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GSA Co-Sponsors First Annual Washington-Area Conference on Telework --Conference held on "Telework America" Day

GSA #9756

October 24, 2000
Contact: Malcolm Saldanha (202) 501-1231

Washington, DC -- The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) participated in and co-sponsored the first annual Washington Area Conference on Telework on October 24, 2000, to coincide with "Telework America" Day. Other sponsors of this event were the Washington Metropolitan Council of Governments, the International Telework Association and Council (ITAC), and the Fairfax County Government.

The conference, which took place at the Fairfax County Government Center, focused on important objectives regarding the development and promotion of telework in our area. Telework is a work arrangement in which an employee regularly works at an alternate worksite such as the employee's home, a telecommuting center (Telecenter), or other alternate worksite. A telecommuting alternate worksite is any facility, in which the employee works which saves that employee a longer commute (in terms of distance and/or time) to a main worksite.

Telework can quickly and affordably provide a solution to many of the difficult issues facing our region including traffic congestion, work-life balance, hiring and retaining a workforce, and air quality.

The conference saw the joining together of important leaders of both the public and private sectors, as both presenters and participants, with the common goal of helping to increase the number of teleworkers in the Washington Metropolitan region.

Appearing at the event was Representative Frank Wolf (R-10th VA), a long-time supporter of broadening the use of telework policies by both the public and private sectors.

Also appearing were John Edwards and Gail Martin, the President and Executive Director, respectively, of ITAC; Alice Borrelli, Director of Federal Government Affairs at AT&T; Steve Eldridge of WTOP Radio; James W. Dyke, Jr, Chairman of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Chambers, Keith Markley, President of Covad Communications; Michael Saylor, President and CEO of MicroStrategy Inc.; and David Bibb, Associate Administrator for the Office of Real Property at GSA. The Office of Real Property is charged with advocating the use of telework arrangements across the federal government.

As David J. Barram, the Administrator of GSA said: "The promotion of telework policies is a key part of the efforts of the federal government to partner with the public and private sectors to develop new strategies to protect the environment. I believe that telework arrangements can help alleviate air quality and traffic congestion problems throughout the country, especially in large metropolitan areas such as greater Washington, DC."

The conference also publicized a new basic guide on telework, which is designed to educate businesses and the general public on this issue. GSA and ITAC produced this electronic document, titled "Telework: The Future is Now". It can be accessed at the following website: