Table 2-9: Total Rail Accidents/Incidents: 2000,,, State,Accidents/ Incidents,Fatalities,Injuries Alabama,257,20,143 Alaska,89,2,82 Arizona,222,27,147 Arkansas,371,30,225 California,"1,133",101,808 Colorado,199,10,112 Connecticut,203,6,159 Delaware,59,2,47 District of Columbia,107,0,90 Florida,405,45,303 Georgia,395,23,231 Hawaii,0,0,0 Idaho,109,11,53 Illinois,"1,484",69,"1,109" Indiana,540,36,317 Iowa,367,9,211 Kansas,337,21,226 Kentucky,272,14,170 Louisiana,465,16,310 Maine,79,2,58 Maryland,173,9,103 Massachusetts,228,17,183 Michigan,434,23,300 Minnesota,431,11,303 Mississippi,250,17,120 Missouri,367,29,221 Montana,156,4,108 Nevada,40,1,25 New Hampshire,18,0,15 New Jersey,528,28,432 Nebraska,362,8,247 New Mexico,138,4,106 New York,"1,330",32,"1,168" North Carolina,243,24,121 North Dakota,122,9,82 Ohio,575,28,339 Oklahoma,231,22,124 Oregon,214,9,152 Pennsylvania,752,23,583 Rhode Island,21,1,19 South Carolina,192,20,141 South Dakota,64,3,43 Tennessee,296,15,163 Texas,"1,260",90,777 Utah,129,5,88 Vermont,29,1,22 Virginia,252,13,169 Washington,317,16,230 West Virginia,128,9,93 Wisconsin,390,20,258 Wyoming,156,2,107 United States,"16,919",937,"11,643" "NOTE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: ""Accidents/incidents"" includes all events reportable to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration under applicable regulations. These include: train accidents, reported on Form F 6180.54, comprised of collisions, derailments, and other events involving the operation of on-track equipment and causing reportable damage above an established threshold ($6,600 in 1998); highway-rail grade crossing incidents, reported on Form F 6180.57, involving impact between railroad on-track equipment and highway users at crossings; and other incidents, reported on Form F 6180.55a, involving all other reportable incidents or exposures that cause a fatality or injury to any person, or an occupational illness to a railroad employee.",,, "SOURCE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Railroad Safety Statistics Annual Report 2000, Washington, DC: 2001, table 2-11, available at as of Oct. 22, 2001.",,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,