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The Congress of the United States passed the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (Act) in 2000 as Public Law 106-247-July 20, 2000. (Click here to read the Act .) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) Division of Bird Habitat Conservation (DBHC) is responsible for managing the grants program that implements the Act. Organizations applying for NMBCA grants and successful applicants must follow the guidelines given here.

An Advisory Group convened by the Secretary of the Interior makes policy recommendations. A panel of Service staff and outside experts, the Review Team, is designated annually by the FWS Director according to criteria set by the Advisory Group. This team reviews eligible project proposals and makes recommendations for funding to the FWS Director. The Director approves the projects for funding on behalf of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior. The DBHC administers the grants for all approved projects.

Funding: The grants program began supporting projects in 2002, when it received its first appropriation in the amount of $3 million. Funding for the program was $3 million in 2003, $4 million in 2004 – 2007, and will be $4.5 million in 2008.  At least 75 percent of the total funding available for grants each fiscal year is to be used to support projects outside the USA. Between 2002 and 2007, the program supported 225 projects, coordinated by partners in 44 U.S. states/territories and 34 countries. More than $21 million from NMBCA grants have leveraged about $97 million in partner contributions. Projects involving land conservation have affected about 3 million acres of bird habitat. In 2007, 37 projects were approved for funding. Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne made the announcement in May 2007 at an International Migratory Bird Day celebration event.

Collaboration: The program collaborates with national and international bird conservation initiatives, including Partners in Flight, U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan, North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI), and the U.S. Bird Conservation Joint Ventures.

/birdhabitat/Grants/NMBCA/ACT.shtm was last updated 02/20/09 09:54:21
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