Earth Sciences and Resources Institute, University of South Carolina






Sponsored by: United States Department of Agriculture,
Natural Resources Conservation Services 


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Clemson Fertility Recommendations

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Software Requirements

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AFOProTM is a standalone nutrient management planning tool with optional connections to GIS (ArcMap© and ArcView©) and the NRCS’s Animal Waste Management (v 2.0.2 or higher) engineering software.  The application allows the user to plan  manure and commercial fertilizer allocation decisions in compliance with the NRCS’s 590 Standard, which requires the documentation of form, source, timing, method, and placement of nutrients.  The design of the application is open, transparent, and flexible which enables it to be adapted to specific state crop removals, nutrient risk ratings, and nitrogen accounting requirements.  Additionally, the application uses modular Phosphorus Indices, state-specific fertility recommendations and state-specific CNMP templates.


Important Note to the User:

AFOProTM relies on state-specific data in order to be used in that particular state.  The states currently supported by AFOProTM have been researched and populated with data from that state’s 590 Standard, Extension Bulletins, and Land Grant University Publications.  However, the AFOProTM design strategy requires that the state’s Natural Resources Conservation Service designate and approve a “Gatekeeper” to verify the accuracy of the data and to be responsible for updating that state’s data.  To view supported states and their "Gatekeeper" information, go to AFOProTM State-Specific Nutrient Management Reference Data

Software Requirements:

MS Access: AFOProTM requires Microsoft  Access 2000 or higher (XP)

Operating systems: Windows 2000 or XP.

Updates: Non-XP users are encouraged to run MDAC 2.7.

Download Tutorials:

AFOPro Tutorial:

AFOPro Spatial Quick Start Tutorial: 
 Note: This is for ArcView© users.  For an ArcMap© tutorial click here to connect to FACE homepage.      

  • Part 1 (Spatial Data Preparation) Non-NRCS Version

  • Part 2 (Using the Tool - Creating Spatial Database)

  • Part 3 (Import into AFOProTM Core)

Download Applications:  

AFOPro Version 2.2.1 Documentation
Download AFOPro v2.2.1 (exe) [CCE approved 12/05] AFOPro Download and Installation Process (pdf)
Download AFOPro.mde (Version 2.2.1) Installing New Version or Uninstalling AFOPro (pdf)
  Technical Description (pdf)
Supporting Files Release Notes
Download MDAC 2.7 MDAC 2.7 Download and Installation Process (pdf)

Download Modules:  

AFOPro modules are designed to work with the application seamlessly for the user.  Each type of module listed below has a command button that will call it up for use.  The application looks for the module in a specific folder and will only call up the module for the operation's state on which  you are working.  Each of the modules below will be downloaded as a self-extracting file.  Execute the file and follow the displayed instructions.  For additional information, see downloadable instructions.

PI Calculator

State Download Release Date Release Notes Download and Installation Instructions (.pdf)
Florida FL PI Calculator 8/1/2005   Instructions
Kansas KS PI Calculator 8/1/2005   Instructions
South Carolina SC PI Calculator  8/1/2005   Instructions
  SC PI Calculator Stand-Alone 1/1/2004   Instructions
Tennessee TN PI Calculator 5/14/2004   Instructions


State Fertility Recommendations

AFOPro uses a Fertility Recommendation module for state's that have requested its development.  This module is launched from within AFOPro and returns the published fertility recommendation values.  The module will solicit any additional information from the user needed to return the recommendation.  

State Download Release Date Release Notes Download and Installation Instructions
Florida FL Fertility Recommendations 8/1/2005 Crop list in module updated--7/05 Instructions
Kansas KS Fertility Recommendations 8/1/2005 First Release Instructions
Maryland MD Fertility Recommendations 2/22/2006 FIV Values Returned to AFOPro for Template Instructions
South Carolina SC Fertility Recommendations 3/17/2004 Crop list in module updated--7/05 Instructions
Tennessee TN Fertility Recommendations 1/10/2005

Update state reference data in AFOPro for module to work correctly. Crop list has been changed.--1/05


The module utilizes a flex grid control which is at times missing from the user's registry.  The following link will download a zipped file containing a batch file and msflxgrd.ocx.  This batch file will place the control in the correct location and register it for the user.  Double-click on InstallFlxGrd.bat to execute. Download

State CNMP Template

AFOPro gives each state the opportunity to have 3 distinct templates depending on that state's strategy.  Each state's template is unique with the state specifying not only the text contained in the document, but also the reports and Autotext that they contain. Template number corresponds to command button number for CNMP State Templates in AFOPro. Templates work with Microsoft Word versions 2000, 2002(XP), and 2003.

State  Download Release Date Release Notes Download and Installation Instructions*
Florida FL CNMP Template #1 7/1/2005 For use with Dairy operations Instructions
  FL CNMP Template #2 7/1/2005 For use with Poultry operations Instructions
Georgia GA CNMP Template #1 2/22/2006 For use with Poultry operations Instructions
Kansas KS CNMP Template #1 2/22/2006 For use with All Operations Instructions
Maryland MD CNMP Template #1 2/22/2006 For use with AFOPro v2.2.1 on All Operations that Land Apply Instructions
  MD CNMP Template #2 2/22/2006 For use with NO Land Application Plans Instructions
South Carolina SC CNMP Template #1   6/1/2006 New Format for use with All Operations and Version 2.2.1 Instructions
Tennessee TN CNMP Template #1 2/22/2006 For use with AFOPro v2.2.1 on All Operations that Land Apply Instructions
  TN CNMP Template #2   8/25/2006 For use with AFOPro v2.2.1 on All Operations that DO NOT Land Apply Instructions


If you have any questions, please call:

Duke Brantley at (803)-777-7600 or  email:

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Page maintained by: Mark Evans, Last update: April 10, 2008
Copy right @ 2001 University of South Carolina Board of Trustees