Vocational Education--Basic Grants to States

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Program at a Glance
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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

Program Office: Grants and Programs for Career and Technical Education/Community Colleges

CFDA Number: 84.048A
Program Type: Formula Grants


Federal funds are made available to develop more fully the academic and career and technical skills of secondary and postsecondary students who elect to enroll in career and technical programs. In accordance with the statute, at least 85 percent of the funds are allocated to eligible local recipients.


This program provides states with support for state leadership activities, administration of the state plan for vocational and technical education, and subgrants to eligible recipients to improve vocational and technical education programs. To be eligible for a subgrant, an eligible recipient must operate a vocational and technical education program that:

  • Strengthens the academic, vocational, and technical skills of students participating in vocational and technical education programs, achieved by integrating core academic subjects into vocational and technical education programs through a coherent sequence of courses;

  • Provides students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry;

  • Develops, improves, or expands the use of technology in vocational and technical education;

  • Provides professional development programs to teachers, counselors, and administrators;

  • Develops and implements evaluations of the vocational and technical education programs carried out with funds under the Perkins Act, including an assessment of how the needs of special populations are being met;

  • Initiates, improves, expands, and modernizes quality vocational and technical education programs;

  • Provides services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective; and

  • Links secondary vocational and technical education, including Tech-Prep programs, with postsecondary vocational and technical education programs.

  • Perkins IV Programs of Study: State by State Reviews, Program Year 2007-2008 download files MS Word (501K) PDF (454K)

Additional Information

State grants help State and local schools offer programs to develop the academic, vocational and technical skills of students in high schools, community colleges, and regional technical centers. Funds from this program can be used for a broad range of programs, services, and activities designed to improve career–technical education programs and ensure access to students who are members of populations with special needs.

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Last Modified: 09/17/2008