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Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science

Climate is changing

[image:] PictureGreenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) are increasing in our atmosphere at an unprecedented rate because of fossil fuel burning and global deforestation. The increase in these gases is warming our climate and impacting life on earth. ...More about climate change >>

Forests absorb carbon dioxide

[image:] PictureForests store carbon when they grow by taking up the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and using it to make leaves, wood, and roots. By increasing the storage of carbon in trees, we can reduce the impacts of CO2 in the atmosphere...More about forest carbon sequestration >>

Opportunities to make a difference

[image:] PictureThink of carbon as a new forest product. Forests are already managed for many reasons including wildlife, recreation, and timber. Carbon management provides another opportunity for forest landowners and managers to make the most of their woods. If you do not own land, there are still many ways you can help moderate rising CO2 levels...More about opportunities >>

NIACS provides information and tools

[image:] PictureNIACS develops information and provides tools to land managers, policy makers, and educators for sustainably managing carbon in northern forest ecosystems...More about information and tools >>

Last Modified: 02/09/2009

Our purpose:

NIACS Artwork

NIACS develops and delivers information for the management of carbon in northern forests…More about NIACS >>

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