Information Resources and Technology Management

GIS Related Meetings and Conferences

This list is NOT all inclusive. Items listed here are either specific to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees, or are major conferences that we are aware of and think employees may benefit from attending. If anyone is aware of regional meetings or conferences that may also be of benefit, please notify Chris Lett at the e-mail address below.

American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ASPRS), 2009 Conference, March 8 - 13, 2009. Baltimore, MD. Information is posted at

2009 ESRI User's Conference, July 13–17, 2009 , San Diego, California. For information visit the ESRI Events Page at

2009 URISA Annual Conference, September 29 - October 2, 2009, Anaheim, CA - Information will be posted at

GIS Day 2009, November 18, 2008. Information can be found at

URISA Meetings and Conferences - A large list of information on other GIS related meetings and conferences can be found at the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association site, (

American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Conferences

Geospatial Information Technology Industry Conferences and Events

Information on past Conferences -

2008 URISA Annual Conference, October 7-10, 2008 New Orleans - Information is posted at

GIS Day 2008, November 19, 2008. Information can be found at

2008 ESRI User's Conference, August 4 - 8, 2008, San Diego, California.

GeoWeb 2006, July 24 - 28, 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia. Podcasts are available from GeoWeb 2006 keynoters.

2007 ESRI Federal User Conference, January 9–11, 2007 Washington Convention Center Washington, D.C. Information can be found at

2007 ESRI User's Conference, June 18-22, 2007, San Diego, California. For information visit the ESRI Events Page at

2007 URISA Annual Conference, August 20-23, 2007: Washington, DC - Information will be posted at


Last updated: January 28, 2009