Federal Aviation Administration

General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics (GAATAA) Surveys CY2005

Updated: 1:01 pm ET March 2, 2009

Chapter I.  Historical General Aviation and
Air Taxi Activity Measures   

Table 1.1Primary Use by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 1.2Aircraft Type, 1995-2005
Table 1.3Primary Use, 1995-2005
Table 1.4Actual Use by Aircraft Type
Table 1.5Hours Flown by Aircraft Type, 1995-2005
Table 1.6Total Hours Flown by Primary Use, 1995-2005
Table 1.7Aircraft Type, 1995-2005
Table 1.8Number of Aircraft and Total Hours Flown by FAA Region and State of Based Aircraft, 2005

Chapter II.  Common General Aviation and
Air Taxi Activity Measures   

Table 2.1Population Size, Active Aircraft, Total Flight Hours and Average Flight Hours by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 2.2Population Size, Active Aircraft, Total Flight Hours and Average Flight Hours by Region of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table 2.3Population Size, Active Aircraft, Total Flight Hours and Average Flight Hours by State of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table 2.4Total Number of Landings by Region of Based Aircraft by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 2.5Population Size, Active Aircraft, Total Flight Hours and Average Flight Hours by Age of Aircraft, 2005
Table 2.6Total Hours Flown in Ranges of Hours by Age of Aircraft, 2005
Table 2.7Active Aircraft Total Flight Hours by Number of Aircraft and Total Hours Flown in Each Flight Hour Range by Aircraft Type, 2005

Chapter III.  Primary and Actual Use   

Table 3.1Number of Aircraft by Primary Use by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 3.2Hours Flown by Actual Use by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 3.3Public Use, Rental, and Fractional Ownership Hours Flown by Aircraft Type, 2005

Chapter IV.  Flying Conditions (Total Hours Flown)   

Table 4.1Day/Night by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 4.2Under VMC Conditions by Day/Night by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 4.3Under IMC Conditions by Day/Night by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 4.4Day/Night by Region of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table 4.5Under VMC Region of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table 4.6Under IMC Region of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table 4.7By Flight Plan by Aircraft Type, 2005

Chapter V.  Fuel Consumption and Average
Consumption Rate   

Table 5.1By Aircraft Type, 2005

Chapter VI.  Airframe Hours and Engine Activity   

Table 6.1Total and Average Airframe Hours Per Active Aircraft by Aircraft Type, 2005

Chapter VII.  Landing Gear System   

Table 7.1Population Size, Active Aircraft, and Total Number of Aircraft with a Fixed or Retractable Landing Gear, 2005
Table 7.2Total Annual Hours and Percent Hours Flown with a Fixed or Retractable Landing Gear System by Aircraft Type, 2005
Table 7.3Age of Aircraft with a Fixed or Retractable Landing Gear System, 2005

Chapter VIII.  Avionics   

VHF Communications Equipment by:
Table AV.1Aircraft Type, 2005
Table AV.2Primary Use, 2005
Table AV.3Region of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table AV.4State of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table AV.5Age of Aircraft, 2005
Precision Approach and Transponder Equipment by:
Table AV.6Aircraft Type, 2005
Table AV.7Primary Use, 2005
Table AV.8Region of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table AV.9State of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table AV.10Age of Aircraft, 2005
Navigation Equipment by:
Table AV.11Aircraft Type, 2005
Table AV.12Primary Use, 2005
Table AV.13Region of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table AV.14State of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table AV.15Age of Based Aircraft, 2005
Guidance and Control Equipment by:
Table AV.16Aircraft Type, 2005
Table AV.17Primary Use, 2005
Table AV.18Region of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table AV.19State of Based Aircraft, 2005
Table AV.20Age of Aircraft, 2005
Other Equipment by:
Table AV.21Aircraft Type, 2005
Table AV.22Primary Use, 2005

Appendix A - Methodology for the 2005 General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics (GAATAA) Survey   

Appendix B - Documents Used to Conduct the 2005 General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics (GAATAA) Survey   

1:01 pm ET March 2, 2009