Federal Aviation Administration

Military Base Conversion
and Surplus Property

Updated: 4:36 pm ET August 21, 2008

« Military Airport Program

The Government can transfer surplus real and related personal property at no cost to eligible local airport sponsors for airport purposes. This property may include nonaeronautical-use property to generate revenue for airport operations, maintenance, and development.

Disposal Agencies

The FAA works with the following Federal disposal agencies:

Requirements and Application Procedures

  • Standard MAP Application (MS Word)
    Terms and conditions of transfer for airport property. Sponsors should apply to the disposal agency for the surplus property. In general, the airport sponsor receives property at no cost in exchange for using it for public airport purposes.

Contact Information

Local airport sponsors interested in surplus real and related personal property for airport use should contact the appropriate region or field offices of the disposal agencies listed above.

Once property is located, potential sponsors should contact the appropriate FAA Airports District or Regional Offices. The FAA will assist in planning for aviation reuse and determining that the property is suitable for transfer as airport property.

Once property is transferred, the FAA ensures compliance with the terms of the conveyance through the Airport Compliance Program.

4:36 pm ET August 21, 2008