Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-11: U.S. Surface Merchandise Imports from Canada and Mexico: 2004

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State Canada Mexico
Total (metric tons) Truck (percent) Rail (percent) Other1 (percent) Total (metric tons) Truck (percent) Rail (percent) Other1 (percent)
Alabama 1,191,626 34 66 <1 162,197 84 15 <1
Alaska 79,123 64 36 <1 4,771 70 30 0
Arizona 1,213,988 22 78 <1 2,142,613 89 11 <1
Arkansas 838,558 33 36 31 106,314 75 25 0
California 7,680,048 31 68 1 5,442,164 92 8 <1
Colorado 1,848,578 18 59 23 69,100 81 19 0
Connecticut 1,244,780 67 33 <1 270,001 56 44 <1
Delaware 600,060 37 60 4 15,199 100 <1 0
District of Columbia 48,033 67 33 0 2,879 97 3 0
Florida 2,395,798 31 69 <1 273,735 94 6 <1
Georgia 2,910,844 39 61 <1 621,568 83 17 <1
Hawaii 46,357 93 7 <1 85 79 21 0
Idaho 1,172,579 52 48 <1 10,914 81 19 0
Illinois 32,968,740 9 21 70 1,896,716 48 52 <1
Indiana 5,546,674 33 67 <1 593,377 91 9 <1
Iowa 2,188,971 34 62 4 127,071 99 1 0
Kansas 892,074 31 64 6 107,775 73 27 <1
Kentucky 2,250,171 50 50 <1 296,035 87 13 0
Louisiana 443,197 28 72 0 94,649 49 51 0
Maine 3,287,353 50 34 15 6,044 96 4 0
Maryland 1,626,760 46 54 <1 164,289 68 32 <1
Massachusetts 3,186,844 70 30 <1 57,242 86 14 <1
Michigan 15,767,469 59 32 9 3,418,845 31 69 <1
Minnesota 19,296,334 8 17 76 192,339 93 7 0
Mississippi 458,501 44 56 <1 66,554 97 3 0
Missouri 1,968,183 42 58 <1 566,634 89 11 0
Montana 10,348,008 13 7 80 2,066 61 39 0
Nebraska 654,832 38 62 <1 30,889 93 7 <1
Nevada 744,524 21 79 <1 37,232 95 5 <1
New Hampshire 1,244,106 60 40 <1 17,679 100 0 0
New Jersey 2,951,335 63 37 <1 465,486 58 42 <1
New Mexico 182,380 18 82 <1 127,744 90 10 1
New York 9,220,830 79 21 <1 554,939 87 12 0
North Carolina 2,440,580 37 62 2 564,988 87 13 <1
North Dakota 3,437,081 42 38 20 5,618 93 7 0
Ohio 17,094,182 28 19 53 697,335 90 10 <1
Oklahoma 880,854 23 76 1 136,412 83 17 0
Oregon 4,670,737 26 74 <1 367,413 98 2 0
Pennsylvania 11,563,924 38 36 25 625,044 52 48 <1
Rhode Island 279,794 85 15 <1 33,311 98 2 0
South Carolina 1,257,416 46 54 <1 137,040 81 12 8
South Dakota 490,867 57 43 0 53,273 91 9 <1
Tennessee 2,502,664 36 64 <1 589,601 85 14 2
Texas 5,771,305 26 58 16 12,191,127 75 23 2
Utah 659,576 36 62 2 30,215 83 17 <1
Vermont 1,725,189 64 36 <1 7,405 65 35 <1
Virginia 1,769,173 45 55 <1 184,167 98 2 <1
Washington 9,846,733 31 23 46 113,031 85 15 <1
West Virginia 673,145 39 61 <1 117,580 6 94 0
Wisconsin 6,667,409 23 51 26 497,046 88 12 <1
Wyoming 6,763,927 2 3 95 17,196 20 80 0
United States, total 215,034,536 31 34 35 34,318,204 75 25 1

1 Includes pipeline, mail, imports into Foreign Trade Zones, and other imports by modes not elsewhere classified.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Surface Freight Data, available at http://www.bts.gov as of Oct. 12, 2005.

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