United States Forest Service.

Pacific Southwest Region
1323 Club Drive
Vallejo, CA 94592
TTY: 707.562.9240
FAX: 707.562.9130

California Recreation Resource Advisory Committee


A photograph of a fire lookout in the moon light. Credit: B. Douglas Jensen, August 10, 2005.

Fire lookout available for public rental on the Tahoe National Forest.

The California Recreation Resource Advisory Committee (RRAC) is a citizen's Federal Advisory Committee that provides recommendations on creating new or changing existing recreation fees managed by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management in California.

The California RRAC is comprised of 11 members as authorized under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, which was signed in to law in December, 2004.

Recommendations from the California Recreation RAC are combined with other public notification and communication efforts to help the Forest Service make sound decisions regarding recreation fees.

Recreation RAC Members & Roles

Marlene Finley
Designated Federal Official
Mike Pool
BLM Ex Officio

Category 1

Five people who represent recreation users and that include, as appropriate, winter motorized recreation, winter non-motorized recreation, summer motorized recreation, summer non-motorized recreation, hunting and fishing.

Monte Hendricks
Winter Non-motorized Recreation
Donald Klusman
Summer Motorized Recreation
Christine Oberti
Winter Motorized Recreation
Linda McMillan
Summer Non-motorized Recreation
Richard Dasmann
Hunting and Fishing

Category 2

Three people who represent, as appropriate, motorized outfitters and guides, non-motorized outfitters and guides, local environmental groups.

Nathan Rangel
Non-Motorized Outfitters and Guides
Paul McFarland
Local Environmental Groups
Patricia Gatz
Local Environmental Groups

Category 3

Three people who are, state toursim official representing the state, representing the prespective of Indian Tribes, a representative of affected local government interests.

Bob Warren
State Tourism
Charles Wilson
Danna Stroud
Local Government

Seeking RRAC Members

Date for applications has been extended to May 15, 2009:

Meeting Notices

The next Recreation RAC meeting will be held May 13, 2009 at the Region 5 Regional Office in Vallejo, CA.

Meetings and Documents:


For more information about the recreation fees on Federal Lands in California

For more information about Recreation RACs

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Three photographs of outdoor recreational and forest scenery that display like postcards.