Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 4-2: Licensed Drivers: 2004

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State Number of licensed drivers Licensed drivers per registered vehicle Resident population Driving age population (16 and over) Drivers per 1,000 total resident population Drivers per 1,000 driving age population1
Alabama 3,613,138 0.81 4,530,182 3,561,826 798 1,014
Alaska 482,532 0.74 655,435 489,770 736 985
Arizona 3,783,927 1.01 5,743,834 4,356,838 659 869
Arkansas 1,862,430 0.99 2,752,629 2,153,785 677 865
California 22,761,088 0.74 35,893,799 27,328,932 634 833
Colorado 3,205,054 1.62 4,601,403 3,549,927 697 903
Connecticut 2,694,574 0.90 3,503,604 2,761,843 769 976
Delaware 533,943 0.76 830,364 658,857 643 810
District of Columbia 349,122 1.54 553,523 454,029 631 769
Florida 13,146,357 0.89 17,397,161 13,846,842 756 949
Georgia 5,793,143 0.75 8,829,383 6,745,607 656 859
Hawaii 843,876 0.91 1,262,840 996,946 668 846
Idaho 942,983 0.71 1,393,262 1,063,668 677 887
Illinois 8,057,683 0.88 12,713,634 9,830,577 634 820
Indiana 4,521,329 0.83 6,237,569 4,814,983 725 939
Iowa 2,003,723 0.60 2,954,451 2,356,294 678 850
Kansas 1,979,746 0.85 2,735,502 2,131,732 724 929
Kentucky 2,823,454 0.86 4,145,922 3,276,725 681 862
Louisiana 3,169,627 0.86 4,515,770 3,485,524 702 909
Maine 984,829 0.94 1,317,253 1,072,816 748 918
Maryland 3,594,251 0.88 5,558,058 4,322,066 647 832
Massachusetts 4,645,857 0.86 6,416,505 5,120,379 724 907
Michigan 7,103,404 0.86 10,112,620 7,873,617 702 902
Minnesota 3,083,007 0.68 5,100,958 4,009,941 604 769
Mississippi 1,896,008 0.98 2,902,966 2,238,159 653 847
Missouri 4,047,652 0.85 5,754,618 4,533,757 703 893
Montana 712,880 0.72 926,865 746,428 769 955
Nebraska 1,315,819 0.80 1,747,214 1,363,419 753 965
Nevada 1,548,097 1.23 2,334,771 1,792,565 663 864
New Hampshire 985,775 0.85 1,299,500 1,032,902 759 954
New Jersey 5,799,532 0.96 8,698,879 6,780,438 667 855
New Mexico 1,271,365 0.85 1,903,289 1,469,874 668 865
New York 11,246,675 1.03 19,227,088 15,172,163 585 741
North Carolina 6,122,137 1.00 8,541,221 6,649,859 717 921
North Dakota 461,780 0.67 634,366 513,525 728 899
Ohio 7,675,007 0.73 11,459,011 9,004,515 670 852
Oklahoma 2,369,621 0.77 3,523,553 2,762,663 673 858
Oregon 2,625,856 0.90 3,594,586 2,840,018 731 925
Pennsylvania 8,430,142 0.87 12,406,292 9,915,414 680 850
Rhode Island 741,841 0.93 1,080,632 865,598 686 857
South Carolina 2,972,369 0.93 4,198,068 3,289,727 708 904
South Dakota 563,298 0.69 770,883 603,607 731 933
Tennessee 4,247,884 0.86 5,900,962 4,666,755 720 910
Texas 14,543,528 0.88 22,490,022 16,892,766 647 861
Utah 1,582,599 0.77 2,389,039 1,724,327 662 918
Vermont 550,462 1.08 621,394 505,030 886 1,090
Virginia 5,112,523 0.80 7,459,827 5,858,053 685 873
Washington 4,504,581 0.82 6,203,788 4,892,534 726 921
West Virginia 1,292,036 0.96 1,815,354 1,476,888 712 875
Wisconsin 3,910,188 0.84 5,509,026 4,362,246 710 896
Wyoming 380,180 0.61 506,529 404,920 751 939
United States, total 198,888,912 0.85 293,655,404 228,621,674 677 870

1 Some states report more licensed drivers than residents of driving age. This may occur for several reasons: 1) the records of expired licenses, drivers who have moved out of state, and people who have died are only periodically purged from a state's drivers license database; 2) some drivers fraudulently obtain a license in more than one state; and 3) some drivers obtain a license in a state other than that in which they are a legal resident.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2004, Washington, DC: forthcoming, table DL-1C.

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