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Employer Notification Service

FMCSA has found that driver convictions and disqualifications are not always reported within the timeframe required by law. In addition, since employers are required to check a driver CDL status only once per year, there can be a significant period of time between a driver conviction and his/her employer taking any necessary action. To decrease this lag in time of notification, FMCSA developed prototype software that notifies carriers when their drivers receive a conviction that affects the status of their CDL. An 18-month pilot test of the software was conducted, called the Employer Notification Service or ENS, in at least two states.

Colorado and Minnesota, were recruited to run the ENS pilot test, but substantial time was needed to integrate the system and agree on the terms of conducting the test. The pilot tests in both states began in December 2006, and the final test and evaluation reports are expected in the summer of 2009. Independent concurrent evaluations of these pilot tests will be conducted.

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