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Trading Organizations


Designated Contract Markets
Designated contract markets (DCMs) are exchanges that may list for trading futures or option contracts based on all types of commodities and that may allow access to their facilities by all types of traders, including retail customers. Some DCMs have been operating for many years as traditional futures exchanges, while others are new markets that were only recently designated as contract markets by the CFTC. CFTC staff perform regular reviews of each DCM's ongoing compliance with the required core principles called Rule Enforcement Reviews.

Derivatives Transaction Execution Facilities
Derivatives transaction execution facilities (DTEFs) are trading facilities with a lower level of regulation as they limit access (to mostly institutional or otherwise eligible traders) and/or limit the products to lower the regulatory concerns. Section 5a of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA), 7 USC 7a, provides for two types of DTEF markets:

  • Regular DTEFs (or eligible participant DTEFs) and
  • Commercial DTEFs (or eligible commercial entity DTEFs)

Exempt Markets: Exempt Boards of Trade and Exempt Commercial Markets
Exempt markets are exempted from most requirements of the Act. In order to be exempt from most CFTC regulatory oversight, the exempt market must satisfy the conditions for the exemption, including a requirement to notify the CFTC of the market’s intention to rely on the exemption. There are two types of exempt markets, both limit access, intermediation and/or products, in all cases to lower the regulatory concerns.

Exempt boards of trade (EBOTs) are markets that limit trading to transactions by eligible contract participants in a selected limited group of commodities. Section 5d of the CEA, 7 USC 7a-3, and Part 36.2 of the CFTC’s regulations, 17 CFR 36.2, contain requirements and provisions related to EBOTs.

Exempt commercial markets (ECMs) are markets that limit trading to principal-to-principal transactions between eligible commercial entities in exempt commodities. Sections 2(h)(3)-(5) of the CEA, 7 USC 2(h)(3)-(5), and Part 36.3 of the CFTC’s regulations contain requirements and provisions related to ECMs. Under Section 2(h)(4) of the CEA, an ECM is subject to antifraud and antimanipulation provisions and a requirement that, if performing a significant price discovery function, the market must provide pricing information to the public.

Last Updated: April 23, 2009