Search Criteria   

NHTSA is authorized by Congress (Volume 489, United States Code Chapter 301 Motor Vehicle Safety, Section 30166, 30168 and Volume 23 , Section 403) to collect information on motor vehicle crashes to aid in the development, implementation and evaluation of motor vehicle and highway safety countermeasures. The law requires the Agency to protect the privacy of individuals involved in crashes investigated. Agency procedure for release, accuracy and security of research data collected under the NASS program prohibit the dissemination of any information collected, assembled, derived or computed until all conditions of data gathering and reporting, case completeness, quality control and privacy have been completed. The cases available through the NASS web query system have met these conditions.

Select a Single Case
Case ID:   
Case Year: - PSU: - Number:   
Select From a List of Cases Based on Criteria Below Criteria Below
Crash Criteria Items Critical Reason
Mortality/Injury Severity: Medium/Heavy Trucks:
Crash Type: Other Vehicles:
Crash Date:
Number of Vehicles:
Overview Factors
Medium/Heavy Trucks Other Vehicles
Vehicle Criteria Vehicle Damage
Make: Primary:
Model: Secondary:
Start Model Year:
End Model Year:
Body Type: PDOF: to degrees
Cargo Body Type: Delta V: to
Barrier Equivalent Speed: to
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