Figure 1,,, Revenue Vehicle-Miles by Urban Transit Mode: 1991–1999,,, ,,, Millions of revenue vehicle-miles,,, ,Bus,, 1991,"1,553",, 1992,"1,559",, 1993,"1,578",, 1994,"1,586",, 1995,"1,591",, 1996,"1,577",, 1997,"1,606",, 1998,"1,653",, 1999,"1,719",, Millions of revenue vehicle-miles,,, ,Demand response,Heavy rail,Commuter rail,Light rail 1991,186,508,198,27 1992,209,510,200,28 1993,243,505,203,27 1994,273,516,210,33 1995,297,522,218,34 1996,308,528,221,37 1997,350,540,230,40 1998,389,549,238,42 1999,418,561,243,47 "NOTE: Other modes, including ferryboat, trolley bus, and automated",,,, "guideway, are not shown.",,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit ",,,, "Administration, National Transit Database, Various years.",,,,