USDA Forest Service

Lewis and Clark National Forest


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  Lewis and Clark
  National Forest

  1101 15th Street N.
  Great Falls, MT 59401
  Phone: (406) 791-7700

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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.





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The USDA Forest Service offer a variety of employment opportunities (both paid and unpaid) ranging from student programs to volunteer programs, and full time employment for men and women with skills in several hundred areas. Its all here in the Forest Service employment page.

How to find a job in the forest service ?
How to apply for a job in the forest service ?
How are seasonal fire employment hire ?

As the name implies, Forest Service Fire and Aviation Management is a wide field, encompassing firefighters, fire ecologists, fuels specialists, fire managers, administrative personnel, helicopter and fixed wing pilots, aviation and ground safety professionals, radio communications and electronic technicians, dispatchers, fire prevention specialists, and communicators. Generally, the Forest Service workforce reaches its highest numbers during the peak fire season each summer. There are many kinds of schedules available to work. Some sign on for a limited number of hours during the summer - they are called seasonals. Others have permanent seasonal positions, and work 26 weeks with 26 weeks off. Others work full time, year around, but have limited appointments or a "not to exceed" time limit of one to four years. And there is a large permanent, full time workforce as well — that have chosen Forest Service Fire and Aviation Management for their career. MORE

What are the salary and benefits of the forest service employment ?

Like most federal workers, USDA Forest Service employees are paid on the General Schedule (GS) pay plan. Blue collar employees such as heavy equipment operators, are paid on the Wage Grade (WG) pay scale. Each position is assigned a grade, and pay is set between steps 1 and 10, with step 10 the highest. Employees with good performance remaining in a grade advance to higher steps over time. MORE

What is the student programs ?

The Forest Service also has many opportunities for part-time and temporary employment for high school and college students, including internships and cooperative student opportunities. Forest Service employment is an open door to the great outdoors. It's also a fulfilling way to earn money, gain work experience, do something good for the environment -- and maybe lay the foundation for a great Federal government career after graduation. MORE

What is volunteering mean in the forest service ?

Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Forest Service. The types of work a volunteer can perform are many and varied; the only tasks a volunteer cannot carry out are those associated with law enforcement. Your talents and skills are matched with your work preference to obtain a role that satisfies you and best fulfills the mission of the Forest Service/USDA. You may work on a part-time or full-time basis. You can participate in a one-time project or serve over several months, seasons, or year-round. The commitment you make is up to you. Training may be provided to you if your job requires it. If you are retired or have summers free, you may wish to live on a national forest while you work as a volunteer. College students may perform volunteer service related to their coursework for college credit. A variety of jobs are available if you prefer the office environment. There are also numerous opportunities to perform vigorous but satisfying physical labor outdoors. MORE

It takes all kinds of people, working together as a nationwide team, to accomplish all that is called for by our mission. Our mission is to achieve quality land management under the sustainable multiple-use management concept to meet the diverse needs of people. MORE

US Forest Service - Lewis and Clark National Forest
Last Modified: Thursday, 08 March 2007 at 17:22:33 EST

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