USDA Forest Service

Forest Service logo, link to FS www USDA logo, link to USDA www  

Right arrow graphic. Rental Cabins and Lookouts
Right arrow graphic. National Forest Store
Right arrow graphic. Regional Audio / Video page
Right arrow graphic. Appeal Resolution Meeting Schedule
Right arrow graphic. Electronic Freedom of Information Act
Right arrow graphic. Forest Service Phone Directory
Right arrow graphic. Northern Region Phone Directory
Right arrow graphic. Employee Search
Right arrow graphic. Evaluate Our Service
We welcome comments on our service and your suggestions for improvement. Please let us hear from you!

  Northern Region
  Federal Building
  200 E. Broadway
  P.O. Box 7669
  Missoula, MT

  (406) 329-3511
  (406) 329-3347
  (406) 329-3510

EGov graphic logo and link. logo and link.

Graphic and link to the forest Service's Climate Change Resource Center web site. graphic logo and link.

Treesearch graphic logo and link.

Smokey Bear graphic and link to his website.
Visit Smokey Bear's own web site! It includes games, fire prevention information and archives. More information on Smokey Bear.

Current Conditions

This Symbol stands for ALERT! We endeavor to post Safety Alerts, Fires, Road Closures, Area Restrictions and Travel Advisories for your safe journey in our Northern Region Forests. Please check this area for new information. Also see our Fire Page for additional links.



Current conditions graphic. As residents and visitors enjoy summer, fire management organizations want the public to easily know what fire restrictions and closures may be in place. A new public web site,, has been created to communicate wildland fire restriction and closure information and the Northern Rockies during the 2008 wildland fire season. the Northern Rockies includes Montana, Idaho, North Dakota and Northwest South Dakota.

As weather continues to become warmer and dryer, we urge individuals to be fire safe as they work and recreate outdoors.


National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) link and logo, host of Wildfire info site.The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) posts a new Situation Report every day. This is a report that summarizes information by area on current large fires, gives an outlook for the day, provides the total number of fires and acreage burned, as well as the current number of committed resources (personnel, equipment, etc.).


For additional information link to:

Logo and link to Northern Rockies Coordination Center, Missoula, MTNorthern Rockies Coordination Center, Missoula, MT
This site is technical in nature, and has more local current fire incident information.



Weather, Smoke, and Fire images are pulled several times a day from an Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite.

Forest Service Avalanche web

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Be Informed. Planning what to do in advance is an important part of being prepared.

Some of the things you can do to prepare for the unexpected, such as making an emergency supply kit and developing a family communications plan, are the same for both a natural or man-made emergency. However, there are important differences among natural disasters that will impact the decisions you make and the actions you take. Some natural disasters are easily predicted, others happen without warning. Get a kit; Make a plan; Be informed. Visit the natural disaster planning site of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


Current weather conditions from the National Weather Service are updated frequently during the day.

Weather presented through US Forest Service sites is public domain and derived from data from the National Weather Service. The US Forest Service is not responsible for the accuracy of this data.

Use the menu below to find weather conditions for the area near one of the forests or grasslands in the Northern Region, or find an area on the National Weather Service site.



US Geological Survey (USGS) posts current information on droughts, streamflow maps,and current flows, as well as a variety of other information.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides national water and climate information. Included is information on water supply, snowpack, precipitation, and reservoir status, as well as streamflow forecasts and data.


Photograph: High Cirrus clouds.
Photograph: Clouds in the sky.


USDA Forest Service - Northern Region
Last Modified: Thursday, 30 October 2008 at 16:26:29 EDT