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UPenn COPC Center Director and Professor Co-Author Book

Francis Johnston, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and Ira Harkavy, Director of UPenn's Netter Center for Community Partnerships, have co-authored The Obesity Culture: Strategies for Change, Public Health and University-Community Partnerships.

Work on community health and nutrition has been a major part of the Netter Center's university-assisted community schools efforts since the early 1990s. Frank Johnston has been the key faculty member working on these programs.

The following is the publication announcement on the book from the publisher:

Rampant in the consumer economy, and coexisting alongside poverty in developing countries, obesity is a global burden. It is also a public health problem that affects advantaged and disadvantaged communities with maximum penalties for the poor. The roots are found within an obesogenic culture and they grow from preconception and through into childhood. The personal and social price is economic, psychological and physical such that obesity becomes an indicator of a culture gone wrong.

Francis E. Johnston, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, and Ira Harkavy, Director of the Barbara and Edward Netter Center for Community Partnerships, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, combine to suggest strategies for change based on community schools and university partnerships. They draw on experience at Sayre School and the Agatston Nutrition Institute which have witnessed student, faculty, and community partnership at work.

Johnston and Harkavy propose that university-community partnerships are uniquely poised to break down the culture of obesity. Such partnerships benefit all: community, schools, university. There are research opportunities. There is student learning and motivation. Better community health. The obesity culture is both principled and practical as evidenced in the table of contents: 1) Introduction 2) Obesity in the 21st century 3) The burden of obesity 4) Obesity as ill-defined problem 5) Patterns and paradoxes of the obesity culture 6) The power of partnerships: universities schools and communities 7) The Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative 8) The Sayre High School-Penn University assisted community school initiative 9) On societies, mirrors and obesity.

The publication date for this book is March 31, 2009. To reserve copies, please visit the Enfield Publishing and Distribution Company online order form or call toll-free 1-888-216-7611.

University of North Carolina Wilmington Helps Tackle Obesity

In 2004, a number of community nonprofits and health-related service providers in Southeastern North Carolina recognized that obesity was a significant health threat and something needed to be done. Acting independently of each other, they wrote grant proposals to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation and the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Foundation, both of which fund health care initiatives.

In the meantime, under the leadership of Steve Demski, vice chancellor for public service and continuing studies, a group of UNCW faculty and staff began meeting to see how UNCW could address obesity concerns in the area, building on existing faculty research strengths related to obesity and healthy living.
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Grand Opening of AHC Atkinson Lifelong Learning Center

Allan Hancock College and the City of Santa Maria, California, will host an open house to celebrate the opening of the Allan Hancock College Atkinson Lifelong Learning Center on Friday, August 18, 2006. The center is a partnership project between Allan Hancock College and Santa Maria, and funded in part through a $600,000 Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) grant from HUD's Office of University Partnerships.
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New Office at OJC Offers Assistance to Nonprofits With Grant Writing

A new office designed to help area nonprofit organizations in their quest to secure grant funding has officially opened at Otero Junior College (OJC). The Grant Resource Office, located inside the Southeastern Colorado Resource Enterprise (SCORE) Center, was funded through the HUD Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) grant received by OJC in 2004.
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SCORE Center Opens at OJC

The Southeast Colorado Resource Enterprise (SCORE) Center, a one-stop facility that was built to meet the needs of economic development, business, housing, and nonprofit organizations in the region, has officially opened on the Otero Junior College(OJC) campus.
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Cornell Students Help Develop an Exhibit and a Play That Celebrate Southside Neighborhood Life

To celebrate the diverse history of the Southside neighborhood of Ithaca, the Cornell-Ithaca Partnership (C-IP) will sponsor a free exhibit and public reading from a new play as part of its neighborhood history initiative.
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University of Alaska at Anchorage COPC Upgrades Local Computer Lab

As part of the infrastructure component of their Community Outreach Partnership Center (COPC) program, the University of Alaska at Anchorage worked with a local organization, the Anchorage Literacy Project, to upgrade their computer lab.
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Last updated: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 Back to Top Link: Back to Top
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