Charles H. Bronson, Commissioner    -    James R. Karels, Director
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Anatomy of a Prescribed Fire illustration

Natural Role of Fire

Prescribed Fire: Using Fire Wisely

Prescribed Burning Plan Form (Word, 393k)

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Prescribed Fire

Forester igniting a prescribed fire.
The Florida Division of Forestry through the Forest Protection Bureau oversees one of the most active prescribed fire programs in the country. In an average year the Division will issue 113,000 authorizations allowing people and agencies to prescribe burn their land. An average of almost 2 million acres are treated with prescribe fire each year.

Prescribed fire is one of the most versatile and cost effective tools land managers use. Prescribed fire is used to reduce hazardous fuel buildups, thus providing increased protection to people, their homes and the forest. Other uses include disease control in young pines, improving habitat for wildlife, range management, preservation of endangered plant and animal species and the maintenance of fire dependent ecosystems.

Prescribed fire in Florida is governed by Florida Statutes Chapter 590 and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 5I-2. The Administrative Code also outlines a Certified Burn Manager program which is administered by the Division of Forestry.

Part of the success of prescribed fire in Florida is the different number of user groups applying this land management tool. These user groups have formed Prescribed Fire Councils across the state to bring together the collective knowledge and skills of these groups, providing a forum for information sharing.

Prescribed fire in Florida is a very important and valuable land management tool. The Division of Forestry, in an effort to assist those carrying out prescribed burning, has developed two programs to aid prescribed burners. The first is the smoke screening tool which allows persons planning their prescribed burns to plot the burn on a map and see where the smoke from the burn is going to go and if it will impact anywhere that has been designated as a 'smoke sensitive area'. The second is the live fuel moisture readings which can help prescribed burners in their fire behavior predictions and thus better plan their burns.

Prescribed Fire and Certified Burner Training Schedule

Certified Prescribed Burn Managers (CPBM)

Division of Forestry Shield

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services