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Legal Links

The Supreme Court of the United States.

Thomas, the Library of Congress site, is recognized as one the best sources for federal legal information on the Internet. Provided as a public service, this site includes the full text of bills, amendments, federal regulations, historical documents, treaties and federal law. Many links are available to other government agencies, members of Congress, law schools, Supreme Court decisions and federal courts on the Internet.

FedLaw is provided by the General Services Administration (GSA), which maintains hypertext links to legal research sites. Included are links to the U.S.Code, Federal Regulations, links to the federal courts, legislation in Congress, and state laws. Under General Research and Reference are links to many Internet resources. Links are checked and updated monthly.

The Legal Information Institute at Cornell University and Project Hermes (provided by the United States Supreme Court) provide full-text digital copies of U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the same day as opinions are released by the Court. Decisions from 1990 to the present are available and searchable by the parties involved, as well as links to decisions from 1937-75 (FedWorld) and 300 selected historic decisions. Also available are links to all 13 of the U.S. Courts of Appeals and links to all 50 state supreme courts. Background articles are available online on Understanding the Federal Courts, copyright, administrative law and patents. Cornell also has a gopher menu linking information to resources available there, which is linked to this web site.

The American Bar Association's site provides information on this national organization of attorneys for it's members and the public. A Lawyer Referral Service, publications, legal products, services, legal links under "Lawlink," federal and state government information, courts, legal associations on the Internet, legal indexes, International law sites and Internet guides are available.

The State Bar Association of Michigan provides links to the Michigan Supreme Court and Michigan Court of Appeals decisions, specialized sections of the bar association, a legal gateway, committee information, news, meetings and event schedules, a marketplace, legal resources, a desktop directory of members, publications and links to related legal sites.

The Grand Rapids Bar Association provides a Lawyer Referral Service, links to local, state and federal courts, bar associations, legal search engines and a listing of GRBA Library "Internet Favorites."

Any cases appealed from U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids go to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Pacer system tracks cases before the various federal courts, but does involve fees.

The United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan provides access to case and court information, employment opportunities, jury information, local rules, maps to the Federal Courthouse, a telephone book, public access, rates and fees, attorney admission information, arbitrator, mediator and Pro Bono lists, forms, links to reports, standard civil jury instructions and links to legal information sites. Access to the Pacer system, which tracks cases in the federal court system, is available. This is a subscription service, with costs incurred while connected to the system.

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Michigan provides court news, hours of operation, courtroom locations, a court telephone directory, fee schedule, Chapters 7 and 13 Trustees, job announcements, a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section and access to Pacer (the searchable subscription service). A listing of the Local Rules, 1999 and 2000 Court Calendars, Motion Day Calendars, unclaimed funds and links are available as well.

The Federal Public Defenders Office, Western District of Michigan. The Federal Public Defender represents clients in Western Michigan, whom are appointed by the United States Courts.  Federal Public Defender clients are represented by Assistant Federal Defenders and Panel Attorneys. The Federal Public Defenders Office website is located at:

The Michigan Attorney General's Office provides information on AG Opinions, consumer and business legal issues, women/children issues, FOIA/Open Meetings laws, senior citizen legal information, press releases, environmental information, healthcare/insurance information, charities, crime and victim information.

The Michigan Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council (PACC) provides information on all the prosecutors in Michigan, local, state and federal, with a map for each of the counties in Michigan.

The full text of the Michigan Compiled Laws located at the Michigan Legislature Website. State bills by number, Michigan House and Senate schedules, proposed laws, the Michigan Manual, "How a Bill Becomes a Law," "A Citizen's Guide to State Government" and links to the Michigan Administrative Code, the Michigan Electronic Library and the Library of Michigan are provided at this site.

General Links

The Michigan Electronic Library (MEL) is a site prepared and compiled by librarians in Michigan. Sites have been reviewed for their authority, accuracy, currency and reliability. To locate information on international, federal, state and local governments, select Government, Politics and Law, then the level of government needed.

The Kent County site provides information for tourists, visitors and residents on this, "the fourth largest population center in the state of Michigan."

Grand Rapids, MI. The Western District's Headquarters, is located in Grand Rapids, which is also the county seat. Branch offices include Marquette, MI in the Upper Peninsula and Lansing, MI, the state capitol. The office presently has an office in Kalamazoo, MI which is not staffed. provides links to Federal and State government web sites, abbreviations, acronyms, government statistics and forms.



We provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this data. These listings contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations, and some of the information may be copyrighted with restrictions on reuse. The U.S. Attorney's Office and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, completeness, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials. Links to external servers do not imply any official DOJ endorsement of the opinions or ideas expressed therein, or guarantee the validity or importance of the information provided. Much legal information is always changing so before using any of the materials in a real-life situation, check its accuracy with some authoritative source and, if it's important, double-check it.

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This web page last updated on: January 08, 2008