United States Forest Service.

Pacific Southwest Region
1323 Club Drive
Vallejo, CA 94592
TTY: 707.562.9240
FAX: 707.562.9130

Regional Noxious Weed Management

A photograph of Yellow starthistle by Charles Turner, USDA ARS, that is estimated to cover over 12 million acres in California.

Yellow starthistle

The spread of invasive weeds in the Pacific Southwest Region (Region 5) is threatening the ecosystem health of our Forest and rangeland ecosystems. The spread of noxious weeds and nonnative invasive plant species reduces biological diversity, impacts threatened and endangered species, wildlife habitat, modifies vegetative structure and species composition, changes fire and nutrient cycles, and degrades soil structure.

In response to national direction and regional needs, the region has developed this Noxious Weed Management Strategy and Action Plan. Tiered to the national strategy, the Regional strategy emphasizes actions necessary to: promote the overall management of noxious weeds; to prevent the spread of weeds; control existing stands of weed infestations; promote the integration of weed issues into all Forest Service (FS) activities.

Noxious Weed Management Strategy and Action Plan