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Administrative Division

The mission of the Administrative Division is to provide consistent and effective administrative services and support to the employees and programs of the United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Michigan.

The Administrative Division is responsible for planning and executing a comprehensive range of administrative services which support office operations. In the areas of human resources management, financial management, systems and information management, and office services, the support provided by the Administrative Division is critical to the effective and efficient operations of our office. The Division is managed by the Administrative Officer (AO) who is the principal advisor to the United States Attorney and the District on administration. As the principal advisor to the District on administration, the AO provides guidance on the management and use of the District's financial, human, and physical resources, and on administrative policies, procedures, and practices. The Administrative Officer supervises a support staff of twelve employees in the following program areas:

Personnel Management & Human Resources

The Personnel Unit provides human resource support for the office by recruiting and hiring a productive work force reflective of the nation's diversity. The goal is to administer and implement fair and effective policies in all personnel management programs including hiring, job classification, advancement opportunities, salary and benefit administration, and employee relations. In serving all of its constituencies including employees, managers, job applicants, and the general public, the Human Resources Staff endeavors to consistently provide accurate, timely and helpful information and assistance. The Unit consists of the Human Resources Officer and an Assistant.

Financial Management

The Financial Management Unit is responsible for the formulation, execution, and monitoring of the office budgets. This includes the prompt payment of vendor invoices and travel reimbursements, as well as the documentation that supports all expenditures of office funds. The Unit ensures that proper management controls are in place over the expenditure of all funds and provides management with periodic reports on the allocation of resources and status of funds. The Financial Unit consists of the Budget Officer and Budget Analyst.

Systems and Information Technology Management

The Systems and Information Technology Management Unit is responsible for computer support functions in the headquarters office, two staffed branch offices and one office which is not staffed. Communications and case management support are provided through a networked computer system consisting of the Lions / Alcatraz case management tracking system and the Consolidated Debt Collection System (CDCS), which is used in supporting the Financial Litigation Unit. Functions offered through the network include word processing, electronic mail and file transfer, access to on-line legal services (Westlaw, LEXIS/NEXIS, etc), the Internet, and other internal and external databases. The offices in Grand Rapids, Marquette, and Lansing have video conferencing facilities and conduct meetings, interviews, and training between offices and other sites which are maintained by the Systems and Information Management Staff.

The Systems and Information Technology Management Unit consists of the Systems Manager, an Assistant Systems Manager, a Litigation Support Coordinator and a part time college Student / Intern, which is currently vacant. The Systems Manager is responsible for all information technology, communication, and data processing hardware, software, information technology training, information security, external and internal district information web sites, as well as the day to day management of the Systems and Information Technology Management Unit. The Assistant Systems Manager is responsible for all case management systems, video teleconferencing systems, satellite communication systems, and performs the role of Systems Manager when the Systems Manager is absent. The Litigation Support Coordinator is responsible for all litigation support functions within the district. The litigation support functions include, but are not limited to litigation hardware and software, and litigation support training of district staff. The college Student / Intern position is a part time college student who's function is to learn systems management, case management, litigation support functions, internal web design and administration, and support the district staff in these areas when called upon.

Support Services

The Support Services Unit is responsible for all logistical operations including telephone and communications, mail services, the procurement of supplies, furniture and equipment, and property management. They also develop and maintain service contracts for office equipment, coordinate space and facility needs, and provide other support that affects the every day functioning of the office. The Support Services Unit consists of the Receptionist, Administrative Services Specialist, and Administrative Clerk.

This web page last updated on: Janaury 22, 2009