Division of Conservation Planning
Midwest Region
Map shows Midwest Region states: Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin Planning Activities in Minnesota Planning Activities in Wisconsin Planning Activities in Wisconsin Planning Activities in Michigan Planning Activities in Iowa Planning Activities in Illinois Planning Activities in Missouri Planning Activities in Indiana Planning Activities in Ohio

Click on a state to see the location of national wildlife refuges and the status of CCPs.

Comprehensive Conservation Plan Schedule

This list offers a quick overview of the Midwest Region's comprehensive conservation planning schedule. The dates are not absolute! A variety of factors are involved in determining when a Refuge begins its CCP, and changes in these factors sometimes result in a change to the schedule.



Great Lakes Islands:

Crane Meadows NWR, Minnesota

Neal Smith NWR, Iowa


Hamden Slough NWR, Minnesota

Iowa Wetland Management District, Iowa

Boyer Chutes NWR, Nebraska


Glacial Ridge NWR, Minnesota


Cypress Creek NWR, Illinois

Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR, Minnesota

Iowa River Corridor Unit of Port Louisa NWR, Iowa

Whittlesey Creek NWR, Wisconsin

Big Oaks NWR, Indiana


Union Slough NWR, Iowa

Last updated: March 10, 2009
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