Suspicious Activity Report
SAR-C Suspicious Activity Report for Casinos and Card Clubs
SAR-SF Suspicious Activity Report by Securities and Futures Industries
SAR-MSB Suspicious Activity Report for Money Services Businesses