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Broadcast Materials and Archived Video

From this page you are able to download materials that will be used in future broadcasts such as slides, handouts etc. Archived video of prior broadcasts is also available for viewing from this page. Video Broadcasts feature streaming video through your web browser using the Macromedia Flash or Windowa Media Player. If you have trouble viewing the video please visit Macromedia.com You will exit EPA or Microsoft.com You will exit EPA and download and install the latest Flash Player plug-in or to install the latest Windows Media Player.

Video Broadcast programs have been divided into segments to accommodate file size and bandwidth. Click on "Play Video" to view each segment. Some video will begin playing in an independent pop-up browser window.


 New Emission Inventory Reporting Rule & System Broadcast, April 2, 2009
Use the 'Materials' button to obtain a copy of the slides that were used in the New Emission Inventory Reporting Rule & System Broadcast. Please return to this page where the entire program will be archived during the next 4 weeks.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
New Emission Inventory Reporting Rule & System Broadcast        
Dennis Beauregard - Air Emissions Reporting Requirements Rule Presentation Materials  
13 Pages; 65 KB
Kong Chiu - Proposed Mandatory GHG Reporting Requirements Rule Presentation Materials  
21 Pages; 547 KB


 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards Update , December 9, 2008
Use the 'Play Video' button below to view the individual video segments and the 'Materials' button to obtain a copy of the slides that were used in the 'Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards Update ' broadcast held on December 9, 2008.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards Update        
Opening thru Deidre Murphy video  
Windows Media
Play video button
Deirdre Murphy Presentation Materials  
3 Pages; 37 KB
Larry Wallace video  
Windows Media
Play video button
Larry Wallace Presentation Materials  
1 Pages; 13 KB
Lew Weinstock video  
Windows Media
Play video button
Lew Weinstock Presentation Materials  
2 Pages; 577 KB
Q & A Part 1  
Windows Media
Play video button
Q & A Part 2  
Windows Media
Play video button


 Climate and Air Quality: Applications for Air Quality Professionals, October 22, 2008
Use the 'Play Video' button below to view the individual video segments and the 'Materials' button to obtain a copy of the slides that were used in the 'Climate and Air Quality: Applications for Air Quality Professionals' broadcast held on October 22, 2008.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
Climate and Air Quality: Applications for Air Quality Professionals        
Climate and Air Quality Linkages    

Opening, Alice Gilliland and Daniel Jacob video  
Windows Media
Play video button
Alice Gilliland Presentation Materials  
5 Pages; 280 KB
Daniel Jacob Presentation Materials  
8 Pages; 244 KB
Leah Weiss video   Windows Media
Play video button
Leah Weiss Presentation Materials  
6 Pages; 322 KB
Integration Examples: Conneticut Climate Action Plan        
Gina McCarthy and Julie Rosenberg video  
Windows Media
Play video button
Gina McCarthy Presentation Materials  
19 Pages; 446 KB
Julie Rosenberg Presentation Materials  
5 Pages; 291 KB
Sustainable Skylines Initiative        
Yvonne Johnson video  
Windows Media
Play video button
Yvonne Johnson - Sustainable Skies Materials  
20 Pages; 2,347 KB
Question and Answer Panel        
Q & A Part 1 video  
Windows Media
Play video button
Q & A Part 2 video  
Windows Media
Play video button
Websites for More Information Materials  
2 Pages; 19 KB


 2008 Auto Body Area Source Rule Update & Collision Repair Campaign - Originally Aired: July 28, 2008
Use the 'Play Video' button below to view the individual video segments and the 'Materials' button to obtain a copy of the slides that were used in the 'Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards Update ' broadcast held on December 9, 2008.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
2008 Auto Body Area Source Rule Update & Collision Repair Campaign        
Opening, Penny Lassiter,
Associate Director, Sector Policies & Programs Div.
Windows Media
Play video button
Auto Body Area Source Rule
Kim Teal, Rule Writer
Windows Media
Play video button
Collision Repair Campaign
Holly Wilson, Team Leader, Collision Repair Campaign
Penny Lassiter, Closing
Windows Media
Play video button


