Federal Aviation Administration

Las Vegas Four Corner Post Plan - Supplemental Environmental Assessment

Updated: 6:16 pm ET November 14, 2006


Cover Letter (PDF)

Chapter One – Purpose and Need (PDF)

  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Purpose of this Supplemental Environmental Assessment
  • 1.3 Proposed Federal Action
  • 1.4 The Las Vegas Four Corner-Post Plan
  • 1.5 Purpose and Need
  • 1.6 Timeframe
  • 1.7 Agency and Public Coordination

Chapter Two – Alternatives (PDF)

  • 2.1 Modification of Air Traffic Procedures
  • 2.2 Criteria for Screening the Initial Alternatives
  • 2.3 Evaluation of the Initial Alternatives
  • 2.4 Summary of Alternatives
  • 2.5 Alternatives Carried Forward
  • 2.6 Description of the Proposed Alternatives
  • 2.7 Other Alternatives Considered but Excluded from Further Consideration

Chapter Three – Affected Environment (PDF)

  • 3.1 McCarran International Airport
  • 3.2 Study Area
  • 3.3 Climate and Topography
  • 3.4 Public Lands
  • 3.5 Biological and Natural Resources
  • 3.6 Historic, Architectural, Archeological, and Cultural Resources
  • 3.7 Land Use
  • 3.8 Governmental and Political Jurisdictions
  • 3.9 Socioeconomic Profile

Chapter Four – Environmental Consequence (PDF)

  • 4.1 Evaluation of Environmental Consequences
  • 4.2 Noise
  • 4.3 Department of Transportation Act, Section 4(f)
  • 4.4 Historic, Architectural, Archeological, and Cultural Resources
  • 4.5 Visual Impacts
  • 4.6 Cumulative Impacts

Chapter Five – List of Preparers (PDF)


Appendix A - Glossary of Terms (PDF)

Appendix B – Noise Analyses Technical Report B.1 (PDF)

  • B.1 Method Overview
  • B.2 Purpose
  • B.3 Noise Modeling and Analysis

Appendix C – Supporting Data for Analyses of Affected Environment and Air Quality Technical Report (PDF)

  • Attachment C-1 Supporting Data for the Analyses of Affected Environment
  • Attachment C-2 Air Quality Assessment Technical Report

Appendix D – Agency Coordination and Public Involvement (PDF)

Appendix E – Document Distribution List (PDF)

Appendix F - Response to Comments (PDF)


Chapter One – Purpose and Need

Chapter Three – Affected Environment

Chapter Four – Environmental Consequences

Appendix B – Noise Analysis Technical Report

Appendix C – Supporting Data for Affected Environment and Air Quality Technical Report

6:16 pm ET November 14, 2006