Table 1-7: Characteristics of Directly Operated Motor Bus Transit in Colorado: 2000,,,,,,, ,Directional route-miles,,,,,, Transit agency,Exclusive right-of-way,Controlled right-of-way,Mixed right-of-way,,,, City of Fort Collins,0.0,0.0,144.0,,,, City of Greeley - The Bus,0.0,0.0,141.8,,,, Colorado Springs Transit,0.0,0.0,569.0,,,, Pueblo Transit,0.0,0.0,159.0,,,, Regional Transportation District,17.1,13.3,"3,034.3",,,, Total,17.1,13.3,"4,048.1",,,, "NOTES: Directional route-miles is the mileage in each direction over which public transportation vehicles travel while in revenue service. Directional route-miles are a measure of the facility or roadway, not the service carried on the facility such as the number of routes or vehicle-miles. Directional route-miles are computed with regard to direction of service, but without regard to the number of traffic lanes or rail tracks existing in the right-of-way. Exclusive right-of-way refers to lanes reserved at all times for transit use and other high occupancy vehicles (HOVs). Controlled right-of-way refers to lanes restricted for at least a portion of the day for use by transit vehicles and other HOVs. Mixed right-of-way refers to lanes used for general automobile traffic. ",,,,,,, "Directly operated transit is service provided by a public transit agency using its own employees to operate transit vehicles. Transit service purchased under contract by a public transit agency is not considered directly operated transit. ",,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, National Transit Database, Data Tables, available at as of Feb. 19, 2002.",,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,