 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards & Air Quality Index Update - April 21 , 2008 1-2 PM EDT
Use the 'Materials' button below to obtain a copy of the slides that will be used in the upcoming '2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards & Air Quality Index Update' broadcast held on April 21, 2008.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards & Air Quality Index Update April 2008      
Lydia Wegman Presentation  
26 Pages; 839 KB
Kimber Scavo Presentation  
5 Pages; 19 KB
Lew Weinstock Presentation  
10 Pages; 1,326 KB
Satellite Broadcast Part 1  
Windows Media
Satellite Broadcast Part 2  
Windows Media
Q and A Part 1  
Windows Media
Q and A Part 2  
Windows Media
Q and A Part 3  
Windows Media
Q and A Part 4  
Windows Media


 PM 2.5 Implementation Webcast - September 26, 2007
This 1 hour and 43-minute broadcast provided a general overview of PM 2.5 Implementation. State, local and Tribal air pollution agency personnel will find the presentations on these topics informative
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
PM 2.5 Implementation
Part 1
September 2007 Windows Media 00:20:30
PM 2.5 Implementation
Part 2
September 2007 Windows Media 00:21:30
PM 2.5 Implementation
Part 3
September 2007 Windows Media 00:23:04
Play video button
PM 2.5 Implementation
Part 4
September 2007 Windows Media 00:17:30
Play video button
PM 2.5 Implementation
Part 5
September 2007 Windows Media 00:20:03
Play video button


 Air Quality Data & Tools for Ozone Season & Beyond - July 2007
This 45-minute seminar's focus was on new Data and Tools for Air Quality professionals. State, local and Tribal air pollution control agencies will find these tools useful in conducting technical analyses and in communicating air quality information. In this program, EPA representatives discuss the most recent air trends data and new air quality tools.

Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
Air Quality Data & Tools for Ozone Season
Part 1
September 2007 Windows Media 00:19:31
Play video button
Air Quality Data & Tools for Ozone Season
Part 2
September 2007 Windows Media 00:12:24
Play video button


 2007 Clean Air Act Update - April 2007
During this two-hour broadcast on The 2007 Clean Air Act Update, senior EPA representatives discussed significant activities underway related to U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) programs. Jenny Noonan, Acting Director of the Office of Policy Analysis and Communications, interviewed Steve Page, Director of OAQPS, as well as senior OAQPS managers listed below. This update included topics such as the new process for reviewing the national ambient air quality standards, residual risk and area source toxics standards, air monitoring rule, mercury monitoring, air permits, multipollutant planning and analytical support, public outreach and regional haze progress. Voluntary programs such as air quality forecasting and woodstove changeouts were also highlighted.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
Clean Air Act Update
Part 1
April 2007 Windows Media 00:17:53
Play video button
Clean Air Act Update
Part 2
April 2007 Windows Media 00:19:18
Play video button
Clean Air Act Update
Part 3
April 2007 Windows Media 00:26:01
Play video button
Clean Air Act Update
Part 4
April 2007 Windows Media 00:16:11
Play video button
Clean Air Act Update
Part 5
April 2007 Windows Media 00:20:08
Play video button
Clean Air Act Update
Part 6
April 2007 Windows Media 00:19:55
Play video button


 Controlando el Asma

"Controlando los Factores de Asma" es un video que te provee información sobre:
. ¿Qué es el asma?
. ¿Qué causa un ataque de asma?
. ¿Cuáles son los factores que causan asma dentro del hogar?
. ¿Cómo controlo los factores de asma dentro del hogar?
. ¿Cuáles son los factores que causan asma fuera del hogar?


Fecha Formato

Duración (hr:min:seg)

Controlando los Factores del Asma April 2006 Windows Media 00:13:40


 Forecast earth
What you can do to protect yourself from 'Dirty Air'.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
Forecast Earth - Air Aware March 2006 Windows Media 00:20:40

Forecast Earth - Air Aware Close Captioned

March 2006 Windows Media 00:20:40


 Air Toxics Now
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
Module 1: Welcome and 'In the Air' which is a curriculum developed by Missouri Botanical Gardens Earthway center. November 2005 Windows Media 00:10:44
55 MB
Module 2: What is being done to reduce emissions from idling diesel engines using technologies such as IdleAire and ShurePower. November 2005 Windows Media 00:08:16
41 MB
Module 3: Great American Woodstove Changeout program November 2005 Windows Media 00:09:17
49 MB
Module 4: Reducing usage of burn barrels November 2005 Windows Media 00:16:48
83 MB
Module 5: One on One with Thomas Curran November 2005 Windows Media 00:08:15
43 MB

