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Financial Literacy Research Applications

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has issued a request for applications for a Financial Literacy Research Consortium (FLRC). This consortium will be an innovative, non-partisan multidisciplinary research and development initiative to develop products to better inform the public about key financial literacy topics related to retirement savings and planning. SSA hopes that through FLRC, they can develop products—such as web-based tools as well as print materials—that will help foster retirement and other savings strategies at all stages of the life cycle.

In addition, as part of the FLRC, they are seeking some (but not exclusive) focus on educational products to help low- and moderate-income populations successfully plan and save for retirement and other life events, as well as products that improve understanding of SSA's programs.

FLRC will be composed of no more than two research centers. In the first year, the centers will have a combined annual budget of approximately $5 million. SSA expects to fund the centers for a period of 5 years, contingent on an annual review process and continued availability of funds.

Prospective applicants are asked to submit, preferably with an email attachment, an email, fax, postcard, or letter of intent by May 7, 2009, that includes the following:

  • The program announcement number (SSA-ORP-09-1) and title (Financial Literacy Research Consortium).
  • The name of the agency or organization that is applying.
  • The name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and fax number for the organization’s contact person.

The notice of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review process of a subsequent application. The purpose of the notice of intent is to allow SSA staff to estimate the number of independent reviewers needed and to avoid potential conflicts of interest in the review.

The notice of intent should be faxed to (202) 358-6355 or mailed to:

Social Security Administration
Office of Retirement Policy
Attn: David Rogofsky
500 E Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20254

SSA requires that applicants submit an electronic application through Grants.gov for Funding Opportunity Number SSA-ORP-09-1.

The closing date for applications is June 6, 2009.

For further details, please visit SSA's FLRC page.

If you have additional questions about FLRC, please send your questions to flrc@ssa.gov or contact Grants.gov support staff at support@grants.gov or 1-800-518-4726.

HUD's FY09 NOFA General Section Amended

The Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 General Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), originally released in the Federal Register on December 29, 2008, has been amended. Foremost among the amendments is the fact that, for the FY09 grant cycle, applicants will not be required to submit their applications electronically via Grants.gov. Further guidance on this change will be available in the individual program NOFAs forthcoming from OUP.

To read more about this and additional changes, please download the Federal Register General NOFA amendments.

Tulane University Launches Revised URAP-CD Website

With partial funding from a Universities Rebuilding America Partnerships (URAP) Community Design grant from OUP, Tulane University's School of Architecture (TUSA) has made significant advances in developing and implementing its URBANbuild program, an outreach community design and construction program, as a center for post-Katrina reconstruction efforts in the greater New Orleans area.

TUSA is pleased, therefore, to announce it has launched its redesigned project website, URBANbuild | designBUILD. The website and the work highlighted therein represents the combined efforts of many students, staff, and faculty.

Last updated: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 Back to Top Link: Back to Top
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