Data for Figure 4-1: Licensed Drivers in South Carolina by Age and Sex: 2000 (thousands),,,, ,,,, Age,Male,Female,Total, 19 and under, 74 , 71 ,145, 20-24, 121 , 126 ,247, 25-29, 132 , 138 ,270, 30-34, 137 , 145 ,282, 35-39, 144 , 155 ,299, 40-44, 142 , 154 ,296, 45-49, 133 , 145 ,278, 50-54, 125 , 133 ,258, 55-59, 98 , 102 ,200, 60-64, 77 , 80 ,157, 65-69, 65 , 68 ,134, 70-74, 54 , 58 ,111, 75-79, 41 , 47 ,88, 80-84, 23 , 27 ,50 85 and over, 12 , 15 ,27 "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2000, Washington, DC: 2001.",,, ,19 AND,,,,,,,,,,,70-74,75-79,80-84,85 AND, STATE,UNDER,20-24,25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,3/,3/,3/,OVER 3/,TOTAL California,"144,819 ","247,256 ","270,155 ","281,835 ","299,014 ","295,880 ","278,052 ","258,322 ","200,055 ","157,151 ","133,810 ","111,483 ","87,666 ","50,323 ","26,732 ","2,842,553 " Males,"74,241 ","121,414 ","131,764 ","137,040 ","143,951 ","141,726 ","132,787 ","124,854 ","97,894 ","76,798 ","65,318 ","53,722 ","40,920 ","23,306 ","12,167 ","1,377,902 " Females,"70,578 ","125,842 ","138,391 ","144,795 ","155,063 ","154,154 ","145,265 ","133,468 ","102,161 ","80,353 ","68,492 ","57,761 ","46,746 ","27,017 ","14,565 ","1,464,651 " ,144.819,247.256,270.155,281.835,299.014,295.88,278.052,258.322,200.055,157.151,133.81,111.483,87.666,50.323,26.732,2842.553 ,74.241,121.414,131.764,137.04,143.951,141.726,132.787,124.854,97.894,76.798,65.318,53.722,40.92,23.306,12.167,1377.902 ,70.578,125.842,138.391,144.795,155.063,154.154,145.265,133.468,102.161,80.353,68.492,57.761,46.746,27.017,14.565,1464.651