 Working Together for a Better Quality of Life and Clean Environment - Three Approaches
This segment highlights three different initiatives as examples of how to manage growth and meet the multiple goals of high quality of life, a clean environment, and sound economic development. These initiatives will feature the Sustainable Environment for Quality of Life project (SEQL), Envision Utah, and the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group (SVMG). Using integrated planning approaches, these three groups bring together elected officials, local government staff, business and industry, economic development groups, and environmental stakeholder organizations to produce viable solutions for regional growth.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
Opening remarks and Envision Utah. May 2005 Windows Media 00:19:57
73 MB
Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group (SVMG) May 2005 Windows Media 00:12:14
44 MB
Sustainable Environment for Quality of Life project (SEQL) May 2005 Windows Media 00:13:35
49 MB


 Air Toxics Now
This broadcast was developed especially for state, local, and tribal air toxics personnel to support implementation of air toxic reduction programs.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)

Clean Air Mercury Rule - Part 1
This video segment will be taking a wider view of the mercury issue and focus on the recently established Clean Air Mercury Rule. Over the course of this broadcast, we will be looking at five aspects of the Clean Air Mercury Rule: (1) An historical perspective; (2) The guiding principles; (3) Health effects; (4) Control technology; and (5) Implementation.
August 2005 Windows Media 00:26:03
70 MB
Clean Air Mercury Rule - Part 2A
This is a segment covering the Question/Answer session of the Clean Air Mercury Rule.
August 2005 Windows Media 00:21:27
57 MB
Clean Air Mercury Rule - Part 2B
This is a segment covering the Question/Answer session of the Clean Air Mercury Rule.
August 2005 Windows Media 00:16:14
43 MB

Regional Air Impact Modeling Initiative (RAIMI)
See how a state air agency applied a practical approach to assess community-level risks resulting from aggregate exposure to multiple pollutants from multiple sources.
July 2004 Flash 00:14:31
43.7 MB
Area Source Program
In-depth look at reducing air toxic emission from area sources in urban areas.
July 2004 Flash 00:00:52
14.4 MB
Final MACT Standard Effecting Industrial Boilers
July 2004 Flash 00:08:38
39.3 MB
Clean Air Excellence Awards
Looks at 2 of the 13 projects that received awards.
July 2004 Flash 00:12:56
38.9 MB

Municipal Landfill Responding to RCRA
Learn how a municipal landfill is responding to the Resource Conservation & Recovery Act. Also, explains how the landfill will comply with the Clean Air Act.
March 2004 Flash 00:09:15
31.9 MB
Mercury Pilot Project In The Everglades
Follow-up on story aired in summer of 2001, which examined the pilot project that evaluated the methods for addressing the deposition of mercury from air sources into the Everglades.
March 2004 Flash 00:06:54
25 MB
Residual Risk
Report on EPA's Residual Risk program.
March 2004 Flash 00:11:54
20 MB
Wood Products MACT
Report of final MACT standard for surface coatings of wood building products.
March 2004 Flash 00:06:30
30.8 MB
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Story highlights a number of the key air toxics activities conducted by the state of Maine.
March 2004 Flash 00:08:36
40.7 MB

Community Assessment Project
Overview of all the ongoing Community Assessment and Risk Reduction projects with an in-depth look at a study currently being conducted in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Nov 2003 Flash 00:12:56
38.9 MB
Pollution Prevention at a Coating & Laminating Facility
Report on the state of New Jersey's experience with a pollution prevention initiative.
Nov 2003 Flash 00:08:42
31.9 MB


 Understanding Air Toxics
Understanding Air Toxics provides an overview of the Air Toxics program. The web video explains concepts such as what air toxics are, major and area sources of air toxics, how air toxics are transported, and how people are exposed to air toxics.
Title Date Format Length (hr:min:sec)
Size (MB)
Understanding Air Toxics Feb 2004 Flash 00:13:47
9.1 MB

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