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Weatherization Assistance Program

3 Decades of Service to Low-Income Families

Photo of a mother with two daughters.

Weatherization permanently reduces the energy bills of low-income clients like this family in Mount Vernon, Arizona thereby freeing up these dollars for other, more important investments in their families' future.
Credit: Skagit Valley Herald

The Weatherization Assistance Program provides weatherization services free of charge to approximately 100,000 low-income households every year. Every county and Native American tribe in the country is included in this program. In operation since 1976, the Weatherization Assistance Program is the longest-lived and largest energy efficiency program in our nation's history and is one of the few government activities that saves more money than it costs.

Weatherization provides energy efficiency services that are tailored to each house and are designed for maximum cost savings. Families receiving weatherization services see their annual energy bills reduced by an average of about $350, depending on fuel prices. Because the energy retrofits that make up weatherization services are long lived, the savings add up over time to substantial benefits for weatherization clients and their communities, and the nation as a whole.