USDA Forest Service

Fremont-Winema National Forests

Acquisition Management (Central Oregon Website)
RAC (Resource Advisory Committee)
Evaluate Our Service

Fremont-Winema National Forests

1301 South G Street
Lakeview, OR 97630

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Recreation Facilities Analysis

What is RFA?

The Fremont-Winema National Forests are committed to responsibly serve the public by efficiently operating and, when necessary, modifying the services to ensure recreation sites are managed to standard and provide the right opportunities in the right places.

As demographics change and new challenges are presented, it is the Forest’s responsibility to respond and ensure the appropriate recreation services and facilities are available to the public. In an effort to meet the current growing and changing demands of the visitors and provide healthy, safe and well-maintained recreation opportunities, the Forest conducted a Recreation Facilities Analysis (RFA).

RFA is an analysis process developed nationally to help forests align their developed recreation sites with the unique characteristics of the forest, projected recreation demand, visitor expectations and revenue. It is the first consistent analytical process that allows National Forests to know what running a recreation site costs, the relative importance of that site and its condition. RFA is driven by the following strategic goals:

  • Focus resources on the most appropriate recreation opportunities to meet changing public desires and demands.
  • Maintain or enhance visitor satisfaction with the sites and services provided.
  • Meet quality health and safety standards at all developed recreation sites.
  • Be financially sustainable.
  • Be environmentally sound.
  • Maintain community sustainability.

What is the Five-year Proposed of Work?

RFA guided the Forest through evaluation of 85 developed recreation sites, including campgrounds, picnic areas, trailheads, Sno-Parks, horse camps, cabin/lookouts, boat/swim/fish areas and interpretative and observation sites. This study considered alignment with the recreation niche, financial efficiency and environmental and community stability. Through the RFA process, the Forest drafted a “program of work” outlining the proposed management of these sites over the next five years.

Many of the facilities on the Forest were built 30-60 years ago. Some have reached the end of their useful life. Other facilities receive little or no use, and no longer serve the demand that existed in years past. The fundamental premise of the program of work is to create an inventory which is sustainable and flexible enough to be annually adapted to any changes in demand, available resources and opportunities. Therefore, the program of work can be updated should the Forest have a need to re-evaluate its recreation program.

Planned Actions Include:

The program of work is a living document, in that it can be updated as needed. The following is a summary of the management actions defined in the program of work:

  • Major facility replacement at 18 developed recreation sites.
  • Facility improvements at 17 developed recreation sites.
  • Restore the Fremont Point recreation cabin.
  • Reduce deferred maintenance backlog of approximately $1,966,000.
  • Increase fees at eight developed recreation sites.
  • Start charging fees at 10 developed recreation sites.
  • Partially remove or reduce services at 10 developed recreation sites.
  • Convert two developed recreation sites into dispersed recreation spots.
  • No additional facilities proposed for concessionaire operation

A complete list of actions for all 85 developed recreation sites is provided: Five-year Program of Work

USDA Forest Service - Fremont-Winema NF's
Last Modified: Thursday, 06 November 2008 at 14:16:50 EST

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