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First Lady Speaks Up for Military Families

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Shark Video Triggers Some Backlash

You've probably seen them by now: stunning images of a spear-fisherman battling a shark in the Gulf of Mexico. The photos and video became an online sensation this week, but not everyone liked what they saw. The underwater fight resulted in the shark's death -- a killing that some viewers say was unjustified. The CNN video below explores the controversy. Go inside for photos and more details.
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Day Care Mistakenly Gives Kids Car Fluid

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Arkansas Children's Hospital
Ten children, ages 2 to 7, are being monitored after a daycare worker in Little Rock accidentally gives the children windshield wiper fluid instead of Kool-Aid. One child remains hospitalized. The chemicals in the fluid can cause blindness.
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Used Couch Comes with Stowaway Cat

A couple gets more than they bargain for when they buy a used couch. For days they hear a mewing, but can't find the source -- until one night when Chris Lund sits down and feels something move inside the furniture. The couple takes the 9-year-old female stowaway to a local animal shelter.
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Steele Under Fire for Abortion Comment

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Michael Steele
Facing the ire of his fellow Republicans, GOP Chairman Michael Steele attempts to backpedal from remarks he made to GQ magazine calling abortion "an individual choice." Steele releases a statement declaring himself pro-life, but some prominent Republican leaders say the damage is done.
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Suicide Note Barred From Anthony Trial

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A judge in Florida agrees to block the release of a suicide note written by the grandfather of murdered toddler Caylee Anthony. George Anthony, left, was put under suicide watch in January after leaving a note saying that he wanted to end his life. Caylee's mother has been charged with her daughter's murder.
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Economists Give Obama Low Marks

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NewsmakersHoward K. Stern, Anna Nicole Smith's lawyer and ex-boyfriend, faces drug charges in her 2007 death.1 of 8

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Top News PhotosElizabeth Dalziel, AP

Delegates to China's National People's Congress vote during the last day of the annual session Friday in Beijing. Click through the gallery to vote on your favorite photos.

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