Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2
Top 15 Countries Visited by U.S. Residents: 1999

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Ranking Country Number (thousands) Percent
1 Mexico 17,743 30
2 Canada 16,036 27
3 United Kingdom 4,129 7
4 France 2,728 5
5 Germany 1,966 3
6 Italy 1,893 3
7 Jamaica 1,499 3
8 Japan 1,254 2
9 Bahamas 1,254 2
10 Netherlands 1,032 2
11 Spain 909 2
12 Switzerland 787 1
13 Hong Kong 787 1
14 Republic of Korea 688 1
15 Republic of China (Taiwan) 590 1
15 Australia 590 1
  Top 15 total 53,295 91
  Total, all countries 58,358 100

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Tourism Industries, “U.S. Resident Travel to Overseas Countries, Historical Visitation: Outbound, 1988–1998,” and “Select Destinations Visited by U.S. Resident Travelers: 1999–1998,” available at http://tinet.ita.doc.gov, as of Sept. 11, 2000.

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