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OSWER's Tribal Programs: Past Highlights

In 2008, EPA requested proposals to support a tribal co-regulator framework and hazardous substance research. EPA solicited proposals for work supporting the formulation of federal/tribal environmental policies.

The Eighth National Tribal Conference on Environmental Management Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer was held in Billings, MT, June 24th through June 26th, 2008. Presentation materials from the conference sessions are now available on the conference home page.

Working Effectively with Tribal Governments Training is now available online. This training is designed to provide federal employees with skills and training that will allow them to work more effectively with tribal governments.

Visit the new Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) Tribal Web Site.

The Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) released Amendments to the Superfund Hazard Ranking System (HRS) Guidance (PDF) (21 pp, 628K, About PDF) Incorporating Native American Traditional Lifeways in March 2007.

Read the latest version of EPA’s Tribal Waste Journal (PDF). (24pp, 747K, About PDF) In this issue:  Building a Low Cost C&D Landfill, Salvaging C&D Materials Responsibly, Innovative Ways to Reduce Illegal C&D Dumping.

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